最初发表在没有索引比较和一般文学的年鉴48 (2000):167 - 219。






编译过程始于定义宽泛的关键词和主题搜索网络计算机的文件论文摘要在cd - rom版本。这个版本北美论文不仅提供了一个全面的记录从1861年至1996年,但也允许用户下载大型集的记录已确定在搜索。初始搜索了这个书目参与建设,结合众多搜索设置使用论文摘要一般主题类别包括语言和文学和更具体的单词和单词茎(截断问号“?”)发现在题目或摘要的条目。主题类别包括短语,如“文学、中东”和“文学、美国人。”Terms included words such as "Arabic," "Egypt?" and "Oriental."







条目排列第一学位被授予的日期,然后由作者姓名。在大多数情况下,日期由一年,但对于许多英国条目,唯一可用的日期的学年,作为传统形式中提到的“1955/56”。一个ll entries include the author’s full name as far as could be determined, with any variations in square brackets when known. This is followed by the title of the dissertation, then by the full name of the degree-granting institution (standardized for the purposed of this bibliography). The date is included again at the end of the basic citation, in order to make it easy to locate and copy entries in cases where the date heading occurs on an earlier page.





每一个在线数据库遵循不同的规则用于利用标题。cd - rom和在线版本的论文摘要把所有的论文标题为大写代替强调或用斜体字。英国索引论文OCLC的使用针对激光的RLIN书目文件都遵循英美编目规则,只有第一个单词和专有名词大写标题。的MLA国际参考书目遵循MLA手册风格。参考书目,结合自动计算机处理和手工编辑用于规范化所有论文标题的大小写和现在在MLA风格。ProCite,使用的书目管理项目,提供的选项改变单词的情况下在导入过程中记录。使用该功能,电子版本的所有记录论文摘要从所有大写转换到所谓“句子”,只有第一个字是大写。记录从所有其他的电子资源进口。生成参考书目时,输出滤波器使用标题全部变成了“标题”,这是类似于MLA风格。不幸的是,底层的计算机算法无法区分英语标题和外语标题和并不总是正确识别所有介词或适当的名字。因此,论文标题,包括在其他作品的标题在法语、德语、阿拉伯语的音译,等不适当的资本化。希望执行的手动搜索和编辑足以捕捉并纠正这些错误。

关于标题在标题的正字法识别问题,提出了一个更困难的问题。MLA要求未发表的作品,如论文被引号出发。在没有使用电子数据库,这是完成了。相反,论文标题是显示在一个数据库字段标记为“标题”。的refore, in order to create entries in which each dissertation title was set off by quotation marks, the ProCite MLA output style program was used to automatically generate these marks. Unfortunately, the algorithm for generating these quotation marks used the simple typewriter style ASCII encoding (") that does not distinguish between beginning (") and ending (") quotation marks. The use of single quotation marks presented a similar problem. Because of their inability to display italics or underling, the electronic databases usually used single quotation marks for titles that normally would be underlined or italicized within a dissertation title. Unfortunately, the ASCII apostrophe mark (') was used for both the beginning (‘) and ending (’) single quotation marks. Even worse, in some cases nothing at all was used to demarcate these interior titles.






  • 舒适,威廉·威。”字符类型的发展在法国香颂德举止。”哈佛大学, 1902. Includes material on the literary role of the Saracens.


  • 科南特,玛莎派克。“东方的故事在英国在十八世纪。”哥伦比亚大学, 1908. Published in 1908 as no. 9 in the series Columbia University Studies in Comparative Literature and reprinted in 1966 (New York: Octagon Press).


  • 咀嚼、塞缪尔Claggett。“拜伦勋爵的关系浪漫主义时期的戏剧。”的约翰霍普金斯大学, 1913. This dissertation pays special attention to the image of Islam and the Orient in English romantic drama and the works of Byron.


  • E·梅斯特,玛丽。“东方的影响在十九世纪的英国文学。”海德堡大学(德国), 1915. Published as Heft 46 in the seriesAnglistische Forschunge转载(Heidelbert:卡尔冬天,1915)和1967年(阿姆斯特丹:不要& Zeitlinger, 1967)。


  • Dale,乔治·欧文。“摩尔人在西班牙Goldern时代的戏剧。”康奈尔大学, 1918.


  • 皮斯,雷蒙德Burnette。“英国文学的撒拉森人。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1922.
  • 拉施德,我。“在爱尔兰一个埃及。”爱尔兰国立大学(英国), 1922.


  • Deferrari,哈利奥斯汀。在1600年之前“西班牙文学的情感沼泽。”宾夕法尼亚大学, 1926.


  • 大米、华纳法规Grenelle。英国文学中“Turk,沼泽和波斯从1550年到1660年,与特定的戏剧。”哈佛大学, 1927.


  • 哈桑,A . n·m·A。“西方影响阿拉伯文学的埃及和叙利亚在1820年和1879年之间。”伦敦大学(英国), 1930/31.


  • 克里斯蒂,爱德华·亚瑟。“美国先验论的东方;研究爱默生、梭罗和奥尔科特。”哥伦比亚大学, 1932.


  • 布朗,莱斯利·P。“一个阿拉伯裔的一些浪漫的话。”南加州大学, 1935.
  • 布朗,华莱士C。“近东作为英语文学主题和背景,1775 - 1825,特别强调文学的旅行。”的密歇根大学, 1935.
  • 斯基德莫尔,马克。“基督教的道德特质和撒拉森人所描绘的香颂德举止。”哥伦比亚大学, 1935.


  • 福尔摩斯,亨利·B。”的词源的词汇Caliliy Dimna。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1936.
  • 林赛,约翰·r·雪莱的生活反映在“死刑执行者,”“伊斯兰革命”和罗莎琳德和海伦。”康奈尔大学, 1936.


  • 史密斯,拜伦·波特。“伊斯兰教英国文学。”哥伦比亚大学, 1939. Also published in Beirut under this title in 1939 by The American Press.


  • 欧文,托马斯百龄坛。“一个阿拉伯语的文本比较的部分“Kalilah wa-Dinnah”和相应的部分旧西班牙Calila e Digna。”普林斯顿大学, 1940.


  • Saigh e·j·S。“东方的影响在乔叟与阿拉伯人。”伦敦大学(英国), 1946.


  • 考夫曼,酯。“东方的使用材料由詹姆斯·汤姆森,奥斯卡·王尔德,拉迪亚德·吉卜林。”康奈尔大学, 1947. This dissertation studies the work of three very different, late eighteenth century English authors who nevertheless exhibit a common literary treatment of the Orient as a way to enrich the texture of English writing and to formulate their doubts and speculations during a time of philosophical confusion. How they utilize oriental materials throws light on their own literary and intellectual character and on that of their age. In general, Kilpling writes of the India of his own time based upon his own first-hand knowledge; Wilde uses oriental material, such as his references to Islamic architecture, in an eclectic manner primarily for aesthetic ends; and Thomas, drawing from secondary sources, writes of legendary Arabia to frame moral quandaries.


  • Rushdi,拉施德[Rushdy m r]。“英国游客在埃及穆罕默德·阿里统治期间(1805 - 1847):一项研究在文学形式。”利兹大学(英国), 1950.


  • 卡夏,皮埃尔。“Taha侯赛因:他在埃及文学复兴。”爱丁堡大学(英国), 1951. A revised edition under the same title was published by Luzac in London (1956).


  • 麦考密克,a . M。“查尔斯m .的风格的起源和发展的‘阿拉伯Deserta’。”伦敦大学(英国), 1951/52.


  • 格里菲斯,本杰明·W。Jr。”“伊斯兰革命”的写作:波比·雪莱的合成方法的研究。”西北大学, 1952.


  • 莱文,塞缪尔·H。“改变巴勒斯坦在1867年美国文学的概念。”纽约大学, 1953.
  • Scholberg,肯尼斯·R。“卡斯提尔人的态度旷野文学之前1492年。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1953.


  • Abdelmeguid, A。“现代短篇小说的出现和形式在阿拉伯语。”曼彻斯特大学(英国), 1953/54.
  • el-Tayib艾哈迈德。从184年到1950年在阿拉伯语中意为“戏剧”。伦敦大学(英国), 1953/54.


  • 阿萨德,托马斯J。“近东和维多利亚时代晚期:理查德·弗朗西斯·伯顿先生的方法,威尔弗里德Scawen直言不讳,和查尔斯·蒙塔古勇敢的。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1954. A revised version was published in London by Routledge & K. Paul (1964) under the title三个维多利亚时代的旅行者:伯顿,直率,勇敢的
  • 卡拉斯科玛丽亚孤独。“摩尔人在西班牙格拉纳达18、19世纪的文学。”哥伦比亚大学, 1954.
  • Melikian Anahid。“布来安和近东。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1954.
  • 沙拉比,Hisham。“托莱多在Banu东华大学'l-Nun (1032 - 1085);政治和文化的研究在十一世纪西班牙的穆斯林和基督徒的关系。”的芝加哥大学, 1954.


  • 大炮,花环汉普顿。“东方琼斯:传记”。的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 1955. This dissertion was written to replace previous, unsatisfactory biographies of the famous Engish orientalist Sir William Jones (1746-1794). Since it was published, the author believes that the accumulated evidence shows Jones to be a more influential, profound, humanitarian and varied man than the dissertation indicated. As a result he wrote an entirely new biography, which was published by Cambridge University Press in 1990 under the title东方的生命和心灵琼斯:威廉·琼斯爵士,现代语言学之父。虽然他的活动主要是处理与南亚和印度,琼斯从一开始就深受阿拉伯和波斯文化和literarature和他的许多翻译有一个重要的角色在英国文学中“东方主义”的出现。
  • 交叉,肯尼斯·拉维恩。“艾哈迈德·阿明和Lajnat al-Ta 'lif wa al-Tarjamah wa al-Nashr:一项研究的贡献20世纪文艺复兴时期的埃及”。哈特福德神学院,1955。


  • Kararah, a . m . a . H。“西蒙Ockley:他对阿拉伯语的研究贡献和对西方思想的影响。”剑桥大学(英国), 1955/56.


  • 丹尼尔,诺曼。“伊斯兰教的概念在中世纪拉丁语作家从十二世纪初到十四的中间。”爱丁堡大学(英国), 1956/57.


  • 芬克尔斯坦,多罗斯Metlitzky。“梅尔维尔和近东。”耶鲁大学, 1957.


  • 最低点,Kamal它们。“莎士比亚和阿拉伯语观众说话。”伯明翰大学(英国), 1958.
  • 萨卢姆,d . (Da 'ud Sallum城)。“塔哈侯赛因的比较研究的看法和西方小说”的概念。伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1958.
  • 谋求,m . (Mahmud谋求)。“基督教任务和西方思想在叙利亚穆斯林作家1860 - 1918”。伦敦大学(英国), 1958.


  • 肖,希拉·G。”“天方夜谭”的影响在18世纪早期英国文学,特别提到“鲁宾逊漂流记”和“格列佛游记”。布林莫尔学院, 1959.
  • Stamm,詹姆斯·拉塞尔。”的说教和道德元素在西班牙流浪汉小说。”斯坦福大学, 1959.


  • •哈维,哈利勒年代。“纪伯伦:他的背景,性格,和工作。”剑桥大学(英国), 1959/60.


  • 约翰LeGassick,特雷弗。“在当代阿拉伯民族主义文学研究”。伦敦大学(英国), 1960.


  • 费舍尔,Jan伯纳德。“阿拉伯亚里士多德的诗学的传播。”的Dropsie大学, 1961.
  • Khuri,穆萨。“跨车:英国政治文学的一个重要研究中东旅行作家,1900 - 1950。”的佛罗里达州立大学, 1961.
  • Mazzeo Guido埃托雷。“减弱胡安·安德烈斯(1740 - 1817);文学历史学家和后卫的西班牙和中世纪Hispano-Arab学习,文学和文化”。哥伦比亚大学, 1961.
  • 米切尔,罗伯特。爱德华。“创世纪,来源、成分和接待伏尔泰的“穆罕默德”。“的俄亥俄州立大学, 1961.


  • el-Mowafy, m . I。“阿拉伯英语文学,1650 - 1750”。斯旺西高等教育学院(英国), 1961/62.


  • Haddawy,侯赛因法里德·阿里。“英语阿拉伯式花纹:东方模式在十八世纪的英国文学。”康奈尔大学, 1962.
  • Isani,穆赫塔尔·阿里。“东方故事在美国到1865年:在美国小说研究。”普林斯顿大学, 1962.
  • 纳西尔,纱丽贾米尔。“阿拉伯的形象在美国流行文化。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1962.


  • 阿卜杜拉,a . M。“《天方夜谭》在1900年英语文学。”剑桥大学(英国), 1962/63.


  • 卡特勒·哈里斯。“天主教任务的穆斯林教徒的结束第一次十字军东征(1100)。”南加州大学, 1963.
  • 柯南道尔,安妮Therese。“皇后摩洛哥:评述版玩和争议。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1963. A revised version of this dissertation was published under the title以利加拿解决皇后的摩洛哥和争议:一个关键版(纽约:花环酒吧。,1987)。
  • 查克,克里斯托弗·约翰·查尔斯。”态度的欧洲旅行者在黎凡特(1696 - 1811)。”在diana University, 1963.


  • Naimy Nadeem N。“介绍生活和文学作品的米哈伊尔•Naimy。”剑桥大学(英国), 1963/64.


  • 达菲,约翰·丹尼斯。“阿拉伯传记:东方四个异象,1855 - 1926。”多伦多大学(加拿大), 1964.
  • Khuri Munah阿卜杜拉。“阿拉伯诗歌反映的作用,引导社会和知识流在埃及在英国占领,1882 - 1922。”哈佛大学, 1964 .
  • 梦露,詹姆斯·托马斯。“西班牙语阿拉伯语研究的历史。”哈佛大学, 1964.
  • Weitzman,亚瑟约书亚。“中东的影响在英语散文小说,1600 - 1725:18世纪的角度。”纽约大学, 1964.


  • 二,Shmuel。“分节的空白,在阿拉伯现代文学自由诗体。”伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1965. This thesis emphasis the development of new poetic forms under the influence of western literature.
  • 沙'ban Fuad。“世界伊斯兰教的英国文学中,大约在1580 - 1642年:说明了文本的英语三兄弟的阵痛。”杜克大学, 1965.


  • Sabry B。“莎士比亚的声誉在埃及,1900 - 1950。”埃克塞特大学(英国), 1965/66.
  • el-Sakkout, h·s·A。“埃及的小说,其主要趋势,1914 - 52岁。”剑桥大学(英国), 1965/66.


  • 大厅,唐纳德射线。“东方Lamartine的海市蜃楼:“航行在东方,1832 - 1833”。耶鲁大学, 1966.
  • Tutungi,吉尔伯特的胜利者。“Tawfiq哈金和西方。”在diana University, 1966.


  • 答:al-M al-Zubaidi。K。“Al-Akkad关键理论,与他关系睡椅学校和欧洲作家的影响在他身上。”爱丁堡大学(英国), 1966/67.


  • 同伊。“东方式的阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生。”凯斯西储大学, 1967.
  • 沃尔什,凯文约翰。“阿拉伯国家的损失在西班牙词汇。”维吉尼亚大学, 1967.


  • 艾伦,罗杰·m·A。“一个带注释的翻译和研究的第三版Isa伊本Hisham,穆罕默德言行录”默罕默德al-Muwaylihi。”牛津大学(英国), 1967/68. A book based on this dissertation was published in 1974 by the State University of New York Press under the title一个研究穆罕默德言行录的Isa伊本Hisham Muhammad al-Muwaylihi在英国占领埃及社会的看法,与第三版的英文翻译
  • 达巴格,侯赛因·m·A。“米哈伊尔·Naimy:他的思想的某些方面揭示了在他的作品中。”达勒姆大学(英国), 1967/68.


  • 阿里穆罕默德哈米德。“哲学概念在五起由埃及剧作家陶菲克哈金。“丹佛大学, 1968.
  • Bagby Albertian, Jr .)“沼泽和犹太人的Cantigas阿方索十世,El Sabio。”肯塔基大学, 1968.
  • 德,“辛格。“异教徒和撒拉逊斯宾塞的《仙后》中的。”密歇根州立大学, 1968.
  • 好运,西奥多。“赛斯的阿拉伯传说,人类之父”。耶鲁大学, 1968.
  • 石漠,穆罕默德易卜拉欣。”治疗索福克勒斯的《俄狄浦斯王》在当代法国和埃及骚乱。”在diana University, 1968.
  • 飞边,詹姆斯·林恩。”的形象、主题和结构在伊斯兰教的反抗。”西北大学, 1968.
  • Safady,阿萨姆。“尝试和实现:勇敢的一些文学方面的研究“阿拉伯Deserta”的顶点楔英美旅游书籍黎凡特。”肯塔基大学, 1968.


  • Somekh赛。“专家Nagib Mahfuz的小说”。牛津大学(英国), 1968/69.
  • Subhi, h·A。“现代英语作家的影响从1939 - 1960年阿拉伯诗人。”爱丁堡大学(英国), 1968/69.


  • el-Azma,海角Fowzi。“自由诗体在阿拉伯现代文学”。在diana University, 1969.
  • 啤酒,克劳德·克利夫顿。“考试,从原稿,波比·雪莱的“奉献”伊斯兰起义。”俄亥俄大学, 1969.
  • 同,易卜拉欣·伊斯梅尔。”一个带注释的翻译的“Shahrazad”Tawfiq哈金。“南伊利诺伊大学卡本代尔, 1969. A variety of reasons suggested that a translation of "Shahrazad" into American English would exemplify al-Hakim’s art and that this play should be translated not merely as a literary work to be read, but in a manner that would make it producible in the American theatre.
  • 莫蒂默,米尔德里德帕默。“法国的阿尔及利亚小说:1945 - 1965。”哥伦比亚大学, 1969.
  • Paull,迈克尔射线。“穆罕默德在中古英语文学的人物。”的北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校, 1969.
  • 萨哈,丹尼尔·约翰。“遇到和驳斥:约翰大马士革的伊斯兰教的穆斯林和他Evaluatioin态度。”哈特福德神学院, 1969.
  • 齐默尔曼,撒母耳。“阿拉伯语影响的故事‘El Conde Lucanor’。”佛罗里达大学, 1969.


  • 法拉克:R。“Al-Muqtataf, 1876 - 1900:维多利亚时代思想的影响的研究在现代阿拉伯语思想。”牛津大学(英国), 1969/70.
  • Semah,大卫。“四埃及文学评论家(Al-Aqqad、Haykal Taha侯赛因和Mandur)。”牛津大学(英国), 1969/70.


  • Alwan穆罕默德巴克尔。“艾哈迈德·法里斯Ash-Shidyaq和西方。”在diana University, 1970.
  • Bar-Nissim Nahman。“一个方法Tawfiq哈金剧作家。“宾夕法尼亚大学, 1970.
  • 吉芬,安妮塔。“阿拉伯文学理论发展的世俗之爱》:一个历史研究”。哥伦比亚大学, 1970.
  • Jayyusi,萨尔玛Khadra。“趋势和运动在当代阿拉伯语诗”。伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1970.
  • 萨阿德,优素福Sobhi。“在阿拉伯文学唐根症状群。”的犹他大学, 1970.
  • 史密斯,帕特里夏·克拉克。“小说观念,不寻常的组合:在坡蔓藤花纹。”耶鲁大学, 1970.


  • 阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹•艾哈迈德l . N。“爱德华·威廉·莱恩的作品和思想的近东在英格兰,1800 - 1850:一个图像的变换”。剑桥大学(英国), 1970/71.
  • Bamieh, A。“小说和短篇故事的发展在阿尔及利亚现代文学。”伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1970/71.
  • 希区柯克,R。“考试使用术语“莫扎勒布”十一和十二世纪西班牙。”圣安德鲁斯大学(英国), 1970/71.


  • 哈特利,罗伯特•阿诺。”“伊斯兰革命”的图像变化。”哥伦比亚大学, 1971.
  • Hellal Farida。“爱默生的知识和使用伊斯兰文学。”休斯顿大学, 1971.
  • 侯赛因,哈桑Soleiman。“《古兰经》和宫廷爱情:一项研究《古兰经》,其影响力的发展神圣和威严的爱。”南加州大学, 1971.
  • 拉萨特,爱丽丝伊丽莎白。“Hispano-Arabic高文的诗人的作品之间的关系。”的田纳西大学, 1971.
  • Meisami,朱莉·斯科特。“新形式在现代阿拉伯语诗歌,1900 - 1965。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1971.
  • Metwalli艾哈迈德穆罕默德。“黎凡特的诱惑。美国文学经验在埃及和圣地:旅游的研究文献中,1800 - 1865。”纽约州立大学奥尔巴尼, 1971.
  • 贝利,Mattityahu。“宗教我自己:一项研究文学作品的纳吉布Mahfuz。”加州大学洛杉矶分校, 1971.
  • 菲利普·托马斯。”的角色Jurji Zaidan阿拉伯复兴党的智力发展从一开始的英国占领埃及爆发世界大战。”加州大学洛杉矶分校, 1971.
  • 罗兰,霍华德·道格拉斯。在阿拉伯语中意为“阿以冲突作为代表虚构的文学。”的密歇根大学, 1971.


