




大家好,我的名字是阿德里亚纳西姆•。我住在布卢明顿,印第安纳州。我收到服务社区的直接支持。我出生时就被诊断出患有脑瘫,以及严重的学习障碍,在童年和mid-adolescence一个患有孤独症谱系障碍。我需要服务,帮助我能够独立生活。举一个例子:我在一个电话昨天晚上与我的一个朋友,蕾切尔,谁是一个大学生在印第安纳大学布卢明顿。雷竞技官方网站下载她说,“阿德里亚,晚饭你今晚吃的是什么?”And I said, "Rachael, I ate some steamed broccoli in the microwave and a frozen meal." And I told her I eat things like that right now because I actually don't have anybody supporting me, and when I'm alone I typically do eat things that are made in the microwave because it is a safety hazard for me to be using an oven or a stove independently without supervision." So it takes someone doing cooking and making food on the stove with me with direct supervision. And life skills and independent living skills—things like cooking dinner, folding laundry, paying bills—require assistance for me to be able to live independently. And I guarantee you my parents don't want me living in their basement. As much as I love them, they have done their darnedest to see that I have the skills needed to live away from them and live a productive and meaningful life. And that is why I need direct support from college students like Rachael and other girls that I have in my life to support me. And that's why it's so vital that we make sure that these providers are paid adequately and are able to get to their clients during this crisis. So thank you so much for paying attention and giving me your time. I really appreciate it. And let's make sure that these clients have the services they need. Thank you so much.




SOS俱乐部现在正在由凯西普拉特博士,主任,印第安纳州资源中心自闭症。更多信息成为该集团涉及或如果你有建议,凯茜普拉特博士联系prattc@indiana.edu或电话(812)855 - 6508。