五岁的安时他的祖父成了愤怒的问他停止玩,来到了餐桌。愤怒的祖父帮助安完全体验阶段,建议他去他的房间,“陪他的愤怒”。Anh and his anger work through feelings together with humor and honesty to find a way to constructively release their thoughts and emotions and to reach resolve with Anh's grandfather.
“好事情发生在普通分钟的一个普通的一天。”This is a book about mindfulness. About relishing the magic of the here and now. About enjoying the extraordinary unfoldings of an ordinary day. Moving from morning to night, the narrator becomes, by turns, boy or girl, of ever--changing ethnicity and ability, inhabiting city, country, or suburb. They are all children everywhere, opening themselves to the gift of time.
从前有一只狼,他失去了他气鼓鼓的人。这是一个大的,不好的问题!一天早上,狼来到和平做拜日式小瑜珈。狼想咆哮,blooow小屋分成一大堆稻草。而是修行者建议,“让我们反省!”Soon the wolf met a second yogi, and then a third. He may have lost his huff and puff-but with the help of three new yogi friends, can the wolf find his breath?