  • Aljubouri, d . a . H。“中世纪的撒拉森人见英语文学,场面和体育。”莱斯特大学(英国), 1971/72.
  • Ogunbiyi, i。“突尼斯的阿拉伯语短篇小说1970。”伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1971/72.


  • 坎贝尔,罗伯特·贝尔。“阿拉伯日报,“al-Mashriq”:它的开端和前25年的编辑下父亲路易斯·Cheikho S.j。”的密歇根大学, 1972.Al-Mashriq、科学、文学和文化日报》发表在贝鲁特的Syro-Leganese耶稣会士,最早出现在1898年的19世纪阿拉伯文学运动。它说明了关键作用的新闻在阿拉伯文学的复兴。它还试图解释为天主教阿拉伯社区西方科学技术的价值和意义以及近东的文化遗产。
  • 康普顿,琳达鱼。“安达卢西亚Muwashshahs和出自阿拉伯语Kharjas:对更好的理解最古老的诗歌抒情浪漫方言。”普林斯顿大学, 1972.
  • Dahiyat,伊斯梅尔M。亚里士多德的诗学:“阿维森纳的评论和一个带注释的翻译批评研究的文本”。纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿, 1972.
  • 弗里德曼,杰克E。”的一个关键研究乔治·桑蒂斯‘关系’他的逃亡之旅。”纽约大学, 1972.
  • Khayrallah,和谐E。“爱、疯狂和诗歌:Majnun传奇的一个解释。”普林斯顿大学, 1972.
  • Melki,亨利·H。“阿拉伯裔美国新闻及其与阿拉伯裔美国文学的关系。”乔治敦大学, 1972.
  • 米哈伊尔·蒙娜Naguib。“主要存在主义短篇小说的主题和方法伊德里斯,•马哈福兹,海明威和加缪。”的密歇根大学, 1972.
  • 罗杰斯,威廉·诺里斯Ii。“阿拉伯的参与:一项研究的五个维多利亚时代的旅游故事。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1972.


  • 安格斯,尤金·欧文。“如何编写一个布莱克伍德文章:坡的美学讽刺的怪诞和阿拉伯的故事。”马萨诸塞大学, 1973.
  • Asfour,默罕默德·哈桑。“新月和交叉:伊斯兰教和穆斯林在英国文学从约翰逊到拜伦。”在diana University, 1973.
  • 波定,约翰最后通牒。“邓肯黑色麦克唐纳的浪漫主义。”哈特福德神学院, 1973.
  • 。哈拉比,Raouf贾米尔。“阿拉伯语对乔叟的影响:投机散文文学关系的研究。”东德克萨斯州立大学, 1973.
  • 汉娜,Suhail萨利姆。纪伯伦《阿拉伯移民在美国:在他的美国。”在diana University, 1973.
  • 霍夫曼,亨利·拉塞尔Jr。“语法的影响在中世纪阿拉伯语,后来西班牙散文。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1973.
  • Loftus,威廉·詹姆斯。旅游杂志的“比较阿方斯·德·Lamartine和古斯塔夫·福楼拜:两个浪漫旅行近东。”的宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 1973.
  • 尼尔,雪莉威妮弗蕾德Zwoyer。“家庭关系在伊斯兰教的反抗。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1973.
  • •艾尔-赛义德Sahira哈米德。“英语单词的词汇和分析阿拉伯语的起源。”科罗拉多大学博尔德分校, 1973.
  • Twaij,穆罕默德Baqir。阿拉伯世界的“莎士比亚”。西北大学, 1973.


  • 特鲁里街,汤姆。“阿方索六世的形象和他的西班牙阿拉伯历史学家。”普林斯顿大学, 1974.
  • Kadhim Sieglinde。“诗意的技术和概念元素伊本Zaydun爱情诗。”加州大学圣地亚哥分校, 1974.
  • 马丁内斯,艾丽西亚。“男女主人公雪莱的伊斯兰教的反抗。”哥伦比亚大学, 1974.
  • Obaid,托若亚艾哈迈德。“沼泽图在英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧。”韦恩州立大学, 1974.
  • 彼得斯,伊萨。“马哈茂德Taymur和现代埃及短篇小说。”哥伦比亚大学, 1974. This study reveals that Taymur goes through roughly four phases with four corresponding world views: a naturalistic phase (1920-26); a transitional phase (1928-37); a realistic phase (1937-59); and a moralistic phase. During the second phase Taymur comes under the influence of Western fiction writers and their technique.
  • Seminario,李安妮达勒姆。“黑,沼泽和犹太人的“喜剧”洛佩德维加(1609 - c.1625)。”的佛罗里达州立大学, 1974.
  • el-Shabrawy夏洛特·布洛德。“阿拉伯语形式和主题在19世纪德国和法国诗歌:Rueckert,滚筒,雨果,Lamartine, Gautier。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1974.
  • 他,伊芙Accad。“耻辱的面纱:角色的女性在现代小说的北非和阿拉伯世界。”在diana University, 1974.


  • 易卜拉欣,s F。“萧伯纳的地方知识世界的现代埃及。”曼彻斯特大学(英国), 1974/75.


  • Aresu,伯纳德·卡米尔。“卡泰的小说Yacine:一项研究Afro-Occidentalism。”华盛顿大学, 1975.
  • 法拉克,Nadia Raouf。“尤塞夫伊德里斯和现代埃及骚乱。”哥伦比亚大学, 1975. Many critics claim that the Arab world had no written drama of any kind before the 19th century and that the drama today is mainly translation, or at best imitation of European works. Popular literature, because it is oral and expressed in colloquial Arabic, could not beconsidered a literature. Challenging this belief, the author tries to prove that a popular literature and specifically an Arabic drama expressed in the colloquial has existed for many centuries. He then discusses Idris whose aim has been to create an authentic theater free from the Western influences.
  • Monego,琼·菲利斯。“阿尔及利亚人寻找自己:最近的一项研究的小说穆罕默德Dib。”凯斯西储大学, 1975.


  • 阿克曼,Jan Condra科比。“一个诗人的教育:雪莱的研究伊斯兰教的反抗。”的亚利桑那大学, 1976.
  • Hamdun,穆罕默德艾哈迈德。“伊斯兰身份和西方当代阿拉伯文学。”天普大学, 1976.


  • Damiani安妮塔。“英国旅游态度的近东18、19世纪。”爱丁堡大学(英国), 1977. Until the beginning of the nineteenth century travel was considered to be a necessary adjunct to education, and, eventually, voyagers included Near Eastern countries within the Grand Tour. Four outstanding contributors of the period were Lady Mary Wortley Montagu, Richard Pococke, Robert Wood and Alexander Russell. Pococke’s ‘A Description of the East’ was considered to be the most authoritative and comprehensive travel account of the period.. Alexander Russell, like Lady Mary before him, had the opportunity to observe and correct many of the popular misconceptions regarding Eastern women and the Islamic religion.
  • Fakhrel迪恩,Tarek阿卜杜拉Jawad。“al - rahman (Shukri Abd(1886 - 1958),一个埃及作家时代的帝国主义和民族主义;一项研究在欧洲阿拉伯现代文学思想的影响。”纽约大学, 1977.
  • 水汽,罗拉·格雷厄姆。在突尼斯的小说:“爱情和政治主题,结构,和人物的小说Muhammad al - Arusi al-Matwi和巴希尔Khurayyif。”在diana University, 1977.
  • Mekouar,哈桑。“华盛顿·欧文和阿拉伯传统。”布朗大学, 1977.
  • 纳贾尔,莉玛诺。“现代文学和非西方的读者:现代英语文学教学策略在中东的阿拉伯人。”在diana University, 1977.


  • 阿里,Muhsin贾西姆[Musawi, Muhsin加西姆]。“19世纪英语的批评“天方夜谭”。达尔豪斯大学(加拿大), 1978.
  • Balarabe Abubakar。“Suhayl伊德里斯:黎巴嫩的主要文学人物。”在diana University, 1978. Idris, among other things, has been a great translator of works in French into Arabic.
  • Ghazoul,平日Jabouri。“夜诗学:对一个可区别的阅读《天方夜谭》。”哥伦比亚大学, 1978.
  • Minkarah,埃莉诺Comeau。”的演变Zejel从14到16世纪。”辛辛那提大学, 1978.
  • 默罕默德(al-Jabir),是加西姆。“实验戏剧在埃及1960 - 1970,参照西方的影响力。”在diana University, 1978.
  • Sperl,斯蒂芬。“阿拉伯诗歌怪癖:所选诗歌的结构分析:(3世纪啊/ 9世纪AD-5th世纪啊/公元11世纪)。”伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1978. Stimulated by the debate on mannerism in literature which followed the appearance of E. R. Curtius’s celebrated work欧洲文学和中世纪拉丁语(1953)本文试图识别矫揉造作的元素和古典主义在中世纪阿拉伯语诗歌。
  • 扎基,阿梅尔阿明。“莎士比亚用阿拉伯语。”在diana University, 1978.


  • abdel dayem, s . h . M。“埃及短篇小说的崛起和发展(1881 - 1970)。”伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1979.
  • Alexander-Sullivan,乔安娜Lisabeth。“诗人的人格的发展发挥卡泰Yacine“Nedjma”(1956),“Le Cercle Des Represailles”(1959)和勒Polygone之星”(1966)。”莱斯大学, 1979.
  • Barazanji艾哈迈德泽雅达。“欧洲戏剧的影响在两个阿拉伯剧作家:Tawfiq哈金和卡泰Yacine。”纽约城市大学的, 1979.
  • Bennani,本·M。“马哈茂德达尔维什的诗:一个关键的翻译。”纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿, 1979.
  • 伯克利,康斯坦斯·e·格雷沙姆。“意识塑造的艺术的根源El-Tayeb萨利赫:苏丹的当代作家。”纽约大学, 1979.
  • Elyas,阿德尔Ata。“小偷寻找他的身份——得主马哈福兹al-Liss佤邦的l-Kilab(“小偷和狗”):一个批判性分析小说的翻译。”俄克拉荷马州立大学, 1979. This dissertation is concerned with the world of Najib Mahfuz and has multiple objectives: first, to present an English translation ofal-Liss佤邦的l-Kilab(小偷和狗)作为一个标本Mahfuz之一最优秀的作品;第二,展示成功Mafhuz利用西方意识流技巧第一次阿拉伯语;最后强调他的地位作为一个创新者和世界著名文学人物相比其他阿拉伯语小说家。
  • Hakamy Abdulwahab阿里。“传统主义和现代主义之间的斗争:一项研究在乔治·艾略特的小说和纳吉布Mahfuz。”的密歇根大学, 1979.
  • 汉密尔顿、约翰。亚历山大。“孤独的史诗:研究“阿拉伯Deserta旅行”和“智慧的七大支柱”。哈佛大学, 1979.
  • 哈伯,吉恩·迪金森。“中世纪创作评论文学阐释:圣奥古斯汀的“德Genesi广告Litteram”和at-Tabari Tafsir苏拉2:29-38。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1979.
  • al-Hejazi,阿里艾哈迈德阿里。“Arabo-Islamic神话在英语诗歌,1775 - 1825。”的威斯康辛大学密尔沃基, 1979.
  • Lavi,亚伯拉罕。“al - hariri的比较研究由Al-Harizi Maqamat和希伯来语翻译。”的密歇根大学, 1979.
  • McKeithen,詹姆斯E。“伊本的Risalah Fadlan:一个带注释的翻译与介绍。”在diana University, 1979.
  • Menocal,玛丽亚罗莎。“爱的歌手:Al-Andalus行吟诗人诗歌的起源。”宾夕法尼亚大学, 1979. Includes material on the role of Arabic in the history of medieval literature.
  • al-Safi, a . b . M . M。“文学翻译理论和实践的调查基于阿拉伯语和英语为源语言和目标语言和现代阿拉伯语散文小说以塔哈侯赛因Shajarat Al-Bu’, Du Al-Karawan。”兰开斯特大学(英国), 1979.
  • Sellon, Dulcy玛丽Schueler。“法国对北非的影响上:文化认同的问题。”的密歇根大学, 1979.


  • Collingwood-Whittick, S。“殖民地阿尔及利亚局势及其文学反思。”伦敦大学(英国), 1980.
  • Georgoudaki Ekaterini。“梅尔维尔的艺术使用他的旅行到欧洲和近东。”亚利桑那州立大学, 1980. This dissertation analyses Melville’s works after 1849, in connection with his two travel journals that recorded his 1849-50 voyage to Europe and his 1856-57 voyage to Europe and the Near East, and shows how Melville used the various people, landscape features, historical landmarks and works of art he observed to enrich the setting, plot and characters in his subsequent works and to create a complex pattern of ideas, images and symbols.
  • 海恩斯,乔纳森·马歇尔。“乔治·桑蒂斯“关系an.Dom旅程的开始。1610年:以人为本作为旅行者。”耶鲁大学, 1980. George Sandys’一段旅程开始An.Dom的关系。1610年是一种最有趣和重要的旅游书籍的英语文艺复兴。桑蒂斯穿越土耳其,埃及,圣地,和意大利南部;这本书试图代表的意义这些地方尽可能充分利用所有的历史和修辞资源实现以人为本。
  • 斯托克,美国。“法国文学Reactioin阿尔及利亚战争:文本的研究产生的知识分子和作家的法国表达式,1954 - 1962。”雷丁大学(英国), 1980.
  • 屈里曼,路易并Jr。“文学的概念区Maghrebian文学的批评。”在diana University, 1980. This study examines the common practice of grouping works of literature into ‘literary zones’ (e.g., national and regional literatures). The criteria for establishing and applying such categories vary widely and are seldom specified, and yet the effects of this process of zonal classification are felt not merely in the ‘pigeonholing’ of literary works but more significantly in the interpretive methodology applied by the critic. The criticism of literature by Maghrebian (Arab or Berber North African) authors of French expression, commonly viewed as constituting a literary zone, has been selected as a case study in the practical application of zone theory.


  • 法伦,格雷琴基德。“英国旅游书籍来自中东,1890 - 1914:约定的流派和三个非传统的例子。”马里兰大学学院公园, 1981. For the British traveler in Arab countries between 1890 and 1914, orthodox opinon about the questing Imperial Briton and the Arab ‘other’ made for a scaling-down of intellectual and imaginative possibility. Nevertheless, a few eccentric travel writers manage to rise above the constraints of culture and myth to write better books of travel: Cunninghame Graham traveled to Morocco in 1897, publishingMogreb-el-Acksa1898年;格特鲁德贝尔前往巴勒斯坦1905年,于1907年出版沙漠和播种;于1910年在突尼斯和诺曼·道格拉斯旅行、出版喷泉在沙子里在1912年。
  • el-Hage乔治。尼古拉斯。“威廉·布莱克和纪伯伦:诗人的预言性的愿景。”纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿, 1981. This dissertation is a comparative study of two major Romantic Poets. Alhough a few remarks can be found about Blake’s influence on Gibran scattered in books about the Lebanese-American poet, no attempt has been made to bring the two poets together in a comparative analysis of their works.
  • 穆萨,穆罕默德·阿里。“地下洞穴:东部和其后代在十八世纪的英国和法国文学。”阿肯色大学, 1981. The eighteenth century was by no means the first and only period in the history of European literature which knew Eastern literature. But the translation of The Arabian Nights into French early in the century by Antoine Galland was to both French and English readers ‘a revelation in romance,’ in Sir Richard F. Burton’s words.
  • Rizk哈利勒Shukrallah。”的诗歌Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati:主题和文体研究。”在diana University, 1981. This dissertation examines the themes and poetic techniques of 'Abd al-Wahhab al-Bayati, one of the leading contemporary Arab poets, as they evolve during four phases of his literary career; the romanticist, the realist, the socialist realist and the revolutionary.
  • Wazzam, A . m .。“现实主义在阿诺德·贝内特和纳吉布Mahfuz:阿拉伯语和英语小说的比较研究”。爱丁堡大学(英国), 1981.


  • Agel,伊莱亚斯乔治。“阿拉伯剧场:追求团结和身份。”南加州大学, 1982. Although the precise origins of Arabic drama are obscure, it is clear that its present evolution is a direct outgrowth of European sources rather than religious celebrations and rituals as might have been assumed. This study attempts to distinguish and examine various trends in this evolution as evidenced in the works of some distinguished playwrights from Egypt, Lebanon, and Syria.
  • 法瓦兹。Assaad伯吉斯。“阿拉伯语Dahesh博士的工作,拿撒勒人耶稣的回忆录,[原文如此]:一个编辑翻译和介绍。”中田纳西州立大学, 1982. This dissertation involves a translation of Dr. Dahesh’s Arabic work, Memoirs of Jesus, the [sic] Nazareth. It is also intended to be an introduction to Dahesh’s philosophy as aesthetically expressed in his works.
  • al-Hassan, nas尤瑟夫。“英雄主义在古英语诗歌和古典阿拉伯语:比较研究的四个战役的诗。”在diana University, 1982. The main texts are the Old English poems The Battle of Brunanburh and The Battle of Maldon and two Arabic heroic panegyrics composed in the tenth century by Abu al-Tayyib al-Mutanabbi, supplemented by The Battle of Finnsburh, Exodus, and Judith from Old English and The Mu'allaqa of 'Antara and The Conquest of 'Ammuriyah from classical Arabic.
  • Merghelani,阿卜杜拉·阿明。在英国舞台上“Saracenism 1580 - 1642:一个距离的公式。”科罗拉多大学博尔德分校, 1982. During the 1580-1642 period no less than fifty plays were produced on the London stage that depicted the world of the Saracen. Here is an example of a stage-worthy device that, developed in prejudice, was applied effectively to furnish exciting plots that, in distance, often mirrored current events at court.
  • Mikhail-Ashrawi,哈难达乌德。“巴勒斯坦的当代文学:诗歌和小说。”维吉尼亚大学, 1982. This study is comprised of critical analyses and translations of selected works from the poetry and fiction produced in Palestine as of the late 1960s.
  • 鲍威尔,安娜美。“爱默生的双相统一的概念的演变和双重意识。”韦恩州立大学, 1982. Emerson drew his knowledge from all parts of the globe and all levels of civilization. This study of Emerson’s concept therefore dips into the annals of past civilizations, into recordings of great minds from the Far East, Middle East, Germany, and England, and particularly into the Journals and writings of Emerson himself, to trace the evolution of Emerson’s concept of bipolar unity and double consciousness.
  • 姆尼尔·艾哈迈德·卡齐。“三东民间故事和莎士比亚的“罗密欧与朱丽叶”:一个比较的主题,主题,和模式的转移”。的托莱多大学, 1982. This study attempts to demonstrate that three Eastern legends, ‘Hir and Ranjah,’ ‘Sassi and Punnun,’ and ‘Majnun Layla’ are similar in that they are all modifications of an original form and were preserved orally before being put into written form. Thus, the theme of these tales was already known to Arabia and India before Shakespeare adapted it from Boccaccio through Brooke. In the light of this possible influence, Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet may be read as a document which may still reveal the vestiges of both an oral tradition and the Eastern culture and values.
  • Sabbagh,苏哈。“从内部对西方:西方的出现在弗朗茨·法农的工作。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1982. In his book东方主义(纽约,1978),爱德华说认为,阿拉伯的物理占领土地的西方,在殖民的形式,甚至成为可能之前的角色,阿拉伯西部进行写作。如果的确控制是一个过程,发生在写作然后非殖民化还必须反映在写作。本文表明,西方的崛起作为第一次的其他的工作。弗朗茨·法农构成书面解放的时刻。
  • 卖,迈克尔·安东尼。“射气的隐喻和辩证法在普罗提诺,约翰。苏格兰人一句,和伊本而。”的芝加哥大学, 1982.
  • Talhami, Soumaya优素福。“放逐”的痛苦。伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1982. This dissertation analyzes the works of French and Arabic writers who treat the theme of exile from Montaigne and Rousseau to Camus, Yahya Haqqi, and Najib Mahfuz.


