伽利略。牛顿。索尔克。奥本海默。科学可以改变世界。但它能走得太远吗?;11岁的埃莉从未喜欢改变。她想念五年级。她想念她的最好的朋友。 She even misses her dearly departed goldfish. Then one day a strange boy shows up. He's bossy. He's cranky. And weirdly enough . . . he looks a lot like Ellie's grandfather, a scientist who's always been slightly obsessed with immortality. Could this pimply boy really be Grandpa Melvin? Has he finally found the secret to eternal youth?
人类和动物最大的区别是能够理解的想法,“如果我做X, Y可能发生。”New Caledonian crows seem to possess the intelligence to understand this "causal" concept. Why do crows have this ability? What does the crow know and what does it tell us about brain size, the evolution of intelligence, and just who is the smartest creature on the planet?