碧玉兔子有一个难题:他不是在学校做得很好。他的拼写测试?灾害。他的数学测验吗?可怕的。但是有一天,他发现一个蜡笔躺在阴沟里。紫色。尖尖的。完美的。不知怎么的……it looked happy to see him. And it wants to help. At first, Jasper is excited. Everything is going great. His spelling is fantastic. His math is stupendous. And best of all, he doesn't have to do ANY work! But then the crayon starts acting weird. It's everywhere, and it wants to do everything. And Jasper must find a way to get rid of it before it takes over his life. The only problem? The creepy crayon will not leave.
蜗牛是派对动物。嗯…种。他喜欢安静的地方政党:五彩纸屑,结交新朋友(当然,用他室内的声音),沉默之前每个人吼叫,“惊喜!”But when parties get loud, Snail retreats into his shell. He's still partying, but no one can tell he's having a good time while he's tucked inside. His friends don't understand why he doesn't love loud parties like they do, and soon Snail's party invites begin to dry up. In response, Snail decides to plan his own quietparty, complete with warm milk and lullaby lip-syncing. But something is missing--does Snail long for the "loud"after all? That's when Stump, a fellow introvert, chimes in with an idea. Maybe Snail isn't missing the "loud"...maybe he's just missing a friendto share the quiet. Together, Stump and Snail turn the lullabies down low and celebrate "the shush" together.
佩内洛普很适合学生管理员的工作。友好吗?检查。有用吗?检查。书的情人吗?检查。只有一个问题。佩内洛普响亮。书架可能推翻和地面地震在她的声音,但佩内洛普决心证明她是完美的工作,忠于自己。 Can a little librarian with a big voice find a place where she belongs?