  • Abdulmatlub, Abdulmatlub Abdulhamid。“当代利比亚短篇故事:它的出现、发展,和占主导地位的主题。”的犹他大学, 1983. It is the purpose of this dissertation to examine the emergence, the development, and the dominant themes of the contemporary Libyan short story as Libyan society passed from traditionalism into modernism in the late 1950s and the early 1960s, and acquired correspondingly new forms of art. Moreover, it attempts to shed some light on Libyan short-story writers, who are largely unknown to the English speaking reader and almost equally unknown to Arabic-speaking readers outside Libya.
  • Ahmed Saad诺亚。“沙漠的追求:法国和英国作家在阿拉伯和非洲北部,1850 - 1950。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1983. From 1850 to 1950, Europeans visited, explored, and described the desert extensively. The British endeavored to know and ultimately influence it, assigning to it the task of objectifying a potential, their potential as individuals. French writers and artists pursued in the better travelled North Africa what they could not have at home.
  • 艾伦,马尔科姆丹尼斯。“t.e.劳伦斯的中世纪精神。”的宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 1983. The heart of the dissertation is to be found in the chapters where Seven Pillars of Wisdom is discussed. W. S. and Lady Anne Blunt’s version of a collection of early medieval Arabic poetry, The Moallakat, is seen to be of particular importance: it provides a justification for and suggests the content of Lawrence’s heroic dreams about a people who then still managed to practice--up to a point--the valorous life their old verse celebrates.
  • al-Bazei Saad阿。“文学东方主义在19世纪英美文学:其形成和连续性。”普渡大学, 1983. This study deals with the perceptions and uses of the Arabo-Islamic Orient in nineteenth-century Anglo-American literature.
  • Bluestine,卡罗琳。“英雄大小:原型模式在中世纪西班牙史诗”。普林斯顿大学, 1983. In this study, various manifestations of the Spanish heroic vision are examined through the portrayal of archetypal figures. Textual testimony considered includes Latin, Portuguese, Galician, and Arabic materials, as well as Spanish sources.
  • Dawood,易卜拉欣Abdallah S。“‘Panchatantra’,‘Kalilah wa Dimnah”,和“多尼的Morall消灭哲学”:比较研究”。在diana University, 1983. After a brief survey of the history of the Indian collection of Bidpai fables, this dissertation compares the frame tale ‘The Lion and the Bull’ in two of its versions: the Arabic Book of Kalilah wa Dimnah (750 A.D.) and Sir Thomas North’s The Morall Philosophie of Doni (1570).
  • 狄,默罕默德。“哈吉Unsi和诗情爱意En在阿拉伯现代文学散文。”阿尔伯塔大学(加拿大), 1983.
  • al-Farsy,蕾拉Abed al-Salam。“华盛顿·欧文的“穆罕默德”:一项研究的来源。”的威斯康辛大学密尔沃基, 1983. This study attempts to analyse Irving’s treatment of subject matter in Mahomet and His Successors, Volume I. It examines the extent of Irving’s knowledge of the Arabic language and its relevancy to his use of source material in Mahomet.
  • 吉茨,凯瑟琳•斯莱特。“框架故事:历史与理论”。加州大学圣地亚哥分校, 1983. Since the medieval frame narrative originated in Arabia, works in this tradition reflect, in structure and method, Arabic aesthetic principles such as looseness of structure, autonomy of parts, open-endedness, and the use of external organizing devices. Later Western frame narratives perpetuated basic Arabic features but also contained features of organic unity, symmetry, and completeness which are ultimately Greek. In the Canterbury Tales Chaucer manipulates features from both East and West in a sophisticated manner, fully exploiting the dynamic opposing forces that had evolved in the genre.
  • 哈尼,迈克尔·保罗。“的文学地理Libro Del Cauallero Zifar’。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1983. The Libro del cauallero Zifar, written around 1320, is the earliest extant Spanish romance. Its prologue states that it is a translation from the ‘Chaldean’ (i.e., Arabic). The present study discusses the question of the work’s culture of origin; and its thematic structure and concludes that the work is not a translation or adaptation of a single original.but combines variants of the Eustace legend-both European and Arabic. The mutual influence of both European and Arabic geographers is also confirmed.
  • 卡扎利,穆罕默德Mohmoud。“现代性:Adunis”理论和诗歌的研究。”的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 1983. The concept of modernity in contemporary Arab culture (especially in poetry) is not identical with that of the Western modernist movement. The idea of modernity is the backbone of Adunis’ writings, whether discursive or poetic, in which he argues emphatically that the modern must surpass and not pass over all the civilizations in man’s history. His works have been the subject of wide interest among intellectuals, and his poetry, in particular, has been translated.
  • 马尔科姆,罗伯特·克拉克。“皮埃尔·丹尼尔·休伊特:浪漫的历史。一个带注释的文本编辑,介绍。”的密歇根大学, 1983. This edition, following Stephen Lewis’s 1715 English translation, presents the complete form of Pierre Daniel Huet’s The History of Romances, unpublished since 1720. Huet traces the history of romance, providing copious references to earlier romance writers and their works, from its beginnings in the East, to the Greek and Latin novels, through the Arab world, to the medieval ‘historians,’ to the ‘Excellent Degree of Art and Elegance’ of the French seventeenth-century romances.
  • Naddaff,桑德拉安。“阿拉伯式花纹:叙事结构和美学的“1001一夜”的重复循环的看门人和巴格达的三夫人。”哈佛大学, 1983. The present study limits itself to an examination of the narrative strategies and structures within one cycle of the 1001 Nights.
  • Rishmawi乔治•卡里尔。“东方元素在英国浪漫主义诗歌:雪莱和拜伦。”纽约州立大学布法罗分校, 1983. This dissertation examines Shelley’s attitude toward the Muslim East in two of his poems; ‘The Revolt of Islam’ and ‘Hellas.’ The analysis of these poems leads to the conclusion that Shelley’s ideas and position concerning the East are neither original nor first-hand. An analysis of Byron’s Oriental attitudes in five of his Oriental Tales - ‘The Giaour,’ ‘The Bride of Abydos,’ ‘The Corsair,’ ‘Lara,’ and ‘The Siege of Corinth,’ and ‘Don Juan’ - prove Byron’s attitudes and feelings toward the East to be authentic and first-hand.
  • al-Shetaiwi Mahmoud Flayeh阿里Gemei国安。“西方戏剧的影响现代埃及骚乱。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1983. This study analyzes the influence of Western drama upon Arabic drama from 1847 to 1970 . . . from five aspects: the history of Egyptian drama, especially the cultural contact with the West through which Western drama entered the Arab world; the arabicization and assimilation of Western plays, dramatic plots, themes and characterizations into Arabic drama; the experimental drama of contemporary Egyptian playwrights; the drama of social realism; and the verse drama.
  • Zahlan,安妮Ricketson。“负担滑:英国小说,文学外派之前和之后的第二次世界大战。”的北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校, 1983. Many novels of expatriation set their exiles down in lands bound to Europe by ties of imperial dominion and thus form part of what can be termed the fiction of colonial encounter Whether glorified as in T. E. Lawrence or parodied as in Evelyn Waugh, exposed as in Joyce Cary or condemned as in George Orwell, the imperial protagonist had always to be measured against the super-human dimensions of the White Man. In the brave new world of self-determination which rose out of the ashes of World War II, the expatriate protagonist of Durrell, Burgess, or Greene is a not unlikely prototype of post-modern man, helpless to control even his own destiny.


  • Anagnostakis,克里斯托弗。“阿拉伯语版本的托勒密Planisphaerium。”耶鲁大学, 1984. The main purpose of this dissertation is to provide an English translation of the Arabic version of this text found in ms Istanbul, AS 2671 and a commentary on it.
  • 巴特尔米安东尼杰拉德。“摩尔人在英语戏剧的代表:1589 - 1695。”耶鲁大学, 1984. This dissertation studies the dramatic representation of black characters on the English stage from 1589 to 1695. In addition to black characters, some discussion of Native Americans and white North Africans is included because they were also called Moors. Examining how non-black, non-Christian men were characterized provides an opportunity to understand how important the signification of blackness was in the characterization of Africans.
  • 迈克尔·布劳斯汀。“阿威罗伊在想象力和智慧。”哈佛大学, 1984. This study describes the theory of the intellect presented by the Spanish Muslim philosopher Averroes (d. 1198), using the commentaries and related essays by Averroes (in Arabic or in Hebrew or Latin versions) on Aristotle’s De Anima.
  • 艾米丽Dagel,颊。“保罗·鲍尔斯:制造野蛮。”的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 1984. Paul Bowles is an American writer and composer who emigrated to Morocco in 1947. This dissertation studies the connections between Bowles’s inner conflicts and his artistic works. Bowles’s work is influenced by his interests in Romanticism, Surrealism, and Existentialism. All of these philosophies serve Bowles’s own metaphysic in that they allow him to refuse responsibility for the direction of his life and content of his work.
  • Gendron斯。“遗憾的是长应变关于自我:英国文学旅游书,1766 - 1937。”的康涅狄格大学, 1984. The travel book is an art form, but only when the writer casts off the obligation to provide statistical information and makes his book a personal self-expression. Three pair of travel books illustrate the features and evolution of the form. The pair concern trips to the near orient: in Eothen (1844), Alexander Kinglake wittily undercuts the Byronic Romanticism of his Middle Eastern tour; whereas Charles Doughty, in Travels in Arabia Deserta (1888), elevates the quest to epic porportions.
  • Jawad, a S。“文学新闻在英国和埃及:比较研究的论文和评论。”伦敦城市大学(英国), 1984.
  • Kobrin,南希。“摩西保证金:一个关键的转录和符号学分析的八个Aljamiado传说的莫里斯舞Figura Muucaa。”明尼苏达大学, 1984. This thesis examines eight Aljamiado legends on the pre-Islamic prophet Moses. Written in Arabic script these texts coexisted marginally with ‘high culture’ texts of the medieval and golden ages in Spanish and Portuguese. The Moriscos were an Islamic people who chose to articulate themselves in a romance language and asserted their own authenticity as a Muslim community through this creole. The process of creolization discloses a missing link in the cultural history of Western Europe.
  • el-Miskin Tijani。”作者否认文本化的谈判:Originary话语的理论。”在diana University, 1984. The primary purpose of this study is to develop a theory of authorial disavowal and provide diverse exemplary textual readings from various national literatures: English, French, Spanish, Arabic and Kanuri.
  • 斯科特,威廉·艾伦。“埃及最近戏剧和戏剧文学对战争的态度。”华盛顿大学, 1984. The purpose of this work is threefold: to translate for English-speaking audiences two stylistically diverse plays of artistic merit; to provide a framework for understanding modern Egyptian drama; and to focus attention on Egyptian perceptions of one of the most important dilemmas in the Middle East--the problem of Palestine.
  • 赞恩,凯瑟琳·j . C。在旅游文学的“范例:东方神经的航行,伯顿,金莱克,和烤里脊牛排。”纽约城市大学的, 1984. This dissertation examines the concept of place as an integral feature of travel literature and explores the Oriental voyages of two French and two English travellers in the nineteenth century so as to relate the paradigms of place held by each to their narrative points of view and descriptive strategies.


  • Abinader Elmaz。“家里的来信:父亲和儿子的故事。”的内布拉斯加州大学——林肯, 1985. This thesis is a collection of eight biographical stories which provides insight into the lives and struggles of two men, Rachid Abi-Nader (1879-1964) and Jean Abinader (1910- ) who were born into the Ottoman Empire, witnessed the formation of the Republic of Lebanon in 1926, and immigrated to the United States in the 1930s.
  • 阿里,Zahra艾哈迈德·侯赛因。“Shahrazad之间和马塞尔·普鲁斯特:叙事技巧在亚历山大四重奏。”布朗大学, 1985. Durrell is the heir of many traditions; his work combines elements of classicism and experimentalism. Perhaps the term ‘arabesque’ describes more comprehensively Durrell’s art. The modal pattern of the Quartet gradually changes, repudiates its experimental trend and takes on a classical mode which is compatible in some of its significant aspects with Arabic story telling.
  • Asfour约翰·米克黑尔。“一个现代阿拉伯语诗歌选集》,1945 - 1984年关键介绍。”(加拿大)麦吉尔大学, 1985. This study presents an Anthology of Modern Arabic Poetry from 1945 to 1984, selected and translated into English, containing poems by thirty-five poets who represent diverse regions of the Arab world.
  • 布拉夫曼大卫·艾伦。“阿拉伯德》:一个版本的翻译和评论。”杜克大学, 1985. This dissertation contains editions of the three Arabic texts with a two-chapter introduction, translation of the Fatih recension, commentary and Greek-Arabic index.
  • 布洛克,伊丽莎白。“普遍的同情:雪莱伊斯兰起义。”莱斯大学, 1985. The Revolt of Islam, Shelley’s longest and most neglected major work, shows Shelley’s empiricism, relentlessly examines the consequences of ‘reform’ as well as tyranny, and is the transition between his earlier works and the great poems which would follow. Shelley wished The Revolt to appeal ‘to the common sympathies of every human breast,’ emphasizing both that his readers share important concerns and that he directs his poem primarily to their hearts.
  • 克罗斯比,伊莉斯沃纳。“Akhbar al-Yaman wa-Ash 'aruha wa-Ansabuha:历史、诗歌、和也门的家谱的阿比德b。Sharya al-Jurhumi。”耶鲁大学, 1985. This work is an annotated translation and study of an early history of Southern Arabia, Akhbar al-Yaman wa-Ash‘aruha wa-Ansabuha, The History, Poetry, and Genealogy of the Yemen, attributed to ‘Abid b. Sharya al-Jurhumi, an Arabic historian of the seventh century A.D.
  • 罗谢尔苏泽特Ekhtiar。“启蒙小说:《东方故事在十八世纪的英格兰。”布兰代斯大学, 1985. This study examines Oriental fiction in England in the context of the European Enlightenment, focusing on politics and moral and social education. Investigation of its connections with Enlightenment activity throughout Europe reveals numerous ideological concerns that it shared with other eighteenth-century prose forms. The European image of the Orient (limited here to the Middle East) was a complex construct of the European mind.
  • Faizo, Lutfi阿卜杜拉·。“阿拉伯语戏剧的周期:真实性与西方模仿和影响力。”科罗拉多大学博尔德分校, 1985. The five chapters of this study trace the historical development of the Arabic ‘old forms’ and entertainments, describe the importation of European dramatic models, and summarize and analyze excerpts of Arabic representative plays from the nineteenth century to the present.
  • 哈桑,h . M。“珠宝的血液:一个阿拉伯视角r . s .托马斯。”阿伯里斯特威斯大学的威尔士大学(英国), 1985. This dissertation compares Welsh and Egyptian nationalist poets.
  • Layoun,玛丽尼古拉。“非西方小说:意识形态和类型的移民。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1985. This disseration is a study of the role of ideology, and through ideology, of history in the shaping of the modern Greek, Arabic and Japanese novel. Two texts in each language, an early twentieth-century and a contemporary work, are analysed in the comparative study of the modern imported genre of the novel in Greece, the Middle East and Japan.
  • Metawie,哈尼。“埃及化在埃及剧院,1963 - 1970:一个描述性的和关键的考试冲突追求真实性和倾向于吸收西方Metatheatre。”的佛罗里达州立大学, 1985. This thesis examines the movement of the 1960s to develop a genuine Egyptian theatre. It argues that the movement could not bring a divorce from Western influences and instead represented a new phase in the apprenticeship of Egyptian theatre wherein the playwrights departed from realism and turned to the different types of the avant-garde drama of the post-World War II era.
  • Obeidat,马文·穆罕默德。在美国文学“穆斯林东方:图像的形成。”在diana University, 1985. European writers, the British romanticists in particular, played a tremendous role in the formation of the American reception of Islamic thought and character. Americans eventually went to the Muslim East, motivated partly by religious curiosity or devotion to see the Holy Land--but chiefly by a feeling for the foreign, the bizarre, and the exotic. What they reported was a preconceived picture that had long persisted in their imagination.
  • Oueijan,纳吉·布洛斯。“东方元素的纲要在拜伦的东方故事。”贝勒大学, 1985. This dissertation explores the English interest in the East before the Romantic Period, Byron’s personal interest in and his extensive knowledge of the Orient, and Byron’s presentation of this world in his Oriental tales: The Giaour, The Bride of Abydos, The Corsair, and The Siege of Corinth.
  • el-Tayeb, Khadiga Karrar el-Shaikh。“圣经翻译的原则和问题:《古兰经》的情况。”坦普尔大学,1985。本文是第一次尝试学习专门的问题《古兰经》的翻译。希望这项研究将带来一些澄清的问题翻译《古兰经》,并提供一些有用的信息和指南对于那些感兴趣的翻译《古兰经》和/或扩散。
  • Van de印度,Eduardus Franciscus。“距离和距离:美国旅行者到中东,1819 - 1918。”康奈尔大学, 1985. Based on published travel accounts ranging from missionary narratives and tourists’ travel narratives to Mark Twain’s Innocents Abroad and Herman Melville’s Clarel, this study explores how American travel writers responded to the Middle East in the period between 1819 and the end of World War I.
  • Westrem,斯科特·道格拉斯。“约翰内斯威特De这些评述版的“Itinerarius”,中间荷兰文本,英文翻译,和评论,介绍欧洲账户一起前往东(1240 - 1400)。”西北大学, 1985. This dissertation offers an edition of the earliest, most accurate recovered text of the Itinerarius with variants from the other manuscripts and two printed editions, as well as the first edition of the entire Dutch version. An introductory essay places Witte’s Itinerarius in the context of other travel narratives, but their works show similarities, particularly interest in and general tolerance for Oriental societies and political authorities.
  • 威尔科克斯,朱迪斯·卡罗尔。”的传播和影响Qusta伊本Luqa的精神和灵魂之间的区别的。”纽约城市大学的, 1985. ‘On the Difference between Spirit and the Soul,’ a brief medical-philosophical tract written around 870 A.D. in Baghdad by the Syrian Christian polymath, Qusta ibn Luqa (d. ca. 912), holds interest for the historian on two counts: (1) The author aims to sum up the most important ideas of the ancient Greek philosophers Plato, Aristotle, Theophrastus and Empedocles, and the physician Galen on the soul and the spirit; and (2) the work was much better known in its Latin version (De differentia spiritus et animae) than in the original Arabic.


