Ada Lovelace拜伦勋爵的女儿,是一个诗人,伊莎贝拉和安娜Milbanke,数学家。她母亲坚持logic-focused教育,拒绝拜伦诗歌的“疯狂”的爱情。但Ada仍然着迷于她的父亲,认为数学“诗意的科学。”Via her friendship with inventor Charles Babbage, she became involved in "programming" his Analytical Engine, a precursor to the computer, thus becoming the world's first computer programmer.
当小美还是个孩子的时候,她的梦想在太空中跳舞。她想象自己周围数十亿恒星,浮动,滑翔,发现。她想成为一个宇航员。她妈妈告诉她,“如果你相信它,并为它努力工作,一切皆有可能。”Little Mae's curiosity, intelligence, and determination, matched with her parents' encouraging words, paved the way for her incredible success at NASA as the first African American woman to travel in space.
与她的写生簿标签我的发明和她父亲的工具箱,玛蒂可以让任何东西——玩具,雪橇,脚暖和。她在12岁时,玛蒂设计金属保护防止航天飞机射击纺织织机。作为一个成年人,玛蒂发明了机器,使square-bottom纸袋。然而,在法庭上,他声称发明,声称她“不可能明白机械复杂性。”Mattie proved him wrong, and over the course of her life earned the title of "the Lady Edison."
塑料袋很便宜和容易使用。但是当一个袋子破了,或者不再需要?Njau,冈比亚,人们只是把行李,去的路上。一个塑料袋变成了两个。然后十。然后一百年。丑陋的袋累积堆和道路。水汇集,使蚊子和疾病。他们杀了试图吃他们的牲畜。必须改变的东西。 Isatou Ceesay was that change. She found a way to recycle the bags and transform her community.