“不久前,不是那么远,枪支的人可能需要一个家庭,烧房子,消失,留下一个小孩独自在世界。”So begins the true story of Selavi, a small boy who finds himself on the streets of Haiti. Selavi finds other street children who share their food and a place to sleep with him. Together they proclaim a message of hope through murals and radio programs.
“泰迪熊有一个舒适的家。一个温暖,舒适的地方睡觉。很多朋友。和爱他的人。”This is the wonderful story of a friend who is lost and found and lost and found again, and of a little boy who begins to understand the meaning of compassion.
Twelve-and-three-quarter-year-old Felix Knutsson琐事的本领。他最喜欢的游戏节目是谁当什么;他甚至把自己的沙鼠命名为主机。菲利克斯的妈妈,阿斯特丽德是爱,但似乎无法保住一份工作。所以当他们被驱逐出他们最新的破旧的公寓,他们必须进入一辆面包车。作为他们的环境每况愈下,菲利克斯初级版的试镜机会的人当什么,他决心赚点。再次赢得现金奖励可以使一切都好。但事情没有他期望的方式。