  • Baeshen拉弥亚穆罕默德·萨利赫。”“鲁宾逊漂流记”和“Hayy本Yaqzan”:比较研究”。的亚利桑那大学, 1986. Hayy Bin Yaqzan is a famous Arabic narrative written by the Muslim philosopher Abu Bakr Ibn Tufail in the twelfth century and translated first into Latin by Edward Pocock, the son, in 1671, then into English by George Keith in 1674, by George Ashwell in 1686, and by Simon Ockley in 1708. Ibn Tufail’s work is mentioned in connection with Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe, which appeared in 1719, by many critics who either accentuate or repudiate its significance as a possible source. This study goes beyond the off-hand question of derivation to compare these two analogous books, to inquire into the premises it stands upon, and investigate its motivating grounds.
  • 布瑞特,琳达路易丝。诗歌的“天鹅之歌:后期趋势费德里科•加西亚•洛尔卡。”维吉尼亚大学, 1986. Seis poemas galegos, Divan del Tamarit and Sonetos del amor oscuro comprise three of Lorca’s least-known works. An important trend in Lorca’s late poetry is the poet’s choice to draw on his cultural heritage for inspiration for his poems. Each book derives from a different poetic heritage: Seis poemas galegos from traditional Galician-Portuguese cantigas and from Castilian villancicos; the Divan from the Arabic-Andalusian poets of ancient Granada and from the Islamic tradition; and Sonetos del amor oscuro from the refined techniques of the classical sonneteers.
  • 法,莫娜沙菲克。“荒谬的现代阿拉伯文学的影响:一项研究加缪的影响,Ionesco和贝克特。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1986. Though its influence was restricted primarily to the late fifties through the early seventies, the Absurd has played a decisive role in jolting Arabic writing out of the rut of traditional realism into a more experimental conceptualization of the nature of art and literature.
  • Frangieh Bassam Khalil。“异化的主题在巴勒斯坦的小说。”乔治敦大学, 1986. This study examines, in particular, how the theme of alienation is treated in the works of the leading contemporary Palestinian novelists: Jabra Ibrahim Jabra; Ghassan Kanafani; Halim Barakat; and, Emile Habibi.
  • 高盛,您好。“约瑟的故事在犹太教和伊斯兰知识。”纽约大学, 1986. This comparative study demonstrates that an intimate relationship existed between the Jewish and Islamic Joseph traditions. Both traditions were heir to motifs and themes bequeathed by Ancient Near Eastern mythology and folklore.
  • 哈布·艾哈迈德·穆萨。“南北一半:小说的原型分析Tayeb萨利赫。”的爱荷华大学, 1986. Tayeb Salih’s major concern in his fiction is the individual. Freedom from the past can reinstate the primacy of the self, allowing for self-exploration. Yet it can alienate the individual in his society, leading to his disintegration. Therefore, one must seek in the past what is ‘usable,’ a past which is continuous with contemporary experience. In Season of Migration to the North, the narrator accepts the responsibility of choosing life, driving towards an integrative view of time and the East-West conflict.
  • 伊萨,W。“东方式的方方面面:四个英语作家;伯顿,钝,雀斑和劳伦斯。”雷丁大学(英国), 1986. This study examines the writings and, where useful, the lives of their subjects, for the purpose of elucidating how the works of these imaginative writers came to the service of Orientalism. It focuses on: Burton’s works on the Arab Moslem East; Blunt’s creative works in verse and prose and translations of Arabic texts; Flecker’s poetry and his Oriental play Hassan; and Lawrence’s Seven Pillars of Wisdom.
  • Kang美国Heui。“其他的文艺复兴时期表示:旅行文学、斯宾塞、莎士比亚、弥尔顿。”马凯特大学, 1986. The dissertation attempts to analyze the ways in which the Other is represented in Renaissance travel literature, Spenser’s Faerie Queene, Milton’s Paradise Lost, and several plays of Shakespeare. The chapter on allegorization is concerned with the representation of the Islamic Orient in Spenser’s Faerie Queene.
  • 劳,丽莎。“法国文学东方式:表示孟德斯鸠的“他人”的文本,福楼拜,Kristeva。”加州大学圣克鲁斯, 1986. French fascination with the Orient shifts from the Middle East in the early period of French colonialism, to North Africa during the 19th-century French involvement in Algeria, and to China and Japan in the post-colonial present century. This dissertation considers three French orientalist texts as a means of considering how the representations, and the means of representation, of the Orient and the oriental, express different modes of orientalist ‘logic’ and therefore motivate and engage with different moments in French history.
  • el-Lozy,马哈茂德•艾哈迈德。“四个埃及剧作家:翻译和评论。”加州大学圣芭芭拉, 1986. This dissertation consists of English translations of the following four modern Egyptian plays: Ahl al-Kahf (The People of the Cave, 1933), by Tawfiq al-Hakim; Sima Awanta (This Movie is Trash, 1958), by No‘man ‘Ashur; Sikkat al-Salama (The Road of Salvation, 1965), by Sa‘d al-Din Wahba; and Kumidya Udib: Inta Illi-Atalt al-Wahsh (The Comedy of Oedipus: You Killed the Monster, 1970) by ‘Ali Salim.
  • 皮诺,大卫。“文体特征选择的故事从千,一个晚上。”宾夕法尼亚大学, 1986. This dissertation comprises a literary analysis of selected tales from the Alf laylah wa-laylah (The Thousand and One Nights), in which are collated texts from the nineteenth-century editions of MacNaghten (Calcutta II) and Bulaq. These two editions are compared with the recently published Galland MS (BN 3609-3611). Comparison of the three editions on an individualized story-by-story basis demonstrates that the literary quality of the Alf laylah collection varies widely from tale to tale even within a single given edition.
  • Piselli Kathyanne。“女儿巴勒斯坦:Samirah阿赞的短篇小说。”的密歇根大学, 1986. Samirah Azzam has been considered among the best-known and admired Palestinian women writers of the 1950s and 1960s. With unique clarity, her stories introduce the reader to what it meant to be a child in Palestine, an exiled woman in the Arab world at large, and a writer and intellectual in Beirut and Lebanon in the change and optimism-filled years of the fifties and sixties.
  • Rashid。“翻译和分析Abd Al-Jabbar的三位一体的批判和基督论的教义。”爱丁堡大学(英国), 1986. The study is based on `Abd al-Jabbar’s understanding of Christian doctrine of God with special reference to his al-Mughni , Vol. V in the light of Christian literature in Arabic and other Muslim sources.


  • 阿萨,Ghulam海德尔。“穆斯林对其他宗教的理解:一个分析研究伊本Hazm的“最初Al-Fasl Fi Al-Milal Wa Al-Ahwa”Al-Nihalal-Fasl fi al-Milal wa al-Ahwa‘佤邦al-Nihal’。”天普大学, 1987. Giving a brief history of the Muslim contribution to the field of comparative study of religions during the height of Pax-Islamica, through the genre of Muslim literature known as Al-Milal-wa al-Nihal (Religious Traditions and Philosophical Ideologies) the study shows how similar historical conditions provide the context for global human knowledge and intercultural and interreligious awareness. Ibn Hazm’s study of world-religious-philosophical systems and his critique on religious scriptures of other religions is discussed.
  • 阿布巴克尔Omaima Mostafa。“Al-Shushtari诗歌的研究。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1987. The present study examines the strophic poetry of Abu al-Hasan al-Shushtari, the Hispano-Arabic mystical poet (b. 1212), and emphasizes a new approach to Arabic poetry. The choice of al-Shushtari as the object of this study was determined by the fact that his poetry unites two areas of interest in the literature of Muslim Spain: the formal and esoteric, on one hand (specific Sufi doctrines), and the ‘popular’ aspect of Hispano-Arabic literary world (the informal, colloquial zajal, and the melodic muwashshaha).
  • 阿布Shamsieh Eisa穆罕默德。“惊艳的惊艳的易卜拉欣的小说:一项研究的主题和技巧。”在diana University, 1987. Jabra’s work raises a number of issues concerning Arabic/Western literary relations, including: theories and techniques of literary translation; the comparative aesthetics of Western and Arab conventional narrative modes; and the use of references drawn from both Arabic and Western cultures.
  • 阿布Swailem abd Rahim Elayan卫生部。“两个戏剧Tawfiq哈金在翻译,一个关键的介绍。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1987. The dissertation is divided into two parts. Part one includes three chapters about Al-Hakim’s theatre and critical introductions to the plays. Part two includes complete English translations of two plays: Ahl Al-kahf (The People of the Cave (1933), and Pygmalion (1942).
  • 黑色,黛博拉·路易斯。“修辞学和诗学的逻辑维度:Non-Demonstrative推理在中世纪阿拉伯哲学的方面。”多伦多大学(加拿大), 1987. This dissertation examines the view in medieval Arabic philosophy that Aristotle’s Rhetoric and Poetics are logical texts, to be included in the scope of the Organon. The study attempts to show that this taxonomy is philosophically defensible and internally consistent.
  • Carchidi,维多利亚。“创造的空虚:制作一个英雄,一个史诗,一个世界,t.e.劳伦斯。”宾夕法尼亚大学, 1987. T. E. Lawrence was first a military hero, then a writer, finally a mechanic. This dissertation examines the importance given only Lawrence’s military career, seeking to explicate through his autobiographical war epic, Seven Pillars of Wisdom, the strategies which have fixed so protean a figure in a final pose so antithetical to him.
  • 科文,琼。“身份在维多利亚旅行叙事”。在diana University, 1987. George Borrow’s impersonations of the foreign Other in The Bible in Spain (1842) and Richard Burton’s in Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to El-Medinah and Meccah (1855-56) reflect these authors’ desire to forge romantic identities inimical to the Victorian domestic context. R. B. Cunninghame Graham (Mogreb-el-Acksa, 1898) and W. H. Hudson (Idle Days in Patagonia, 1893) abandon traditional travel personas to create new passive narrator/heroes.
  • Dajani, Zahia拉吉卜。“埃及Udaba和伊斯兰教的危机:一项研究伊斯兰教思想的Taha侯赛因,穆罕默德侯赛因Haykal,和“马哈茂德阿巴斯al - Aqqad及其影响埃及的政治、社会和知识的生活。”伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1987. This study is centred around the thoughts and contributions of three Egyptian men of letters--namely, Taha Husayn (d. 1973), Muhammad Husayn Haykal (d. 1956), and `Abbas Mahmud al-'Aqqad (d. 1964). With the collapse of Islamic political power, the Christian missionary thrust tried to penetrate the core of Islamic belief itself. The Udaba' took up the challenge by upholding the Arabic language, expounding the true facts of the Prophet’s life, and by introducing new styles of literature which derives from the Islamic fountainhead, and using styles attractive to modern readers. Also published as埃及和伊斯兰教的危机(纽约:p . Lang, 1990)。
  • Fateem萨阿德。“Bayn al-Qasrayn”纳吉布Mahfuz:翻译和至关重要的“三部曲”方法的调查。”埃克塞特大学(英国), 1987. This disseratatioin examines the views of the critics of Najib Mahfuz’s Trilogy within a chronological framework, at the same time pointing out similarities as well as differences. While assessing the various critical reviews written of the Trilogy, it is interesting to observe how far critics comply or otherwise with Mahfuz’s view that a critic should ‘have the mind of a philosopher, the conscience of a judge and a human heart’.
  • al-Goaifli,穆罕默德Sulaiman。“当代阿拉伯小说的文学批评:一项研究的现实主义的趋势。”的密歇根大学, 1987. The criticism of fiction is a new type of Arabic literary criticism, one that began to mature in the early 1950s. The study distinguishes between two branches of criticism: critical realism, which calls for the novel to assist in the reforming of society by accurate depiction of its problems and concerns, as seen through the experience of the novelist; and socialist realism, which asks that the novel depict what ought to be rather than what is in order to spread socialist ideology among the masses, to prefigure the future for them, and to give them an optimistic view of that future.
  • Hammad,蒙娜Joma。“拉丁和穆斯林史学的十字军东征:威廉的比较研究轮胎和“伊茨Ad-Din伊本Al-Athir。”宾夕法尼亚大学, 1987. The thesis of this study is that remarkable consistency and conformity exist between the two works: Historia Rerum in Partibus Transmarinis Gestarum of William of Tyre, and Al-Kamil Fit-Tarikh of Ibn al-athir. The analysis of the same events that were recorded in both histories led to the discovery of new facts regarding the relation between the Latin Christians in the Holy Land and their Muslim neighbors in the twelfth century.
  • al-Humoud, Sana艾哈迈德。“改变态度在伊斯兰东方和西方基督教文学之间的关系,主要强调19世纪。”丹佛大学, 1987. This study traces the beginning of the Western awareness of the Islamic East from the Middle Ages until the nineteenth century. It touches specifically upon the Western spirit of intolerance toward the Islamic East.
  • Lebdai Benaouda。“Rachid Boudjedra和恩赛:两个独立后的非洲籍作家的比较研究”。埃塞克斯大学(英国), 1987. This disseration examines the repercussions of colonialism on the post-independent generation of African writers and consequently their view of history. The politics of languages in Africa is a crucial one, leading to an examination of the political implications of Boudjedra and Ngugi’s decisions to stop writing in the colonial languages in 1981. The aim of this thesis is to help bridge the gap between the literature of North Africa and the literature south of the Sahara by emphasizing the similarity of problems and interests despite the obviously different background traditions.
  • 肖,丹尼尔·G。“城市或花园:圣奥古斯丁和阿尔加在最后一个房地产的祝福。”西北大学,1987。本文提出了一个实验的结果比较末世论。这个实验的案例研究的最后部分奥古斯丁De civitate一些(书22日29日和30日章)和Ghazali的Ihya ulum al-din(40本书,第2部分,部分13到19)在最后的生命的祝福。每一章都包含一个关键词的分析,并排的文本分析和结论。
  • Shawabkeh,穆罕默德·阿里。“阿拉伯国家和西方国家之间的交流:一个专题的研究在现代阿拉伯语小说,1935 - 1985”。的密歇根大学, 1987. This study deals with the interchange between the Arabs and the West in the context of the cultural, political and economic encounters depicted in the Arabic novels of the Near East in the period 1935-1985.
  • Shirazi,柴那Abdel-Mohsen艾哈迈德。“东方主题在劳伦斯的小说。”埃克塞特大学(英国), 1987. The Eastern elements in D. H. Lawrence’s fiction are subdivided both geographically and thematically. The two terms Eastern and Middle Eastern are used to refer to the heritage of India and the far East on the one hand and of Egypt and the Middle East on the other. Where the study breaks new ground, is in its analytic study of the work of the well-known Orientalist and Arabist Fritz Johann Heinrich Krenkow--Lawrence’s uncle by marriage and the possible and actual wealth of ideas and images that the Lawrence-Krenkow relationship brought to the former’s art and vision. Other possible channels of cultural cross-fertilization are pointed out to make sure than Krenkow’s role is not unduly exaggerated.
  • Zoubir Abdelhamid。“美国和阿尔及利亚作家:比较研究文学语言与民族文化之间的关系。”埃塞克斯大学(英国), 1987. This enquiry into some representative American and Algerian writers, from the angle of their respective use of English and French, has enabled me to consider the meaning of a few so-called linguistic impurities or neologisms in terms of an invariable argument to be found behind the usual association of language with the common criteria of narrow conceptions of nationalism.


  • 联合国人口基金执行主任Thoraya Abdulwahab al-Abbasi,。”女人的声音在阿拉伯语、法语和英语沙龙:文学影响。”伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1988. This study presents the voices of women in classical Arabic literature and the literature of eighteenth century France and England. It compares women as writers and sponsors of salons during two different periods of world history.
  • Ashshareef Teirab。“变质的愿景:工作的时间和历史的诗学Adunis。”在diana University, 1988. This dissertation studies the treatment of the human experience of time and history in the whole corpus of the work of the contemporary Arab poet Adunis ('Ali Ahmad Sa'id) (b. 1930): in his poetry as well as his poetic theory and cultural criticism. It concludes that Adunis’s poetics of time and history in Arab-Islamic culture is a plea for pluralism. It is an attempt at transcending the monolithic perception of that culture, at a re-writing of its cultural and literary history, and at a recanonization.
  • Bakhsh, Jalaluddien Khuda。“梅尔维尔和伊斯兰教”。的佛罗里达州立大学, 1988. This study begins with Western views toward Islam in general and their influence on Melville’s mind. Next it focuses on Islamic imagery in Melville’s early works, then presents a detailed analysis of Melville's treatment of Islam according to the Journal of a Trip to Europe and the Levant and Clarel. An epilogue shows how Melville quietly abandons his religious search after returning from Palestine.
  • Boushaba,萨菲亚。“文学翻译的一些问题的分析研究:一项研究的两个阿拉伯语翻译k·纪伯伦的先知。”索尔福德大学(英国), 1988. This thesis deals with the problems of literary translation namely: subjectivity in the interpretation of the original message, the question of stylistic faithfulness and flexibility as regards the form of the original text and the extreme notion of the impossibility of an adequate translation. A comparison between the original English version of Gibran Kahlil Gibran’s The Prophet and its two Arabic translations is given as an illustration to most of the views and suggestions made in this study.
  • DeYoung而言,特里林恩。“从而挂一个故事:一个研究神话的现代阿拉伯语诗歌。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1988. This dissertation investigates an important new development in twentieth-century Arabic poetry: the use of myth as a major thematic component and structuring device of the poetic work, which generally is assumed to be a borrowing from Western literature.
  • Faddul,爱迪优素福。”诗学的比较研究艾略特和Adunis。”宾夕法尼亚大学, 1988. The main thesis of this dissertation is that the poetics of T. S. Eliot has been a central influence on the shi‘r hurr movement in Arabic that flourished beginning in the 1950s. This thesis is elaborated through a comparison of the poetics of Eliot and that of the Syro-Lebanese poet Adunis, one of the most prominent poets of that movement.
  • Fakahani,苏珊贾米尔。“欧文的阿尔罕布拉宫的:背景、来源,和图案。”的佛罗里达州立大学, 1988. This dissertation studies Irving’s The Alhambra as a whole literary work. It illustrates Irving’s extensive knowledge of Spanish and Arabic culture and history; studies the various sources for the book; discusses the book’s romanticism, setting, local color, characters, plot, language (including the incorporation of Arabic and Spanish language), themes, narrative, humor, and morality; and shows the social and literary significance of the book to the Spanish, the Arabs, the Americans, and to Irving himself.
  • 费尔斯通,瑞文。“伊斯兰的进化叙事注释在亚伯拉罕-以实玛利传说。”纽约大学, 1988. This study analyses a single narrative theme in Islamic exegetical literature: the legends concerning Abraham after his hijra (emigration) from the land of Nimrod. All significant references to these themes in twenty well-known medieval exegetical sources dating from the 9th to the 15th centuries and representing various Islamic religious outlooks are collected and analysed. This study suggests that most of the Islamic narrative traditions serving to fill in terse qur'anic references to Abraham and Ishmael originated from foreign sources, but evolved in such a way that they became acceptable to the Islamic world view.
  • 哈米德,穆罕默德·阿里。“两个伊斯兰剧作家,阿里艾哈迈德Bakathir与关键评论。”翻译成英文伊利诺伊大学香槟分校, 1988. Arab dramatists are still largely unknown, particularly in the U.S.A. This dissertation is a step partially to fill that gap through the translation and critical study of two plays by Ali Ahmad Bakathir (1908-1969), one of the most original Arab playwrights.
  • Khalifeh,萨哈尔。“女人没有人的土地”。的爱荷华大学, 1988. This is a two part project. The first part is a three sectioned introduction that deals with the author’s development as a feminist, a novelist, and a literary-cultural critic. The second part of the dissertation is a novel that deals with the experiences of three bi-cultural characters. The first character is an Arab-American, the second is an Afro-American, and the third is a Jewish American.
  • Kleitz,多尔西罗德尼。“东方主义和美国浪漫的想象:中东在欧文的作品中,爱伦坡,爱默生,梅尔维尔。”新罕布什尔大学, 1988. During the nineteenth century, the Orient--what we now call the Middle East--was an object of fascination for American writers and artists. The emphasis of this dissertation is not on Oriental sources for specific works written during the nineteenth century, but on the underlying importance the Orient had for some of the major writers of the American Renaissance. Whenever possible, relevent Orientalist artwork is related to various literary works to show the depth and complexity of American Romantic Orientalism.
  • al-Magaleh,阿卜杜拉阿里。“Tawfiq哈金寻求来自阿拉伯语戏剧:评估他的理论努力。”在diana University, 1988. This dissertation examines al-Hakim’s theoretical endeavors to originate and establish Arabic drama. His contributions are represented in four important areas: originality, form, content, and sources. This study shows that al-Hakim should be regarded as a literary and theatrical pioneer who transformed Arabic drama, making it original and creative, rather than a mere imitation of the Western model.
  • 公园,Heong-Dug。“纳瓦尔al-Sa 'adawi和现代埃及女性主义著作。”的密歇根大学, 1988. Influenced by the basic human rights movement in the West, and the independence and nationalism movements in Egypt in late nineteenth and twentieth century, women’s issues in Egypt as well as other Arab countries, have become an important social concern and have been discussed frequently by both women writers and nationalists. The Egyptian writer, Nawal Sa'adawi, an active writer since the 60s of fiction and non-fiction works, sees sexism as the fundamental social problem, and imperialism, racism, and capitalism as the extension of male supremacy over women, and the existing ideologies as all products of male supremacist culture.
  • 权力,亨瑞特拉扎里迪斯。“Shahrazade叫醒:“天方夜谭”,查尔斯·狄更斯和詹姆斯·乔伊斯的叙事动力。”宾夕法尼亚大学, 1988. Dickens and Joyce follow in the wake of Shahrazade, retracing and reviving the structures of her Arabian Nights tales. In their retelling of the Nights, Dickens and Joyce reveal their differing conceptions of the power of the reader and the female teller in the production of narrative.
  • Rahimieh,纳斯林。“东方式的反应在现代小说和东部奖学金。”阿尔伯塔大学(加拿大), 1988. The aim of this study is to analyze the modern Eastern literary and scholarly responses to Orientalism in a variety of texts by Egyptian, Palestinian, Iranian, Iraqi, North African, Turkish, and Indian writers and scholars.
  • 里,Nurshif ' abd Al-Rahim穆斯塔法。“伊本Hazm犹太人和犹太教。(卷》)”。埃克塞特大学(英国), 1988. This thesis deals with the Ibn Hazm and his view of Jews and Judaism, based on his book al-Fisal. The appendix includes the first translation into English of Ibn Hazm’s writings on Judaism.
  • 罗珀,杰弗里·J。“阿拉伯语印刷在马耳他,1825 - 1845:在印刷文化的发展历史和其在阿拉伯中东。”达勒姆大学(英国), 1988. Drawing mainly on archival sources, this thesis examines the origins and history of The Arabic press run by the English Church Missionary Society in Malta and attempts to dispel the confusion hitherto surrounding its identity and ownership. In order to place the subject in its appropriate historical context, an extensive account is also given of the history of Arabic book production in, and export from, Europe in the previous three centuries; and a preliminary assessment is attempted of the place of the Malta Arabic press in the overall development of print culture in the Arab world, especially in relation to the 19th-century cultural revival (nahda).
  • 萨勒姆,r . M。“流亡和怀旧Al-Andalus在阿拉伯语和希伯来语诗歌。”伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1988. The purpose of this study is to examine the notions of ‘exile’ (ghurba) and ‘nostalgia’ (al-hanin ila-al-Watan) in Arabic and Hebrew poetry in al-Andalus (Moslem Spain) and to undertake a detailed comparative analysis of the two literatures and cultures arising out of their co-existence in al-Andalus in the middle ages.
  • Sharafuddin,穆罕默德艾哈迈德。“伊斯兰教和浪漫主义:东方式的研究在英语节叙述,1798 - 1817。”约克大学(英国), 1988. This dissertation focuses on the development of the image of Islam at a crucial moment in Western Orientalism--the Romantic period in England between 1798-1815--which period witnessed the paradoxical emergence of the Orient (or the Middle East) as reality out of the Orient as fantasy. Published as a book under the title伊斯兰教和浪漫的东方主义:Literatary遇到东方(伦敦:新Yori:金牛座的,1994)。
  • al-Tami艾哈迈德·萨利赫。阿拉伯语”的诗歌理论的主要Poet-Critics新诗。”在diana University, 1988. This dissertation aims at examining and interpreting the theories of poetry of the leading poet-critics who have made the greatest contribution in introducing and establishing the Arabic free verse and prose poem. Throughout the study, efforts have been made to compare the four poets’ ideas with similar ideas of Western poets and critics.
  • Yousif, Abdul-Salaam Yacoob。“前卫文化实践:另一种文化霸权的形成在伊拉克和智利,1930年代- 1970年代。”的爱荷华大学, 1988. This dissertation applies Antonio Gramsci’s concepts of hegemony and the formation of intellectuals to the study of the oppositional cultural practices that have marked the literary and artistic scenes in Iraq and Chile for the last forty years.


