苏菲和妈妈和爸爸和爷爷住,每天靠窗的。每天放学后,爷爷苏菲运行。“我在这里,爷爷!”"Ah, Sophie, how was your day?" As Sophie and her grandpa talk, he asks her to find items he's "lost" throughout the day, guiding Sophie on a tour through his daily life and connecting their generations.
沉闷,困在这里的天,一个哥哥和姐姐注意他们的祖母的建议:“使用那些你的美丽和聪明的头脑。抬起你的手臂,闭上眼睛,深呼吸,相信一件事。某人在某个地方你现在一样无聊。”This precious skill, their grandmother tells them, harkens back to the days long before they were born, when their ancestors showed the world the strength and resilience of their beautiful and brilliant minds.
非裔美国人的历史“合唱”覆盖了400年的历史在80年作家的声音,由畅销书作家、编辑国家图书获奖历史学家Ibram x Kendi和凯萨•李•库巴拉Keisha n .痘痘。他们聚集八十来自所有学科的黑人作家,历史学家和艺术家、记者和小说家——每个人贡献了大约有五年一个条目来创建一个动态multivoiced单册黑人在美国的历史。