爷爷说圈是在我们周围。他指着天上的彩虹,上升高后雷云已经到来。“你能看到吗?这是只有一半的圆。剩下的下面,在地上。”He and his granddaughter meditate on gardens and seeds, on circles seen and unseen, inside and outside us, on where our bodies come from and where they return to. They share and create family traditions in this stunning exploration of the cycles of life and nature.
这里是歌集,故事书、诗歌集,和更多。找到合作伙伴等掌声Sassafreeny Eenie,迷你,或形成一个圆等游戏“小莎莉沃克。”Gather as a family to sing well-loved songs like "Amazing Grace" and "Oh, Freedom," or to read aloud the poetry of such African American luminaries as Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, and Paul Laurence Dunbar. And snuggle down to enjoy classic stories retold by the author, including Aesop's fables and tales featuring Br'er Rabbit and Anansi the Spider.
达赖达拉轰鸣和怒吼,穆萨和爸爸开车去海边的公交车站,但多个便道:“你需要搭车吗?外面的温度比辣椒在阳光下!进来,房间里每个人的!”One stop becomes two stops which soon becomes ten, and Musa wonders when it will end: "How can any more people get in? We're already smushed like sardines in a tin!" But there's always room for one more.
孩子和他们的父母回答同样的问题每组四个形状——“不属于哪一个?”There is no one right answer--the important thing is to have a reason why. Kids might describe the shapes as squished smooshed, dented, or even goofy. But when they justify their thinking, they're talking math!