  • abdul razak, h . M。“济慈、雪莱和拜伦Nazik al-Mala 'ikah的诗。”格拉斯哥大学(英国), 1989. The main purpose of this thesis is to trace the impact of the English Romantic poets, especially Keats, Shelley and Byron, on Arab/Iraqi Romantic poetry and thought, in particular that of Nazik al-Mala’ikah.
  • Agzenay Asma。“理论方法的其他欧洲:之间的‘事实’和‘小说’。”诺丁汉大学(英国), 1989. The ‘Other’ of Europe in Western literature has its own genealogy and history which is not to be equated with the history of imperialist capitalism, or deduced from Orientalism as a form of political hegemony. Through a critical assessment of the geneaology of the Islamic Orient in eighteenth and nineteenth century English literature, this inquiry goes on to identify the political value of aesthetic and imaginative appropriations of the Orient, not in imaginative forms of cultural production per se, but in narrative investments of fictions with factuality.
  • Alcalay亚米利。“Re:定向/写作地中海。”纽约城市大学的, 1989. This dissertation proposes a new framework for the study of diverse literatures within the changing political contexts of the Mediterranean world from the 10th to the 20th century. It emphases the following issues: the ideological, historical and literary relations between Arabs and Jews; ‘native’ and ‘non-native’ narrative forms; the social functions of literature, and gender.
  • el-Beshti,巴希尔马哈茂德。“位移转向东方:东方英语文艺复兴时期的文学和文化。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1989. This study offers an analysis of Renaissance Orientalism as a dynamic exchange between individual authors and the larger political, economic, and social concerns of the period. It examines how the status of Islam shifted from one of a theological concern in the Middle Ages to that of a social and cultural referent in the Renaissance.
  • Ferjani, Fauzia B。“二十世纪女性的图像选择英语,美国人,和阿拉伯语小说。”北科罗拉多大学, 1989. This study examines and compares major female characters in fourteen contemporary English, American, and Arabic political novels.
  • 冈萨雷斯,大卫·朱利安。“因为血液的水:小说。”明尼苏达大学, 1989. "Because of the Blood in the Water: A Novel" is a dissertation with a creative component. The scholarly portion consists literary research pertaining to the idea of land as motif in emergent American Indian literature. The creative component is a novel set in the Middle East. Two American Indian mixedbloods travel, making a film of the Arab world.
  • Hikel,玛丽林恩。”的理论和实践框架故事叙述装置:薄伽丘的《十日谈》作为范例。”华盛顿大学, 1989. This study examines the development, the form, and the function of the frame story as a narrative device in frame-tale collections. Chapter 1 deals with the historical and literary origins and the development of the frame-tale collection, particularly in Indian, Middle Eastern, Classical Greek and Latin, and medieval European collections.
  • 侯赛因,瓦利德沙米利。“三起Yousif al - Ani:翻译和介绍。”加州大学洛杉矶分校, 1989. This original study is the first attempt to translate al-‘Ani’s works and possibly an Iraqi play into English and traces the social changes reflected in Iraqi drama.
  • 侯赛因,r . H。“自然和死亡的诗歌al-Mala 'ika al-Shabbi (Shukri,和某些英国浪漫主义诗人”。圣安德鲁斯大学(英国), 1989. The first part of this thesis deals with the early background of European Romanticism and discusses the question of the originality of Arabic Romanticism. Part two examines the influence of English poetry and thought on three Arab Romantic poets: Nazik Sadiq al-Mala’ika, Abu al-Qasim al-Shabbi and Abd al-Rahman Shukri.
  • Morsy,我栓紧。“Frame-Narrative和短篇小说:一个连续的“一千零一一夜”博尔赫斯。”埃塞克斯大学(英国), 1989. This thesis studies the framing device in Western short fiction as a continuity from 1001 Nights to Borges, which casts light on the relationship between the Medieval entertaining function of fiction and the modern tradition of reflexive fiction.
  • 纳赛尔整日醉醺醺的,他问。“塞缪尔·约翰逊和批评历史的东方故事。”的佛罗里达州立大学, 1989. Johnson never visited the Middle East nor did he have any competence in the oriental languages, yet he felt the influence of the literature more than any other writer of the early eighteenth century. This dissertation attempts to establish the extent of his knowledge of the Middle East, the importance he attached to it and the nature of its contribution to his inspiration as support for a critical reevaluation of the oriental elements in his oriental tales--Rasselas--and two sequels by Ellis Cornelia Knight in 1790 and by Elizabeth Pope Whately in 1835.
  • Pao,安琪拉Chia-Yi。“东方大道:中东的表示在19世纪法国受欢迎的戏剧。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1989. This thesis analyzes the contemporary impact of representations of the Orient in 19th century boulevard theatre, the production of meaning in historical melodrama and national drama according to contemporary categories of experience and modes of perception.
  • 萨勒姆,马哈茂德·默罕默德·艾哈迈迪。“二十世纪埃及代表两个三部曲”。南卡罗来纳大学, 1989. This dissertation concerns the theme of East versus West in its discussion of the British domination of Egypt, along with other aspects of Egyptian life, as depicted in two twentieth century trilogies written by two major contemporary writers: the Egyptian Naguib Mahfouz and the British Percy Howard Newby.
  • Sheltag,侯赛因Abdul-Azim。”“天方夜谭”的影响在19世纪英国小说。”埃克塞特大学(英国), 1989. This dissertation reviews the history of literary connections between England and the Middle East from the First Crusade of 1096 through the 19th century when such connections were at their most extensive, as exemplified in English fiction.
  • Sultana Fehmida。“浪漫的东方主义和伊斯兰教:骚塞,雪莱,摩尔和拜伦。”塔夫斯大学, 1989. This dissertation shows how Southey, Shelley, Tom Moore, and Byron share, in their Orientalist poetry, a common focus on the Islamic Orient, its culture, its ideology, and its people, which is predominantly conventional and stereotypical in its spirit. In their manipulation of the orient for their own literary and cultural purposes, in their representation of the West as a superior geo-cultural reality over the East, Southey, Shelley, Byron, and Moore employ images and rhetorical strategies which ensure their participation in an intertextual process of literary Orientalism which has been existing in the West since the Middle Ages.
  • 来同西,默罕默德·穆罕默德。“莎士比亚用阿拉伯语:研究翻译,接待,和莎士比亚的戏剧在阿拉伯世界的影响力。”北科罗拉多大学, 1989. Arabic scholars and critics have focused mostly on interpreting and analyzing Shakespeare’s plays and characters. This study is designed to shed light on the history of Arabic translations of Shakespearean drama in its different stages and to provide a brief analysis of literary translation and the history of Arabic drama.
  • 工人,南希维多利亚。“维多利亚时代的“天方夜谭”的冒险:互文性的研究。”芝加哥洛约拉大学, 1989. This study examines the referential relationship, or intertextuality, that exists between selected Victorian texts and a collection of medieval fairy tales, The Thousand and One Nights. It argues that many Victorian writers used the imagery, themes, and narrative structures from this collection in their own work, and that a recognition of this relationship enriches the reader’s understanding of individual texts, as well as the manner by which texts create ‘literary language’ as they borrow and refer to one another.


  • Awwad, Abd al-Hussein M。“应用现代阿拉伯语诗歌的批评:理论基础的比较研究”。埃克塞特大学(英国), 1990. This dissertation focuses on the theoretical bases of applied poetic criticism and on how the configuration of modern poetic evaluation took shape from a comparative, historical perspective--reviewing interactions between Arabic and European poetic theory and practice from the foundational, evaluative principles of the ancient Arab, Greek and Latin cultures up to contempary approaches.
  • Bahous, abb。“这部小说和摩尔文化:希德的作者“堂吉诃德”。“埃塞克斯大学(英国), 1990. The present study takes Don Quixote as what it claims to be: the translation of a work by the Moorish author-historian Cide Hamete whom Cervantes interposes between himself and his reader. The thesis attempts to plot salient interactions between the European picaresque in general and the Arabic, thereby establishing a bridge between the Arabic narrative in question and Don Quixote. Finally, the implications of the whole study for literary and translation theory are brought out, along with the full consequences of the idea that Europe’s first novel claims to be a translation from Arabic.
  • Behdad,阿里。“东方式分裂:现代表征的Micropolitics欧洲其他的。”的密歇根大学, 1990. Whereas most post-colonial criticism has viewed Orientalism as a homogeneous and monolithic body of knowledge about the East, this study contends that it is rather a dispersed and irregular field of practices which contains both differences within and the possibility of subtle deviations from the dominant discourse. The Orientalist writings of Eberhardt, Flaubert, Kipling, Nerval, and the mid-nineteenth century tourist-guides in England and France provide specific cases of counter-discourses which embody a desire for the Orient that produces ideological slippage and splits the Orientalist’s discourse.
  • Cooper,帕特里夏Unterspan。“西班牙散文Exempla:比较分析四个集合。”肯塔基大学, 1990. The exempla, brief tales which served to edify medieval man by illuminating a moral lesson, were used by preachers to enliven and amplify their sermons. After the confluence of the Christian and Arab cultures in Spain, oriental tales were incorporated into the collections of exempla. This work investigates selected exempla collections from their first appearance in the Spanish language through the end of the medieval period.
  • Annick勾勒出她名叫。“坚持文学的陈词滥调:在当代文学北非。”纽约大学, 1990. This dissertation surveys writings about North Africa (Egypt and the Maghreb); it is limited to stereotypes found in late nineteenth and twentieth century literature. The study is organized according to a dichotomy between the colonizer and the colonized, a model inspired by Albert Memmi’s Portrait du colonise precede du portrait du colonisateur (1956).
  • al-Haddad,哈迪这。“伊拉克的诗歌翻译的语言调查(1950 - 1986)。”英国巴斯大学(英国), 1990. Translating Iraqi poetry into English is a relatively new issue which developed mainly in the United Kingdom, in the United States of America, in Lebanon, and in the Netherlands. Attention is focussed in this study on documenting and examining various translated texts presented and published between 1950 and 1986, and on evaluating the amount of attention each school of Iraqi poetry has received in the process of translation. The impact of English poetry on modern Iraqi poetry is examined, and criteria for the evaluation of translations of Iraqi poetry are proposed.
  • 威廉卢,约瑟夫。“其他欺骗性:英语写作和东方,1717 - 1820。”斯坦福大学, 1990. The dissertation challenges the traditional description of the eighteenth-century novel and Romantic poetry as ‘domestic’ or ‘inward-turning’ by showing how British writers between 1717 and 1820 developed new narrative shapes to comment upon British Imperial concerns in both the Middle East and India.
  • 潘迪特,帕拉维·埃呀尔。“东方话语的建构及其文学表征四位英国旅行作家的作品:詹姆斯说,亚历山大•金莱克理查德•伯顿和格特鲁德钟。”的宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 1990. This study examines the Orientalist stereotypes of four nineteenth-century British travellers--Morier, Kinglake, Burton, and Bell--and maintains that while, as Westerners, they all echoed the traditional, culturally acceptable view of the Islamic Orient, as travellers they were also able to imaginatively step out of their culture and to question its assumptions about the Orient.
  • Aleya阿卜杜勒萨拉姆说。“戏剧的形式和风格的分析陶菲克哈金。“佐治亚大学, 1990. Beginning with The Sleepers of Ephesus (1928), Tawfik al-Hakim’s efforts to start a serious Arabic dramatic literature produced a large number of plays in various forms and styles. Both Eastern and Western influences are evident in his dramas which mixed European techniques with themes mostly deriving from the Eastern cultures.
  • Shoukany,穆罕默德纳赛尔。“东方主义和阿拉伯文学反应:研究艾哈迈德·法里斯Al-Shidyaq,查尔斯m .勇敢的约瑟夫·康拉德,惊艳的惊艳i和Tawfiq Yusuf Awwad。”的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 1990. This study is an attempt to examine the nature and different aspects of the intercultural and intertextual confrontation between the West and the Arab East as reflected in their respective literary narratives. Contrary to the prevailing notion of a silent ‘Orient,’ this study ultimately will demonstrate that since the beginning of the modern East/West confrontation, Arabic literature has been able to interrogate Orientalist discourse in compelling ways.


  • 阿布Libdeh,和谐Jabr [Libdeh抗干扰a]。”话语的角度形象化的表达在文学作品参照英语/阿拉伯语翻译。”赫瑞瓦特大学(英国), 1991. This dissertation examines the function of figures of speech or figurative expression from a discourse point of view and assesses to what extent English/Arabic or Arabic/English translators take into consideration this discourse aspect. An empirical translation assessment is made using figures of speech in two novels which form the data for this study.
  • Alsafar,沙巴穆罕默德。“开放剧院:其发展及其潜在贡献在北非和中东的阿拉伯语剧院。”美国堪萨斯大学, 1991. The Open Theatre was formed in 1963 to research and develop non-Method acting approaches that would expand the acting abilities of its members and eventually became both a producing and creating company. Its accomplishments could contribute considerably to the development of Arabic theatre in North Africa and the Middle East. The dissertation contains two parts. Part I offers a critical study of the Open Theatre’s pieces. Part II provides Arabic translations of all the influential Open Theatre’s plays.
  • Alsebail,阿卜杜勒阿齐兹。“阿拉伯半岛的短篇故事:现实的趋势。”在diana University, 1991. By examining short story collections published since nineteen sixty and onward, one can identify three distinct types of realism: descriptive, critical, and socialist. The goal of this dissertation is to study these three types of realism in the short story of the Arabian peninsula through the works of nine writers from the following countries: Bahrain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen.. Each chapter begins with a brief theoretical discussion of the type of realism under consideration, on the basis of both western and Arabic studies.
  • 贝思Bardenstein,卡罗尔。“m·塔拉是19世纪法国戏剧和小说的翻译:转换和接待埃及文学传统。”的密歇根大学, 1991. Muhammad ‘Uthman Jalal was the prolific translator of a number of French literary texts during the period usually referred to as the nahda or cultural renaissance of Egypt in the nineteenth century. This dissertation examines his complete extant corpus, which includes the translation of works by La Fontaine, Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Moliere, and Racine.
  • Ben Aziza Lahsen。“浪漫谢赫拉莎德:约翰·巴斯的自我叙述机器从“漂浮的歌剧”到“嵌合体”。“达尔豪斯大学(加拿大), 1991. This study explores John Barth’s use of framing as a narrative-generating strategy. Barth uses the frame-tale technique precisely because it allows him to tell tales endlessly. The Arabian Nights is Barth’s favourite. He has a long-standing obsession with Scheherazade, whose terrifying publish-or-perish situation is emblematic of the daunting task with which the artist must grapple.
  • 缅甸人,托马斯·E。“西班牙的阿拉伯基督徒和伊斯兰教,c . 1050 - 1200年:的文本的书籍Denudationis”(别名“Contrarietas Alfolica”)及其知识环境。”多伦多大学(加拿大), 1991. This dissertation is an analysis of a small group of Arabic and Latin religious apologetic and polemical works which shed light on the intellectual life of the Arabic-speaking Christian community centered around Toledo in the years from 1050 to 1200.
  • 罗伯特。戴维斯。“勇士们,先生们:西方的阿拉伯旅行叙事的伯顿,钝和劳伦斯。”拉夫堡科技大学(英国), 1991. The thesis concerns itself with the way in which 19th and early 20th century British travellers reported their encounters with the Middle East and particularly with the peoples of the Arabian deserts. The narratives studied show markedly different perceptions of the same groups of people.
  • 迪克森,约翰·斯宾塞。“东方表示在英语和法语写作,1798 - 1882,特定参考埃及。”华威大学(英国), 1991. The aim of the thesis has been to offer a comparative analysis of discourses within English and French travel writing in the late-eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, in order to develop a more nuanced understanding of how the East was represented in this type of literature than that offered by Edward Said in his book Orientalism.
  • Dunnavent Walter爱德华三世。在美国“Ameen Rihani:一位阿拉伯裔美国作家超越论”。在diana University, 1991. Ameen Rihani (1876-1940) is usually viewed as an Arab immigrant who came to the United States, rediscovered his Arab roots, became involved in Arabic literature and Arab political causes, and returned to his native culture. This dissertation takes a different approach. First, it concentrates solely on what Rihani wrote in English and on what has been written about him in English. Second, it shows the influence of the American environment on what Rihani wrote in English.
  • Einbinder,苏珊莱斯利。“μ'arada作为一个关键的文学统一Muwashshah。”哥伦比亚大学, 1991. This study explores the structural features and literary organization of a select group of muwashshah lyrics. It focuses on the common phenomenon of poetic contrefaction known as mu‘arada--rewriting lyric texts to fit existing metrical, rhyme and musical patterns. The main body of the dissertation is devoted to a close analysis of four poem ‘families,’ each of which was chosen to span various academic or cultural boundaries--Arabic and Hebrew, Andalusian and Maghrebi, secular and religious.
  • Frawley,玛丽亚巴顿亨克尔。由女性“更广泛:游记在维多利亚时期的英格兰。”特拉华大学, 1991. Each chapter of this study examines a form of travel writing used by Victorian women to establish cultural authority. In most cases, the direction chosen by the author was shaped by the region about which she wrote. The women who travelled to Africa and other regions considered remote from England depicted themselves as adventuresses. Other women used their accounts to create more explicitly professional identities, including a few who ventured to the Middle East and represented themselves as historians.
  • Geesey,帕特里夏·A。“写作使非殖民化自我:自传叙事从北非。”的俄亥俄州立大学, 1991. Assia Djebar’s and Abdelkebir Khatibi’s autobiographical narratives distinguish themselves from the earlier examples of the autobiographical fiction genre in that they consciously challenge the notion that autobiographical discourse can communicate an authentic self-portrait of the decolonized writer. Through the autobiographical act, Djebar and Khatibi retraced their ‘coming to writing’ in the French language, leading them to a greater appreciation of how both the mother tongue and the ‘other’ tongue affect the emergence of the self.
  • 哈珀,玛丽J。“自我形象和其他在19世纪文学之旅:Gerard De神经的航行在东方。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1991. This dissertation situates Gerard de Nerval’s ‘Voyage en Orient’ historically and intertextually, in contrast to other studies, approaching it as topos and as text, as an ethnography and an aesthetics, as an empirical voyage and an intellectual itinerary of nineteenth-century France.
  • 哈桑,凯Filfil。”“天方夜谭”:它的背景,其发展作为原始游戏,和“夜”的影响在英语文学和戏剧。”德州理工大学, 1991. Translated from its Arabic and Islamic culture as ‘The Arabian Nights,’ the stories collected in 'Alf Layla wa Layla' made a profound impression on English writing, particularly on drama and romantic fiction, leading to a series of imitations and adaptations. Since the main function of drama is to tell a story, these stories could be a treasure for writing and dramatizing works for the stage. The main portion of this dissertation is the text of an original play ‘Arabian Nights,’ adapted and dramatized from some of these stories.
  • Isteero,艾伯特。“阿卜杜拉穆斯林伊本Qutayba圣经的报价和资料来源:调查现存最早的阿拉伯语圣经翻译。”的约翰霍普金斯大学, 1991. Among ninth century Arab writers known to have quoted the Bible the renowned scholar Ibn Qutayba al-Dinawari (828-889) stands out both through the number of his works and the frequency of his Biblical quotations. The study concludes that Ibn Qutayba used multiple sources for these quotations, including written manuscripts of the Pentateuch and Matthew.
  • 卡迈勒,Hisham Safwat。“基督在当代阿拉伯文学。”富勒神学院、学校的世界的使命, 1991. This dissertation examines what three modern Egyptian Muslim writers--Shalaby, al-Aqqad and Khalid--have written about Jesus Christ.
  • Khulusi, S。“向Arab-English翻译理论与阿拉伯翻译文明的传播者的角色。”埃克塞特大学(英国), 1991. The present work offers a comprehensive, analytical study of Arabic translation from Pre-Islamic times right through to the 14th/19th Century revival movement, in an attempt to formulate a Theory of Arabic-English Translation. This endeavour is complemented by a detailed study of the genesis of Arabic and English comparative literature in translation, which examine translations of selected Shakespearian Plays into Arabic, along with those of the Arabic literary classic Kali*lah wa Dimnah into English.
  • Lotfizadeh,邦妮黛安娜欧文。”“Sindibad之书”和“罗马的古代希腊七贤人”:视角框架及其关系插值在波斯故事,阿拉伯语,拉丁语,和西班牙语的版本。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1991. Because the historical issues regarding the origins of these most popular works have commanded so much of the critical attention, this study focuses instead on the frame-tale structure and its implications for the reception of the tales in their Persian, Arabic, Latin, and Spanish versions.
  • 纳伊米(ali Naimi)穆罕默德努尔。“t.e.劳伦斯和东方传统。”埃塞克斯大学(英国), 1991. Lawrence is a product of the Orientalist tradition and Seven Pillars constitutes a literary embodiment which describes the Middle East and Orient at the beginning of the twentieth century, for imperial purposes. The present thesis seeks to investigate the source of these Orientalist influences on Lawrence and the construction by Lawrence of his self-images and multiple modes of hero which were adopted by contemporaries in their biographies of Lawrence.
  • 艾尔凯塞Fayez。“伊斯兰阿尔梅里亚:它的历史背景及其在第五A.H.阿拉伯文学/公元11世纪”伦敦大学(英国)——东方及非洲研究学院, 1991. This thesis offers a study of the petty state of Almeria during the 5th/11th century when it stood at the center of the cultural efflorescence in Islamic Spain. It provides historical background and a sociological, political, religious and economic perspective on the period, as seen primarily through the eyes of the Almerian poets, and summarizes the contribution of the Almerian poets to the development of Andalusian poetry as a whole.
  • 斯梅尔,Zahia。“主题法语阿尔及利亚小说。”埃克塞特大学(英国), 1991. This thesis examines the development of the Francophone Algerian novel, the circumstances of its emergence, and the various phases of its progress through the pre-independence period, and the extent to which this parallels the political evolution of Algerian nationalism exemplified in Ferhat Abbas.
  • 沃勒,兰德尔·莱昂内尔。“说服的诗歌:布朗宁的辩护者和修辞的艺术。”德州农工大学, 1991. Robert Browning stands as the most overtly rhetorical poet of the Victorian era. Nowhere is his rhetorical touch more evident than in his apologetic poems. For this dissertation, seven poems have been designated as apologies. Among these is ‘An Epistle ... of Karshish, the Arab Physician,’ which is viewed as a scientific epistle that the Arab physician converts into a case study of one Jewish tradesman named Lazarus.


