当明到达旧金山后长船从中国的旅程,他的哥哥浪费时间没有警告他,“中国不应该去外面唐人街。”But Ming risks doing just that, and when he meets Patrick, he knows the young Irish boy has a kind heart, and begins a remarkable friendship that brings their two very different communities together.
而希特勒的教义推广白人至上,安德鲁的父亲,告诉他,在处理种族主义的疾病,“别生气,把聪明。”To drive home this idea, Andrew Young Senior took his family to the local movie house to see a newsreel of track star Jesse Owens racing toward Olympic gold, showing the world that the best way to promote equality is to focus on the finish line. The teaching of his parents, and Jesse Owens' example, would be the guiding principles that shaped Andrew's beliefs in nonviolence and built his foundation as a civil rights leader and advisor to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
羊头按钮,火地岛,被带到英国1800年代中期的“教育和文明”。The book illustrates Jemmy's adventures in England, his extraordinary encounters, his homesickness and experiences as an outsider in a strange land, and his return home.
一个感人的故事,三个兄弟姐妹,撤离伦敦住在乡下,寻找一个永久的家,家庭的新的意义。纽约公共图书馆的最好的书是1940年和威廉,12日,埃德蒙,11日,和安娜,9,不是非常沮丧的死亡not-so-grandmotherly祖母照顾他们,因为他们的父母去世了。但孩子们需要监护人,在第二次世界大战的黑暗时期伦敦,这些都是供不应求,特别是如果他们希望呆在一起。可以大规模战时疏散儿童从伦敦到农村是答案吗?这是一个荒谬的计划,但他们的困境,保持一个秘密,希望被放置在一个临时的家,最终永远持续。从一个钢坯,福斯特兄弟的孩子遭受残酷的诡计,冰冷的现实空旷的室外厕所和空空的肚子。但至少他们在乡村图书馆找到安慰,一个舒适的住所从日常生活的残酷,充满了喜爱的故事和诺拉·穆勒的安静的公司,图书管理员。孩子们想知道诺拉可能是家庭他们一直寻找。但战争的阴影,未知whereaouts诺拉的德国丈夫让问题变得更加复杂。一个地方挂月亮是一个关于家庭的重要性的故事:一个给你,你选择。 Filled with rich, sensory prose, allusions to classic children's stories like A Little Princess, Mary Poppins, and The Story of Ferdinand, this cozy tale with a classic feel is sure to warm your heart. An ALSC Notable Children's Book An SCBWI Crystal Kite Award Winner A Junior Library Guild Gold Standard Selection A CCBC Choice