在一个伟大的绿色房间,藏在床上,是一个小兔子。“晚安,晚安月亮。”And to all the familiar things in the softly lit room--to the picture of the three little bears sitting on chairs, to the clocks and his socks, to the mittens and the kittens, to everything one by one--the little bunny says goodnight.
纽约时报畅销书杰作以歌咏押韵文本和幽默的精力充沛的插图孩子精神和不拘一格,创造性思维。当孩子被绘画从天花板到地板上,妈妈说“丫不是a-gonna油漆没有更多!”But nothing will keep this artist from painting! Written to the familiar tune "It Ain't Gonna Rain No More," the text bounces alongside vibrant stylized pen-and-ink drawings, while page-turns offer up a fun read-aloud guessing game in which kids will delightfully participate. What will the child paint next? "So I take some red and I paint my . . . HEAD!"
这搞笑的新版本的儿歌“公车上的轮子”会有年轻读者errping咆哮和鸣笛。“车上的海豹”errp errp, errp“整个城镇。”Two children and their parents board a city bus on their way to a party. At the next stop, who should get on but a group of seals, who holler "errp, errp, errp" at the top of their lungs. Each time the bus stops a new kind of animal joins the passengers and adds to the din, to the children's delight and the parents' annoyance. But when several hissing skunks want to come aboard, even the children cry "help! help! help!"