  • Abdelwahed,易卜拉欣说。“东方主义和浪漫主义:一个历史辩证关系。”杜肯大学, 1992. This study shows that when Romanticism as a literary movement came to life and flourished, Orientalism as a comprehensive European movement for understanding the Middle or Semitic East was mature and well established; it exerted an insurmountable influence over Romantic writers inside and outside England. The mutual admiration, love, respect and affinity between Romanticism and Orientalism make it impossible to study either of these two historical movements separately.
  • 布尔,Ingeborg艾丽卡。“重读闺房和暴君:东方的法国文化的变化表示在十八和十九世纪初。”的罗彻斯特大学, 1992. Taking sterotypical notions of the Orient (here understood as the Arab/Islamic world) as departure point, this dissertation examines the question of change in the context of cross-cultural representations. It focuses in particular on French cultural representations in paintings and prints, literary texts and travelogues of Oriental women in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.
  • 品牌,Hanita。”问题的符号学戏剧和戏剧:Receiver-Oriented方法。”哥伦比亚大学,1992。最近的两个新的重点区分符号理论的戏剧和剧院从先前的方法:在关注dramatic-vs二分法”。戏剧文本,他们认为后者是独立前的(在不同程度上);和他们对待文本分析的角度来看他们的发起者,有时虽然声称覆盖其他角度。这项研究跟踪这些方法的不一致和盲点,并提供另一个角度:接收器,与阿拉伯语。
  • 埃比尼泽Dharmaraj,荣耀。“重写东老中古英语文本:一项研究思考的问题和第三世界女性的代表”。芝加哥洛约拉大学, 1992. This dissertation is a critical and theoretical reconsideration of the image of the Eastern woman in selected Old and Middle English texts, and a study in the problem of representation of the Third World Feminine. Research shows certain stereotypical features assigned to Eastern woman as a sensuous and/or violent figure. The image also appears in the nineteenth-century colonial translation of The Arabian Nights.
  • 娃娃,罗伯特·G。“从亚历山大到阿齐兹:e·m·福斯特的来源东主角。”加州大学圣地亚哥分校, 1992. In印度之行福斯特职位自己主体性的“东方”并试图重建人类被西方东方学者的思考。福斯特对阿齐兹的个人和职业的顶点与小说和现实斗争。本文探讨所有可能影响福斯特阿齐兹的特征,包括与Mohammed el Adl福斯特的至关重要的关系,他的埃及的经验。和亚历山大大帝的非小说作品。
  • Galin Muge N。“爱的路径:苏菲多丽丝·莱辛的小说。”的俄亥俄州立大学, 1992. As a major woman writer of the twentieth century, Doris Lessing is included in the canon and in all respectable anthologies, and yet, without the western readers’ and critics’ recognition of Islamic mysticism and its significantly strong influence on her fiction, her work remains vulnerable to misreadings and facile dismissals.
  • Hamarneh,瓦利德。“审美转移的问题:现代小说之间的中心和边缘。”多伦多大学(加拿大), 1992. Until the sixties, dominant theories of the novel excluded fictional or narrative phenomenon that did not subscribe to genre ‘rules’ based upon European literary history. During the last three decades the introduction of the ‘other’ has provided new and interesting paths for critical examination of the modern self.as constructed in literary discourse. These ideas are developed by examining four texts (by Faulkner, Joyce, T. Mann, and Musil) that ‘exemplify’ the canons of modernity in the West and four novels from the ‘third world’, by contemporary Arab novelists, namely, Jabra's al-Safinah, Munif's Mudun al-milh, Halasa's Sultanah, and al-Ghitani's al-Zayni Barakat.
  • Hanania, Aniseh V。“讽刺和主题至关重要的在现代巴勒斯坦诗歌:1935 - 1979。”的犹他大学, 1992. This study focuses on satire in Palestinian poetry. The study shows distinct changes in tone, theme and uses of the devices of satire between time periods and authors. The impact of external events on the poets as we move from stage to stage between 1935-1979 is evident.
  • Hanlon, k·D。浪漫的“语言和文学方面用阿拉伯语Kharjas脚本:向评述版。”埃克塞特大学(英国), 1992. This thesis discusses methodologies for critically editing the Romance kharjas in Arabic script. It identifies a faulty textual base and a narrow working hypothesis concerning the nature of the kharja as the main weaknesses of previous editions. It examines the possibility that enigmatic clusters may be interpreted as Arabic rather than Romance, and that the kharjas are examples of the Andalusian genre of hazl literature.
  • Hodson,乔尔·克拉克。“跨大西洋的传说:t.e.劳伦斯和美国文化”。的乔治华盛顿大学, 1992. This study departs from previous scholarship on Lawrence by being neither a biography nor a study of a specific aspect of Lawrence’s life and works. Rather, the figure of Lawrence of Arabia is used to illustrate Anglo-American cultural interplay and the meaning of hero worship and fame.
  • 侯赛因,Abdi艾哈迈德。“批评和社会工作的知识分子的角色爱德华说。”田纳西大学,1992。这个项目是一个试图阐明文学,哲学,和政治假设加强爱德华·w·的批评说,尤其是当这些假设表现在三个主要作品:约瑟夫·康拉德的小说和自传,开端:目的和方法,东方主义。
  • Meloccaro,琳。“东方主义和东方故事:性别、流派,和文化身份在十八世纪的英格兰。”罗格斯新泽西州立大学-新布伦瑞克, 1992. This dissertation traces the evolution of The English oriental tale genre in eighteenth-century England, arguing that it represents an important aspect of the development of English imperialist ideology. Nineteenth-century English culture repressed the genre because it articulated the inherent contradictions of imperialism and its presence in literary history compromised visions of a naturally evolving imperial destiny.
  • Merini Rafika。“文化的颠覆莱拉Sebbar和窥阴癖的Assia Djebar: Socio-Literary研究。”纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿, 1992. This dissertation assesses the inhibition Maghrebian characters and writers (Assia Djebar and Leila Sebbar in this case) acquire which becomes self-censorship as they witness the voyeur turning them into ‘sex objects of consumption.’ A socio-literary approach to their works shows how Maghrebian female characters learn to use their femininity to their advantage with the help of reverse voyeurism as they seek and achieve the ultimate subversion of the culture of voyeurism that surrounds them.
  • 穆罕默德·m·麦加朝圣。“庞德与伊本Hazem:现代主义和阿拉伯语文化”。基尔大学(英国), 1992. This work attempts to cast light on Ezra Pound’s encounter with Arabic and proposes to delve into a preliminary understanding of the influence that Arabic material left on the American poet.
  • el-Nagar,哈桑·阿卜杜勒·Razig。“遇到东西方之间的主题:六部小说的研究从非洲和中东地区。”的威斯康辛大学-麦迪逊, 1992. This thesis analyses the theme of encounter between East and West (or alternatively, North and South) in six novels from Africa and the Middle East: 'Usfur min al-Sharq (Bird of the East) by Tawfiq al-Hakim (Egypt); Succession ouverte (Heirs to the Past) by Driss Chraibi (Morocco); Qindil Umm Hashim (The Saint’s Lamp) by Yahya Haqqi (Egypt); al-Hayy al-Latini/ (The Latin Quarter) by Suhayl Idris (Lebanon); L’aventure ambigue (Ambiguous Adventure) by Cheikh Hamidou Kane (Senegal); and Mawsim al-Hijra ila-I-Shimal (Season of Migration to the North) by al-Tayyib Salih (Sudan).
  • •托马斯·约瑟夫。“这不是我们:自我,位置,和差异性在拜伦的诗”。多伦多大学(加拿大), 1992. In Byron’s poetry there is a tendency to figure the self in metaphors of place. This study first examines the development of metaphors for the enclosed self in the poet’s early work, the challenges of the early pilgrimage, and the early encounters with otherness in the oriental tales. It then identifies the paradigm of the creative self which first emerges in the later pilgrimage through the familiar images of psychological enclosure and is eventually displaced by a more generalized and flexible concept that emerges adjacent to the architectural ruins encountered in Rome. The final chapter examines Byron’s dramas.
  • Zughoul,默罕默德说。“伊斯兰教的比较研究在拜伦的诗歌和散文典故。”雷竞技官方网站下载印第安纳州宾夕法尼亚大学, 1992. This study examines, in depth, the Lord Byron’s mixed opinions on Islam and Muslims and analyzes the likely factors underlying them, in order to gain a deeper understanding of Byron and his works.


  • Azouqa阿依达。奥马尔。“沃尔特·斯科特爵士和英国的东方主义:1800 - 1825。”的芝加哥大学, 1993.
  • Bagabas,奥马尔•阿卜杜拉。“拜伦的代表的东方公子哈罗德的朝圣之旅”,“唐璜”和“东方故事”。“埃塞克斯大学(英国), 1993. This study investigates the question of whether Byron’s approach to the Greco-Turkish conflict was purely dogmatic or whether his direct experience in the Levant had a bearing on his ambivalent conceptions. It first places Byron’s views in relation to Western Orientalism. It then compares Byron’s ambivalent attitudes toward the Orient before and during his first and second trips (1809-1811, 1823). Finally, it traces the tremendous change that came about in Byron’s conception of the Orient from the traditional romantic approach to a more real, sly and ironic conception of East and West alike as reflected in Beppo and Don Juan.
  • Donadey,安妮。“复调和Palimpsestic话语的作品Assia Djebar和莱拉Sebbar。”西北大学, 1993. This dissertation foregrounds discursive strategies of empowerment with regard to language, colonization and female subjugation. It analyzes two contemporary, post-colonial fictional responses to French colonialism in Algeria. The novels under consideration, written by two women at the crossroads between Algeria and France, participate in both European and Maghrebian cultures. As cultural metisses, Assia Djebar and Leila Sebbar weave Arabic and Western intertexts in their fiction.
  • Edens迈克尔·休斯顿。“一个福音派基督徒应对人类的概念中选择伊斯兰著作。”新奥尔良浸信会神学院, 1993. The purpose of this research is to analyze evangelical Christian apologetic implications of the Islamic concept of humanity, as expressed in the formative documents of Islam and selected contemporary Muslim writings. Three types of primary data are employed in this study. Passages from classical Islamic documents, El Qur'an and el Hadith (The Sayings of the Prophet), are one type of primary data. The writings of Naguib Mahfouz, Gamal Abd al Nasser, and Sayyid Qutb are a second type of primary source. The Christian Bible in its original languages is a third type of primary data.
  • 伊利亚,没有什么结果。“S /文本遇到:异化,阻力,后殖民叙事和毅力。”普渡大学, 1993. This thesis asks: if the novel rose with the eighteenth-century European petite bourgeoisie, how did it evolve to become the vehicle of resistance for the twentieth-century Arab diaspora?
  • Fattouh,埃及。“Ca…Ca . .卡利班:文化结构的差异性在英国文艺复兴时期的戏剧。”纽约州立大学石溪分校, 1993. In世界,文本和评论家说写道:“self-fortification的辩证法和肯定自我的文化实现其霸权对社会和国家是基于本身的不断练习分化认为不本身。”定义为,文艺复兴的民族其他不仅仅是摩尔人,犹太人,土耳其,或本机的新世界,但外星人的主要功能是表示文化差异,并体现在行动,以及单词。
  • Safi-Eddine,岩洞里。“追求女性自我在西蒙娜•德•波伏娃的“Les美女图片”,托妮·莫里森的“苏拉”,纳瓦尔El-Saadawi两个女人在一个。”的宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 1993. The main goal of this dissertation is to delineate a common experience intensely communicated by women who belong to different parts of the world. It reviews the significance of the quest for the self in literature as a means for self-knowledge and self-fulfillment in life. It provides a historical survey of the status and the roles of women in Western societies, the black community in the USA, and in the Arab World and focuses on a thematic analysis of the texts.
  • Saliba Therese。“布朗拯救女性:文化竞赛和叙述的身份。”华盛顿大学, 1993. This dissertations examines western constructions of third world women, particularly Arab women, and their resistant narratives and theories to argue how third world women’s subjectivity has been limited by, but also subverts, the discourses of colonialist writers, hegemonic feminists, and postmodern culture.
  • al-Sawda Mahel。“宫廷爱情的上升和转换:欧洲的一项研究认为爱的。”埃塞克斯大学(英国), 1993. This thesis analyzes the rise, spread and transformation of courtly love. Within the survey of possible sources and meaning a somewhat detailed analysis is given to the theory of the Arabic origin of courtly love.
  • 重的,雅艾尔瑞秋。“旅游、教育和女权主义在法国革命后的途径。”杜克大学, 1993. This dissertation highlights the historical link between travel and knowledge, and shows how the theme of travel in women’s texts is part of an emancipatory feminist discourse for greater freedom and equal education. The study concludes by focusing on two texts (an autobiography and a novel) in which travel and education have become one: Suzanne Voilquin’s account of her Saint-Simonian missionary work in Egypt, and George Sand's Nanon, detailing the life history of a peasant woman highly skilled in map-reading. Other authors discussed include Louis-Damien Emeric, Stephanie-Felicite de Genlis, and Gustave Flaubert.
  • al-Shalabi, Nazmi Tawfiq。“关键的介绍和翻译成阿拉伯语尤多拉的三角洲的婚礼。”雷竞技官方网站下载印第安纳州宾夕法尼亚大学, 1993. This dissertation considers Eudora Welty’s Delta Wedding from multiple perspectives in an effort to expand critical understanding. It also tries to show that translation is a form of criticism and provides a translation of this novel into Arabic to promote cultural comparison by students of literature.
  • 甜,Nanora路易丝Ziebold。“自由的碗:费利西亚希幔和浪漫的地中海。”的密歇根大学, 1993. For readers interested in Hemans and Romantic women poets, this work offers an account of her career from its intellectual origins in Liverpool’s Athenaeum to its dispersal in Anglo-American sentimental culture. To read Hemans’s Mediterranean project and the writing that surrounds it, this study constructs with a new comprehensiveness Romanticism’s ‘Mediterranean text’.
  • 泰勒,苏珊贝丝。“毁了对立:东方主义和帝国的建筑在英国浪漫主义。”布朗大学, 1993. This dissertation examines the popular genre of the oriental tale in relation to the social, political, and literary context of British Romanticism. As the discursive, domestic counterparts to political and economic imperialism, these oriental tales translate local issues into orientalism’s international frame.
  • 白色,黛博拉·伊莉斯。“行动、痛苦和寓言:雪莱伊斯兰起义。”耶鲁大学, 1993. Canonical interpretations of The Revolt of Islam tend to revive romanticism’s own debate with allegorical discourse, equating such a development with a turn away from political action and towards imaginative--i.e. aesthetic or inward--reflection: ‘suffering’ consciousness. Whether such a turn can, in fact, be said to occur in Shelley’s poetry and/or whether it can be most accurately defined in terms of an opposition between political and aesthetic experience are the questions that inform the dissertation’s argument.
  • Yegenoglu-Mutman Meyda。“戴面纱的幻想:东方式的女权主义阅读。”加州大学圣克鲁斯, 1993. This dissertation examines the trope of the veil as a significant Orientalist figure by which the Orient is exoticized, feminized and sexualized, and demonstrates that the subject position constructed by the libidinal economy of Orientalism is a masculine one. Nationalist discourses in Turkey and Algeria illustrate that whether unveiled or veiled, the woman constitutes the ground of those discourses. Because the Third World women’s voice is muted between Orientalism and nationalism, only an analysis of colonial discourse that takes sexual difference into account can identify this muting.


