天蓝色马可尼是一个梦想家。她平静地生活在朋友和邻居和家人在田园城市瓦尔帕莱索,智利,直到时间时即使是天蓝色的,她的头在云里,不能否认的政治动荡席卷全国。军舰在港口发现,同学们从阶级消失。天蓝色并不知道发生了什么,但有一件事是明确的:没有人是安全的,没有了。该国一直被政府宣布接管艺术家,抗议者,谁帮助贫困被认为是“颠覆性”和危险到智利的未来。所以天蓝色的父母,她的教育,大方,善良的父母,必须在他们之前躲藏起来,也“消失。”To protect their daughter, they send her to America.
娜塔莎:我是一个女孩相信科学和事实。不是命运。不是命运。或梦想,永远不会成真。我绝对不是那种女孩遇到一个可爱的男孩在一个拥挤的纽约街头,爱上了他。当我的家人远离被放逐到牙买加是十二个小时。爱上他不会是我的故事。丹尼尔:我一直好儿子、好学生,达到我父母的高期望。从来没有诗人。或做梦的人。 But when I see her, I forget about all that. Something about Natasha makes me think that fate has something much more extraordinary in store--for both of us.
美国人对移民的态度是矛盾的。一方面,我们看到我们国家穷人和受压迫的天堂;任何人,不管他或她的背景,可以在这里找到自由,实现“美国梦”。On the other hand, depending on prevailing economic conditions, fluctuating feelings about race and ethnicity, and fear of foreign political and labor agitation, we set boundaries and restrictions on who may come to this country and whether they may stay as citizens. This book explores the way government policy and popular responses to immigrant groups evolved throughout U.S. history, particularly between 1800 and 1965.