一个男孩和Moshom,他的爷爷,一起去一个地方旅行的意义Moshom。trapline是人们狩猎和土地为生,Moshom长大的地方。当他们开始旅程,北部孩子反复问他的祖父,“这是你的trapline吗?”Along the way, the boy finds himself imagining what life was like two generations ago -- a life that appears to be both different from and similar to his life now.
五十个最多样化的儿童作家和插画家分享问题的答案,“在这个分裂的世界,我们告诉我们的孩子吗?”What do we tell our children when the world seems bleak, and prejudice and racism run rampant? With 96 lavishly designed pages of original art and prose, fifty diverse creators lend voice to young activists.