  • 布勒联盟Hosam穆罕默德。“后殖民福克纳。”得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校,1994年。争论一个平行的社会和物质条件下,美国南方作家威廉·福克纳和后殖民作家,尤其是来自拉丁美洲和阿拉伯世界,工作和写始于许多影响研究,专注于正式的相似性和倾向于忽视社会和物质条件。可以由一个不同的上下文依赖理论模型的比较分析发达国家在阿拉伯世界,和拉丁美洲。这种分析用经济理论作为观点的理论弥漫的类型文学研究中,即使它反转的共同范式在研究后殖民作家使用西方理论家。
  • 阿尔瓦雷斯,卢尔德玛丽亚。文化的“唱歌在十字路口:Muwashshah Al-Andalus。”耶鲁大学,1994。本研究旨在说明muwashshashat周围的关键辩论和Hispano-Arabic文学的更大的问题在西班牙文学经典,和在西班牙国家历史的概念。它还分析al-Andalus和安达卢西亚的文学的作用在阿拉伯世界来自安达卢西亚的文学身份的形成,当前广泛关注和怀旧al-Andalus失去天堂,及其符号链接与巴勒斯坦的损失。
  • •阿斯卡里,Ghida太空。“但丁和al-Ma 'arri的Risalat al-Ghufran”:复议的伊斯兰“神曲”的来源。”的美国天主教大学, 1994. This dissertation re-examines the question of Islamic influences on Dante’s Divina Commedia, through a comparative intertextual study of the Divina Commedia, and another work inspired by the Islamic narratives of journeys to the hereafter, the Arabic Risalat al-Ghufran, written by the Syrian poet Abu al-'Ala' al-Ma'arri in 1030.
  • Azeriah,阿里。“儿童文学翻译成阿拉伯语:一个案例研究转化规范。”纽约州立大学宾厄姆顿, 1994. This dissertation studies the norms governing the translation of children’s literature into Arabic; seeks to show that even though children’s literature translated into Arabic has played a significant part in the emergence and development of Arabic children’s literature, it has not been fully integrated into that literature; and examines the reasons for the delay in the appearance of children’s literature in Arabic literature.
  • Bangura艾哈迈德酋长。”的政治表现:伊斯兰教和撒哈拉以南非洲小说。”阿尔伯塔大学(加拿大),1994年。之间有一个联系西方东方学者奖学金在近东和中东地区伊斯兰社会,和西方殖民奖学金在撒哈拉以南非洲地区的伊斯兰教和穆斯林社会中。批评家和作家,一般不能获得伊斯兰教除了通过殖民主义作品,从这样的作品简单地拷贝他们的脚本。显示的态度在这个奖学金不仅反映了未能占整个伊斯兰教及其历史的复杂性和异质性在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,他们也会导致误解的小说与一个伊斯兰到场。
  • Benrahhal-Serghini el-Habib。“Istakhar之路:一个关键的研究文本和语境的威廉贝克福德的“Vathek”和“集”,1760 - 1844。”大学医疗Instelling Antwerpen(比利时), 1994. Focusing on the ideology of creative imagination’s power as conceived by the romantics, this study examines William Beckford’s work in the light of its textual and contextual constituents.
  • 柏林,唐娜盖伊。“女性浪漫的想象。”的得克萨斯大学达拉斯, 1994. The first chapter of part one explores their fascination with Romantic exotica: the medieval, the Iberian, and the Oriental.
  • 粘土砖,玛德琳露易丝。“异物:东方女性的图在十八和十九世纪的法国和英国文学。”耶鲁大学, 1994. This study examines the extraordinarily prevalent images of oriental women in eighteenth and nineteenth century French and English literature and painting.
  • Elghandor Abdelhak。“跨文化接触和其他在保罗·鲍尔斯的小说的形象。”俄亥俄大学,1994。本文研究了保罗·鲍尔斯的表征方式在短期和长期小说从一个特定角度:迷失方向之间的跨文化接触西方朝圣者和没有文字的北非人。
  • 胡特,Syrine Chafic。“从外面观看欧洲:文化相遇和欧洲文化批评在十八世纪Pseudo-Oriental游记和19世纪航行在东方。”哥伦比亚大学, 1994. Focusing on the rhetoric of travel, this dissertation re-examines the portrayal of cultural encounters between East and West in the eighteenth-century pseudo-oriental satirical travelogue and the nineteenth-century literary ‘Voyage en Orient’ in the English and French traditions.
  • Jouay,默罕默德。“后现代游牧民:政治的位移在塔希尔·本的工作。”杜克大学,1994。本研究解释Tahar本Jelloun作品马格里布地区的文化背景、上下文本身位于东部和西部之间的一个不稳定的时期,殖民主义和非殖民化,taqlid(传统主义)和hadatha(现代化),最后,民族认同感和全球文化。
  • Kahf, Mohja。“穆斯林妇女在西方文学从浪漫到浪漫主义。”罗格斯新泽西州立大学-新布伦瑞克, 1994. This history of Western literary representations of the Muslim woman rejects an approach which reads such representations as functions of Orientalism because Orientalism is dependent on Western prerogative and power, and this power did not exist before the eighteenth century. Rather, it analyzes exemplary texts which produce the Muslim woman by studying the intersection between two swathes in Western cultural history: the discourse on Islam and the discourse on gender.
  • 麦金尼马克·基斯。“Maghrebi-French小说:一个新兴的文学吗?”康奈尔大学, 1994. Because of Maghrebi-French fiction’s foregrounded ‘rootedness’ in France, which is also accompanied by a clear rejection of assimilation into the cultural mainstream, this study argues that it must be read against the background of a history of anti-Arab racism and the current rise of French xenophobia, as well as within the context of the Beur cultural, political and social movement of the 1980s.
  • Mokhtari称,纳吉布。“朝着一个杂交的文化:“拯救辩证法”“Pensee-Autre”的摩洛哥法语小说。”的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 1994. The Maghrebi people, being a patch-work of Berber, diverse Arabo-Islamic communities and other ethnic groupings, yet strongly westernized in perspective, are constantly trying to achieve a socio-political synthesis of these different influences, and tend to re-orient them between civilizations, in an intermediary position. This dissertation aims to uncover the dialectics of cultural identity and the representation of Self in the Moroccan postcolonial Francophone novel.
  • 尼科尔斯,帕梅拉·凯瑟琳。“力量和魅力在沙漠中:男子气概的冒险和绅士的行为在中东旅行伊莎贝尔和理查德伯顿和威尔弗里德的著作Scawen和安妮冲。”纽约大学, 1994. This study describes two ideas of Victorian Imperial authority as reflected in the travel writings to the Middle East of Richard and Isabel Burton and Wilfrid and Anne Blunt.
  • Pulcini,西奥多。”注释的话语:伊本Hazm犹太教和基督教经文。“匹兹堡大学,1994。的结果在中世纪西班牙遇到之一伊斯兰教,基督教和犹太教的一代的文本。这项研究提供了一个详细的描述和评估的重要性伊本Hazm的“部分明显的矛盾和明显的谎言”,尽管这是一个神学著作,实际上是一个出于政治动机的工作旨在促使读者重组他们的社会生活。
  • Vulor, Ena塞西莉亚。“这个北非现实工作的阿尔贝·加缪:重读《局外人》,“La有害生物”,“l 'Exil et le Royaume”从殖民视角。”康奈尔大学, 1994. This dissertation contests and ‘re-contextualizes’ the universalist and humanist position of Camus, which by necessity writes him into the French literary tradition. A ‘revisionist’ reading of the Camusian oeuvre recuperates Camus within the Algerian ‘Francophone’ literary tradition by engaging him in a debate with three North African novelists, Mouloud Mammeri, Mouloud Feraoun and Mohammed Dib.
  • Yaziji,内志的特色。“质疑民族主义范式:后殖民叙事批评。”的德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校, 1994. This study participates in the recent effort in the field to rethink colonial binaries. An analysis of British and Palestinian novels written on this conflict moves us towards an understanding of post-colonial experiences based not on a theory of binarism, but rather a theory of subject formation in narrative.
  • 齐默尔曼,玛丽爱丽丝。“性能:考古学研究的整体流程和开发Lookingglass剧院生产的“天方夜谭”。”西北大学, 1994. This dissertation studies the developmental process and resultant script and staging of The Arabian Nights, a theatrical adaptation of The Book of The Thousand Nights and One Night created in 1992 by the author with the Lookingglass Theatre Company. Particular attention is paid to the representation of the feminine, with reference made to the work of Teresa de Lauretis, Laura Mulvey, John Berger and Edward Said. The entire script is included as an appendix.


  • Alkholy,在阿里。“诗意的视觉图像的变换的研究天堂在阿尔罕布拉宫的讯息Gautier散文和诗歌的安达卢西亚。”俄亥俄大学, 1995. This dissertation studies the poetic transformation of the visual images of Paradise in the artistic program of the Alhambra Palace which inspires Theophile Gautier’s prose and poetry of Andalusia from 1840 through 1844. It is in this transformation that the interdisciplinary aspects of the study are found.
  • Boerth罗伯特约翰。“迷失方向:东英语文艺复兴戏剧的问题。”加州大学欧文分校1995年。本文reconceives文学文本的方式(如克里斯托弗·马洛的帖木耳大帝,威廉·莎士比亚的《奥赛罗》和Fulke Greville穆斯塔法)代表不同文化的关注如何破坏的对象表示逻辑和形式记下他们主张更具活力,多方面的了解跨文化互动。
  • 警员,伊丽莎白·路易斯。“Dis-Orienting文化经济:质疑‘东方’在巴尔扎克,福楼拜,巴尔,Rachilde。”加州大学欧文分校, 1995. Based upon a study of Balzac’s洛杉矶姑娘辅助眼眸d '或者,巴尔的Les失去祖国的福楼拜的Salammbo,RachildeLa Jongleuse,本文探讨了文本和文化过程部署的虚拟表示虚构的,意识形态主导东方或dis-orient个人和集体法国主题。
  • Durmelat,西尔维Nethalie。“L 'Invention de la 'Culture Beur’。”的密歇根大学, 1995. This dissertation focuses on the implications and significance of the emergence and evolution, throughout the 80s and the 90s, of what has been termed ‘beur literature.’ This literature consists of about thirty texts written by authors born of immigrants from the former French colonies in North Africa, mainly Algeria, and educated in France.
  • 爱尔摩,杰拉尔德·托马斯。”令人难以置信的怪兽:“Anqa Mughrib密封的圣徒和太阳上升在西方:早期,伊本条Maghrebine工作。”耶鲁大学, 1995. An annotated translation of the K. ‘Anqa’ Mughrib fi Khatm al-Awliya’ wa-Shams al-Maghrib--which the great Sufi master, Ibn al-'Arabi (d. 638/1240) composed while still resident in his native Andalusia at the end of the sixth/12th century--forms the core of this study. It is preceded by a critical introduction treating thematic, biographical and historical questions relating to the work and is followed by translations of other (later) selected texts by Ibn al-'Arabi dealing with topics central to the earlier work.
  • Elyazghi Ezzaher Lahcen。“构建不同的修辞:反思佳能,表示,和文化。”的亚利桑那大学, 1995. This dissertation proposes a revisionary history of rhetoric that emphasizes the influence of Near Eastern cultures and literatures in the construction of Western rhetoric from classical times up through the present emergence of an English literary tradition produced by Middle Eastern writers.
  • 阿尔哈姆迪,艾哈迈德汗。“威廉马默杜克Pickthall(1875 - 1936)和文学转型。”密歇根州立大学, 1995. Marmaduke Pickthall’s travels and life in the Near East led to his becoming a cultural representative for both the West and the East and culminated in his acceptance of Islam in 1917. The study at hand investigates the impact of Pickthall’s cultural transition on his eight Near Eastern novels, published between 1903 and 1921, and finds that his cultural conversion went through a transitional process that was directly and clearly reflected in these novels.
  • 金匠,伊丽莎白·n·费舍尔。“解除面纱:图像奇异的Judith Gautier的小说(1845 - 1917)。”布兰代斯大学, 1995. While writing texts that enter into Orientalist discourse, Judith Gautier charts new territory and an original portrayal of Middle and Far East cultures. In seeking to define Gautier’s Orientalism, this study offers the necessary complement to the numerous existing biographies of the author.
  • 黑斯廷斯,金伯利穆雷查克。“这新:中世纪的抒情诗歌和现代巴西。”耶鲁大学, 1995. This comparative study moves across national, temporal, and linguistic boundaries as it examines the birth of the lyric in southern Europe during the Middle Ages and the significance of its re-appearance and continued existence in modern Brazil. Close readings of assorted songs--the Hispano-Arabic muwashshaha, Provencal cansos, Galician-Portuguese cantigas de amor and de amigo, and Brazilian variations on each--support discussion of relevant themes and theoretical issues.
  • Ismael Abed Mahmmoud。“史蒂文斯:苏菲最高小说。”纽约大学, 1995. This study is intended to present Wallace Stevens (1879-1955) as a Sufi poet whose quest for truth (haqiqah) or the ‘first idea’ (CP 381) is in keeping with a problematic line of mystical thinking first initiated by the Greek Neo-Platonists and later developed by such poets of Sufi illumination (ishraq) as Bistami (d. 875), Niffari (d. 977), Ibn Arabi (1165-1240) and Emerson (1803-1882).
  • Lataiwish, m . S。“分析文学翻译阿拉伯语/英语。”格拉斯哥大学(英国), 1995. This study is concerned with an analysis of the process of literary translation from Arabic into English, using as basic source material a number of short stories by Yahya Haqqi and Nagib Mahfuz and their English translations by M. Badawi, Denys Johnson Davies and Akef Abadir and Roger Allen, respectively.
  • Lonnquist,芭芭拉基督徒。“詹姆斯·乔伊斯和弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫,Two-Tongue常见的读者:埃及和暗示的仪式《芬尼根的守灵》时,之间的行为。”宾夕法尼亚大学, 1995. Reading Egypt as a charged site of sexual and textual subversion in Joyce’s and Woolf’s last works makes legible some of the buried topics in Woolf’s often veiled and Joyce’s more overt uses of Egypt as a critique of national and literary imperialism and reveals the degree to which their Orientalism undermines, from within, the colonial discourse informing canonical closure.
  • 奥尔,布丽姬特艾丽卡。“戏剧航行与征服:恢复戏剧的殖民话语,1660 - 1696。”康奈尔大学, 1995. This study maps out relations between theatre and imperialism between 1660 and 1696, tracing intertwined discourses of gender and ethnicity in the heroic dramas of Spanish conquest, melodramas set in the Orient, and mixed plays of frontier life. In text and performance, these plays are shown to function as forms of colonial discourse, contributing to the construction of English imperialist ideology in the decades following the Restoration.
  • Rouhi,蕾拉。“比较类型学和西欧的中世纪的中间人,近东,和西班牙的情况。”哈佛大学, 1995. This dissertation establishes a comparative typology across Western-European, Spanish, and Near-Eastern literatures for the medieval literary figure of the female go-between and challenges the notion that go-betweens perform fundamentally similar tasks regardless of cultural context.
  • Seigneurie,肯尼斯·埃里克·。“空间和殖民在劳伦斯•德雷尔遇到El-Kouloub和得主马哈福兹。”的密歇根大学, 1995. This study examines the presentation of city space in the fiction of three mid-twentieth-century writers prominent in British colonial, Egyptian Francophone and Egyptian Arabic literary circles in order to explore how colonial and postcolonial literary spaces employ different ordering schemes to articulate Egyptian social practices in very different ways.
  • 据Abdulhafeez Q。“穆斯林奴隶和他们的故事:宗教信仰和文化住宿。”肯特州立大学, 1995. A minority of slaves in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries of American slavery, were native African Muslims who were intelligent, literate, religious, and often of high status in their countries. The extant but often fragmentary and ambiguous literature by and about these slaves, in Arabic and English, depicts some of their experience. The mediators of these materials were impressed by the exotic nature of these slaves and their homelands, but in the process of writing about these slaves, their ignorance of Islam and their political, missionary, and economic interests caused misinterpretation of the Arabic manuscripts and about the Muslim slaves’ behavior. This study attempts to relate these slaves to their culture, to correct some contemporary and modern interpretations, to interpret the slaves’ various ways of accommodating their Islamic background to their new life, and to evaluate their literature in relationship to the slave narrative genre.
  • Vervaet大卫罗伯特。“从同化到独立:上(e)小说家和阿尔及利亚的恢复身份,1939 - 1962。”芝加哥伊利诺伊大学, 1995. The evolue(e) novelists of French expression, products of the colonial educational system, used the ideas and concepts learned there to ‘decolonize’, first their own minds and then those of Algeria’s indigenous peoples. Their shared experience of colonizationof the French, and of other conquerors in the remote and distant past, provided a common foundation for the evolue novelists’ reconstruction of an Algerian identity.


  • 艾哈迈德,法丽雅。“阿尔及利亚的‘/ Watan:表示在加缪的早期作品,Mouloud Feraoun和穆罕默德Dib。”波士顿大学, 1996. Albert Camus, Mouloud Feraoun and Mohammed Dib, who represent three remarkably different perspectives on the Algerian land and milieu. As a person whose patrie is France but whose homeland is Algeria, Camus seeks to maintain an equilibrium between opposing dualities. Feraoun, a French educated Arab-Algerian, writes from a need to present his native Algeria to French readers. Mohammed Dib grounds his narrative in an unmediated portrait of his watan--the Arabic equivalent to patrie.
  • 博尔顿,乔纳森·威廉。“个人景观:英国诗人在埃及第二次世界大战期间。”马里兰大学学院公园, 1996. Taking the eight numbers of Personal Landscape, a verse periodical published by British writers in Cairo during the Second World War, and Personal Landscape: An Anthology of Exile as orimary texts, this study attempts to further the understanding of the literature of exile, to clarify genre distinctions relating to war poetry, and to measure the impact of Levantine culture on the group’s literary production.
  • Bouanani,阿里。“美国的旧城区虚:摩洛哥的研究表示在美国旅行故事,小说和电影。”的托莱多大学, 1996. The genesis of the stereotypical American view of Morocco as the mysterious Other in Other Space can be traced through the successive genres of travel narratives, novels, essays and films which took the Kasbah as their setting: from Mark Twain and William Burroughs to Edith Wharton and Paul Bowles, and from the early talkie, Morocco (1930), through the ‘classic’ Casablanca (1942), to the ‘Road’ comedies.
  • Bourara,哈桑。“保罗·鲍尔斯:一个“看不见的旁观者”?”明尼苏达大学, 1996. This study of Paul Bowles's North African writings investigates the possibilities and limitations that have accrued from his carefully maintained reputation as both a traveler (a translator of the ‘exotic’) and as exile. The aim of the study is to offset claims (by critics as well as by the author) to a putative freedom from national, cultural, or religious loyalties and to challenge as well Bowles’s concurrent status as authority (as ‘expert’) on (Muslim) North African countries.
  • Carjuzaa Gilles。“他们怎么告诉他们的历史,谁?当代阿尔及利亚法语小说家面临边缘化。”科罗拉多大学博尔德分校, 1996. The increase of cultural and political tensions in contemporary Algeria has caused francophone Algerian novelists to focus their writings on the notion of history and to interrogate their own positioning as intellectuals who are still using the language of the former colonizer. In their work they assert that an independent perspective on past history is not only a legitimate right earned through intense anti-colonial struggle, but also a necessary approach to avoid retreat into a mythical past, reconstructed as Utopia by religious zealots as a way out of current dilemmas. This task might gain in coherence and legitimacy by reappraising the question of the literary idiom, along the lines of Rachid Boudjedra’s switching to writing in Arabic and thus enhancing the achievements of the Arabic Algerian literature.
  • 宽干谷,破坏。“美帝国主义:爱默生,梅尔维尔,福楼拜和Al-Shidyaq。”哈佛大学, 1996. This study examines the concept of aesthetic autonomy as a colonial construct. It argues that at stake in the imperial contest, as it is symbolically conceived, is ‘beauty’--the aesthetic negatively defined. . . . The study focuses on examples from American, French and Arabic literature, in which the principle of aesthetic autonomy is exteriorized, represented as a vanishing point of imperial geography.
  • Douglas-Klotz,尼尔。“沙漠智慧项目:文本、解释学和修行的“本地”中东传统。”的联合研究所, 1996. Volume one represents the contextual phases of the inquiry: ‘The Desert Wisdom Project--Context: Explorations at the Common Boundary of Religion, Psychology and Ecology.’ Volume two represents the artistic-textual phase of the project: Desert Wisdom: Sacred Middle Eastern Writing from the Goddess through the Sufis. This volume appeared in the form of a book-length published manuscript directed to the general public (1995, Harper SanFrancisco; Thorsons-UK). The volume contains multi-leveled, poetic translations of sacred wisdom literature interwoven with textual notes and spiritual practice.
  • 埃德森,m。“El Manuscrito Carmesi:翻译的问题。”利兹大学(英国), 1996. This thesis examines assesses the potentially adverse influence of certain features of Antonio Gala’s untranslated historical novel El manuscrito carmesí on the production of an English translation which is both linguistically adequate and culturally acceptable to the target-language readership. Certain aspects of the novel’s style - e.g. the profusion of Arabic and Hispano-Arabic vocabulary - are considered insuperable barriers to the production of an adequate and acceptable English translation.
  • Everman,安东尼·艾伯特。“百合和芝麻:东方,反演和艺术创作在追忆逝水临时工。”在diana University, 1996. The Orient in Proust’s Recherche appears as a pervasive and dynamic network of images and references. The ultimate creation of the novel is linked to the Orient through one of the livres modeles, the Arabian Nights, in which Sheherazade, like the narrator, must avoid oblivion by telling a story.
  • Gauch,苏珊。“幻想曲:草图在法语Maghrebian发言权和代表性小说。”纽约州立大学布法罗分校, 1996. The dissertation analyzes French language representations of colonized and postcolonial subjects in the texts of Francophone Maghrebian novels. The strategies of these novels open up the representational claims of both ‘Oriental’ and ‘Occidental’ texts to crucial reassessment. An examination of each author's critiques of a history of colonial domination as well as of a theological heritage and a diverse popular culture, suggests that all of these are subverted in the narration of their ‘fantasies.’ .
  • 吉布森,苏珊。“伊莉莎的十八世纪的东方故事海伍德,弗朗西丝·谢里丹和艾利斯科妮莉亚骑士。”麦克马斯特大学(加拿大), 1996. Beginning with Eliza Haywood’s Adventures of Eovaai, Princess of Ijaveo, through Frances Sheridan’s History of Nourjahad and concluding with Ellis Cornelia Knight’s Dinarbas: A Tale being a Continuation of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia, this study chronologically follows the use of the domestic woman in the decidedly undomestic Oriental tale as these three authors negotiate genre, their culture and their gender through the writing of Oriental tales.
  • Hasanali Parveen。“文本、译者、传输:‘Hayy伊本Yaqzan”及其在穆斯林,犹太和基督教Milieux。”(加拿大)麦吉尔大学, 1996. From its inception in the twelfth century to its current use as a text, Ibn Tufayl’s Hayy ibn Yaqzan has a sustained history of translation and transmission. The different receptions of the narrative within each of the three milieux have inspired the application of new methodologies in literary criticism. Its recent reclamation in modern Arabic literature as the proto-type of Robinson Crusoe is indicative of post-Colonial validation. The notion of reception validates, resolves and values the different reiterations by recognizing their diverse contexts.
  • 海斯兰丁Jarrod听到。“有些奇怪的国家:性颠覆国家认同的Maghrebian法国文学表达。”纽约城市大学的, 1996. This dissertation examines the function of marginal sexualities, sexual dissidence, and gender insubordination in the articulation of national identity in Maghrebian novels written in French. Many North African novels, while expressing the necessity to consolidate national identity, first in mobilizing opposition to colonialism, later in constructing a independent nation, nevertheless recognize that any model of identity is impossible to fully embody. They attempt, therefore, without rejecting identity altogether, to articulate a national identity that is heterogeneous in relation to languages, ethnicities, sexualities, and religions, and that questions any totalizing binary opposition to the former colonizer.
  • 去,Melani林恩。“举办美国世纪:种族、性别和中东的国家在美国表示,1945 - 1992。”布朗大学, 1996. This study explores the construction of postwar U.S. nationalism by examining the links between cultural artifacts, national identities, and U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East. Analyzing films, television, museum exhibits, and novels alongside U.S. foreign policy documents, it investigates representations of the Middle East as a site of struggle over both the nature of U.S. world power and the domestic politics of race and gender.
  • Perfetti,丽莎蕾妮。“女士们的笑声,女人的智慧:找个地方女性读者在中世纪文学漫画。”的北卡罗莱纳大学教堂山分校, 1996. This comparative study of potential audience responses to representations of women in comic literature of the late Middle Ages examines the narrative dynamics between narrator, character, and audience to argue that medieval literature often invited women to laugh with, rather than at, fictional women and thereby to resist and redefine the antifeminism of late medieval discourse. Chapter Four examines the clever narration of Shahrazad, the female narrator of the 1001 Nights. and shows how three sisters from Baghdad teach a porter to make jokes and to see women in a new way.
  • Serrano理查德·亚瑟。“柏柏尔人,佛教徒和小摆设:拨款外星人的传统,法国,中国,阿拉伯和法语诗人。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1996. This dissertaton answers the question of how to compare seemingly disparate literatures such as Arabic, Chinese and French by showing how these ‘different’ literatures have already been brought together. Specifically, it offers readings of classical non-Western poetry colonized by Western criticism, readings of colonizing French poetry, and readings of poetry of Francophone poets attempting to extricate themselves from colonization.
  • 阿尔巴m . Calvosa范盖拉。”的社会和文学框架“Abencerraje”和“叫Ozmin y Daraja”:一个招待会的插值分析摩尔小说。”的美国天主教大学, 1996. The Moorish novel emerges as a literary contribution of the Spanish Renaissance. The tendency to idealize the relationship of Moorish and Christian knights and the faithful enamored Moor, found in the last years of the fifteenth century Reconquest of Spain, characterize this rhetorical model labeled ‘Moorish’.
  • 韦伯,迈克尔·切斯特。“阿尔法拉比的最初的翻译和改编Ihsa al -在西班牙Ulum。”波士顿大学, 1996. This dissertation reconsiders the question of the character of the group of Arabic-Latin translators working in twelfth-century Spain by examining the work of two of the most important Toledan translators, Dominicus Gundisalvus and Gerard of Cremona, in the two Latin translations they made of one Arabic text, al-Farabi’s Kitab Ihsa' al-‘Ulum (Book of the Enumeration of the Sciences). Given the importance of this text, the dissertation also presents the first English translation of it.
  • Zuwiyya,扎卡里·大卫。“西方和东方的Rrekontamiento Del Rrey Alisandre’。”加州大学圣芭芭拉, 1996. The ‘Rrekontamiento del rrey Alisandre’ is an Aljamiado-Morisca version of the legend of Alexander the Great published in 1929 by A. R. Nykl and then largely forgotten. This study systematically analyzes each episode to determine how it entered the Arabic Alexander romance, whether orally or in written form, from scholarly interpolation or folktale, creation or translation. It provides a summary of the transmission of literature in the medieval Arab world and insight on the ‘rrekontamiento’ as a genre. Finally, it seeks to identify Arabic and Hebrew authors who are cited in the Rrekontamiento as sources but who have remained a mystery.


  • 度琪明,乔治·安东尼。“《启示录》的想象力和Aljamiado文学黄金时代西班牙。”耶鲁大学, 1997. Historically, aljamiado literature has been defined as a form of Spanish written in an Arabic script. This study is an exploration of the complex nature of aljamiado. It argues that aljamiado was the product of an apocalyptic imagination, and may thus be understood as a literature of protest.
  • Maysa穆罕默德·阿布约瑟夫。“Transformance:对话的翻译理论和文化表现。”雷竞技官方网站下载印第安纳州宾夕法尼亚大学, 1997. This dissertation reviews the history of translation theories and then proposes a new theory of translation, which is called ‘transformance.’ The basis of this theory is the thesis that translation theory, engaging with literary theory, offers new insights into the ways that literature works on the reader of the translation and the role of literary translations in and across cultures. The body of the study uses a case study approach to selected translations from Egyptian Arabic to English to explore how transformance operates within three areas, ideology, space, and style.
  • 卡特赖特,基思·艾伦。“非洲解读美国文学:Senegambian根,克里奥尔语路线,饶舌的鬼魂。”在diana University, 1997. Senegambian epic, folktales, and Arabic manuscripts provide paradigms for reading American writers who have made claims to African ancestry or those who have found assumptions of African inferiority troubled by the presence of ‘noble’ or literate Senegambian slaves.
  • 佳,约瑟夫·诺埃尔。“接壤国家:分区和政治形式在爱尔兰,以色列和巴勒斯坦的故事。”哥伦比亚大学, 1997. This dissertation argues that current theories concerning the relationship between nation and narration often simplify matters considerably because of their reductive tendency to conflate ‘nation’ and ‘state.’ The historical experience of partition in Ireland and Palestine, and the works of authors such as Neil Jordan, Amos Oz, Ghassan Kanafani, Sahar Khalifeh, and others, show that literary and cinematic narratives do not always operate in the service of either nation or state exclusively, but that can function as complex media through which the often disjunctive claims of nation and state can imaginatively be transacted.
  • 哈达德,艾米丽安妮。“东方诗学:中东伊斯兰在十九世纪的英国和法国诗”。哈佛大学, 1997. Throughout the nineteenth century, orientalism realigns English and French poetics as the Islamic Orient displaces nature in the work of these thirteen poets. The linkage between the idea of the Orient and the desire to escape the bounds of literary convention, and particularly of representation, remains fundamental to each poet’s aesthetic pursuits.
  • 展示缜密心思,伊桑乔大卫。“编写一个帝国叙事:治疗阿拉伯形象在十九世纪的英国文学作品。”乔治亚州立大学, 1997. By providing revisionist readings of selected poems, novels, and travel narratives by nineteenth and early twentieth-century writers, this paper explores ways in which English literature depicted the Arabic Middle East during the Romantic and Victorian periods. The purpose of each literary explication is to examine how domineering treatment of the Arab image either overtly or covertly colors literary depictions of such subject matter during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
  • 黄平君,le thuy Thi。“莱斯千等一个努依红葡萄酒的特拉弗斯无限des埃斯佩斯et des临时工:Le Conteur版本,Le孔蒂等儿子。”耶鲁大学, 1997. What is Scheherazade’s secret? How could the tales of the Thousand and One Nights have survived a thousand years through different cultures and still continue to expand to this day? This dissertation proposes answers to these questions, not through historical or folklorist approaches, but through textual analysis of the Thousand and One Nights by a specific story-teller: Antoine Galland.
  • al-Kassim,迪娜·L。“言论的痛苦:幻想的一阶和文学喘气。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1997. This project proposes a revision of Modernism to account for marginal sexualities, race, and colonization in British, American, and Arabic Francophone literature. In order to make visible the ‘racial industry’ at work in Modernism, the discussion centers on two recurrent figures: the primitive and the ranter.
  • Kassis, r。”的关键和比较研究这本书的谚语和阿拉伯语的智慧:与社会背景和Transmission-History。”诺丁汉大学(英国), 1997. This study employs Arabic proverbial wisdom to shed light on the ongoing debate concerning the social background and the transmission-history of the Book of Proverbs. It proposes that no single setting, whether school, family, or clan should be regarded as the origin of the proverbial wisdom in Proverbs and argues that proverbial sayings underwent both literary and theological developments during their transmission-history.
  • 洛克伍德,安妮·M。“旅行者的闺房内:英国女性作家在中东旅行。”的北卡罗莱纳大学格林斯博罗, 1997. This study traces a tradition of British women’s writing about the Middle East and demonstrates how discourse by women who clearly represented themselves as affiliated to the peoples of the Middle East nonetheless participated in the imperialist project.
  • 马尔蒂莫西·沃辛顿。“想象以实玛利:研究伊斯兰在美国东方主义的清教徒梅尔维尔。”耶鲁大学, 1997. Early Americans were extensively engaged in imagining the status and significance of the Islamic world. This study elucidates the protean orientalism through which early Americans articulated the Islamic orient as a means of authorizing or criticizing domestic cultural positions within the discourses of millennialism, nationalism, reform, and literary expression.
  • 马林斯,格雷格·艾伦。“美国侨民文学写作地带间的:在战后的丹吉尔。”加州大学伯克利分校, 1997. This dissertation focuses on the lives and writings of three members of the expatriate literary community that thrived in Tangier in the twenty years following the second World War: Paul Bowles, William Burroughs, and Alfred Chester.
  • Ramey,林恩美味。“基督徒和撒拉逊:想象力和文化交互在中世纪法国。”哈佛大学, 1997 . This thesis examines how medieval writers in France struggled to understand and create relationships with Arabs/Muslims.
  • 范代芬特尔,苏珊。“定位:“千一夜”在法国。”康奈尔大学, 1997. This dissertation studies the cultural status and evolving significance of The Thousand and One Nights in France.


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Abinader Elmaz - 1985。
阿布巴克尔Omaima Mostafa - 1987。
Maysa穆罕默德·阿布约瑟夫- 1997。
布勒联盟Hosam穆罕默德- 1994。
阿布Libdeh,和谐Jabr [Libdeh, A·j·A。]- 1991。
阿布Shamsieh Eisa默罕默德- 1987。
阿布Swailem abd Rahim Elayan卫生部- 1987。
阿克曼,Jan Condra科比- 1976。
Agel,伊莱亚斯乔治- 1982。
Agzenay Asma - 1989。
艾哈迈德,法丽雅- 1996。
Ahmed Saad诺亚- 1983。
亚米利Alcalay, - 1989。
Alexander-Sullivan,乔安娜Lisabeth - 1979。
阿里穆罕默德哈米德- 1968。
阿里,Muhsin贾西姆[Musawi Muhsin加西姆]- 1978。
阿里,萨拉·艾哈迈德·侯赛因- 1985。
Aljubouri, d . a . h - 1971/72。
Alkholy,在阿里- 1995。
艾伦,马尔科姆·丹尼斯- 1983。
艾伦,罗杰·m·a .——1967/68。
Alsafar,沙巴穆罕默德- 1991。
Alsebail,阿卜杜勒阿齐兹- 1991。
阿尔瓦雷斯,卢尔德玛丽亚- 1994。
Alwan穆罕默德·巴克尔- 1970。
Anagnostakis,克里斯托弗- 1984。
安格斯,尤金·欧文- 1973。
Aresu,伯纳德·卡米尔- 1975。
约翰,Asfour米哈伊尔- 1985。
Asfour,默罕默德·哈桑- 1973。
Ashshareef Teirab - 1988。
‘拉•阿斯卡里,Ghida - 1994。
阿萨德,托马斯j - 1954。
Awwad, Abd al-Hussein m - 1990。
Azeriah,阿里- 1994。
el-Azma,海角Fowzi - 1969。
Azouqa, Aida奥马尔- 1993。
Baeshen拉弥亚穆罕默德·萨利赫- 1986。
Bagabas,奥马尔•阿卜杜拉- 1993。
Bagby Albertian, Jr .) - 1968。
Bahous, abb - 1990。
Bakhsh, Jalaluddien Khuda - 1988。
Balarabe Abubakar - 1978。
Bamieh, a . a - 1970/71。
Bangura艾哈迈德酋长- 1994。
Bar-Nissim Nahman - 1970。
Barazanji艾哈迈德泽雅达- 1979。
Bardenstein卡罗尔•贝丝- 1991。
巴特尔米安东尼·杰拉德- 1984。
al-Bazei,萨阿德·阿卜杜- 1983。
Behdad,阿里- 1990。
Ben Aziza Lahsen - 1991。
Bennani,本m - 1979。
Benrahhal-Serghini el-Habib - 1994。
伯克利,康斯坦斯·e·格雷沙姆- 1979。
柏林,唐娜盖伊- 1994。
巴希尔el-Beshti,马哈茂德- 1989。
黑色,黛博拉·路易斯- 1987。
迈克尔·布劳斯汀a - 1984。
Bluestine,卡洛琳- 1983。
约翰·波定杰梅恩。- 1973。
布尔,Ingeborg艾丽卡- 1992。
Boerth罗伯特约翰- 1995。
博尔顿,乔纳森·威廉- 1996。
Bouanani,阿里- 1996。
Bourara哈桑- 1996。
Boushaba,萨菲亚- 1988。
布拉夫曼大卫艾伦- 1985。
品牌,Hanita - 1992。
啤酒,克劳德·克利夫顿- 1969。
布瑞特,琳达路易丝- 1986。
布洛克,m .伊丽莎白- 1985。
布朗,莱斯利·p - 1935。
布朗,华莱士c - 1935。
伯吉斯,Fawzi Assaad - 1982。
缅甸人,托马斯·e - 1991。
卡夏,皮埃尔- 1951。
坎贝尔,罗伯特·贝尔- 1972。
大炮,花环汉普顿- 1955。
Carchidi、维多利亚- 1987。
Carjuzaa, Gilles - 1996。
卡拉斯科,玛丽亚孤独- 1954。
卡特赖特,基思·艾伦- 1997。
咀嚼,塞缪尔Claggett - 1913。
克里斯蒂,爱德华亚瑟- 1932。
佳,约瑟夫·诺埃尔- 1997。
Collingwood-Whittick, s - 1980。
舒适,威廉·威- 1902。
康普顿,琳达鱼- 1972。
科南特,玛莎派克- 1908。
警员,伊丽莎白路易丝- 1995。
Cooper,帕特丽夏Unterspan - 1990。
科文,琼- 1987。
克罗斯比,伊莉斯维尔纳- 1985。
交叉,肯尼斯·拉维恩- 1955。
卡特勒·哈里斯- 1963。
Dagel,颊艾米丽- 1984。
Dahiyat,伊斯梅尔m - 1972。
Dajani, Zahia拉吉卜- 1987。
戴尔,乔治·欧文- 1918。
宽干谷,破坏- 1996。
Damiani安妮塔- 1977。
丹尼尔,诺曼·a . - 1956/57。
戴维斯,罗伯特- 1991。
Dawood,易卜拉欣Abdallah s - 1983。
Deeb,默罕默德- 1983。
Deferrari,哈利奥斯汀- 1926。
DeYoung而言,特里林恩- 1988。
Dharmaraj,荣耀埃比尼泽- 1992。
德,“辛格- 1968。
迪克森,约翰·斯宾塞- 1991。
粘土砖,玛德琳路易丝- 1994。
娃娃,罗伯特·g - 1992。
Donadey,安妮- 1993。
Douglas-Klotz,尼尔- 1996。
柯南道尔,安妮Therese - 1963。
特鲁里街,汤姆- 1974。
达菲,约翰·丹尼斯- 1964。
Dunnavent,沃尔特·爱德华Iii - 1991。
Annick勾勒出她名叫- 1990。
Durmelat,西尔维Nethalie - 1995。
Edens迈克尔·休斯顿- 1993。
埃德森,m . a - 1996。
Einbinder,苏珊莱斯利- 1991。
Ekhtiar,罗谢尔苏泽特- 1985。
Elghandor Abdelhak - 1994。
伊利亚,没有什么结果- 1993。
爱尔摩,杰拉尔德·托马斯- 1995。
Elyas,阿德尔Ata - 1979。
Elyazghi Ezzaher Lahcen - 1995。
Everman,安东尼·艾伯特- 1996。
Faddul,爱迪优素福- 1988。
Faizo, Lutfi阿卜杜拉·- 1985。
Fakahani,苏珊贾米尔- 1988。
阿卜杜拉Fakhrel迪恩,Tarek Jawad - 1977。
法伦,格雷琴基德- 1981。
法拉克:r - 1969/70。
法拉克,Nadia Raouf - 1975。
al-Farsy,蕾拉Abed al-Salam - 1983。
Fateem,萨阿德- 1987。
Fattouh, Essam - 1993。
法,莫娜沙菲克- 1986。
Ferjani Fauzia b - 1989。
芬克尔斯坦,多罗斯Metlitzky - 1957。
费尔斯通,鲁文- 1988。
费舍尔,Jan伯纳德- 1961。
Frangieh, Bassam哈利勒- 1986。
Frawley,玛丽亚巴顿亨克尔- 1991。
弗里德曼,杰克e - 1972。
Galin Muge n - 1992。
Gauch,苏珊娜- 1996。
Geesey Patricia a - 1991。
Gendron斯- 1984。
Georgoudaki Ekaterini - 1980。
阿尔哈姆迪,Ahmad Yahya - 1995。
Ghazoul,平日Jabouri - 1978。
吉布森,苏珊娜- 1996。
吉芬,路易斯安妮塔- 1970。
吉茨,凯瑟琳•斯莱特- 1983。
好运,西奥多- 1968。
al-Goaifli穆罕默德Sulaiman - 1987。
高盛,您好l - 1986。
戈德史密斯,伊丽莎白n . Fisher - 1995。
冈萨雷斯,大卫·朱利安- 1989。
格里菲斯,本杰明·W。小- 1952。
哈达德,艾米丽安妮- 1997。
al-Haddad,哈迪这- 1990。
Haddawy,侯赛因法里德·阿里- 1962。
el-Hage乔治·尼古拉斯- 1981。
Hakamy, Abdulwahab阿里- 1979。
。哈拉比,Raouf贾米尔- 1973。
大厅,唐纳德·雷- 1966。
石漠,穆罕默德易卜拉欣- 1968。
Hamarneh,瓦利德- 1992。
Hamdun穆罕默德艾哈迈德- 1976。
哈米德,默罕默德·阿里- 1988。
亚历山大汉密尔顿、约翰- 1979。
Hammad,莫娜Joma - 1987。
Hanania Aniseh v - 1992。
Hanlon, K。D - 1992。
汉娜,Suhail萨利姆- 1973。
哈布·艾哈迈德·穆萨- 1986。
哈伯,吉恩·迪金森- 1979。
哈尼,迈克尔·保罗- 1983。
哈珀、玛丽·j - 1991。
哈特利,罗伯特·阿诺德- 1971。
哈桑,a . n·m·a·- 1930/31。
哈桑,h . m . - 1985。
Hasanali Parveen - 1996。
哈桑,凯Filfil - 1991。
al-Hassan, nas尤瑟夫- 1982。
黑斯廷斯,金伯利穆雷查克- 1995。
•哈维,哈利勒s - 1959/60。
海斯兰丁Jarrod听到- 1996。
海恩斯,乔纳森·马歇尔- 1980。
al-Hejazi,阿里艾哈迈德阿里- 1979。
Hellal Farida - 1971。
玛丽,Hikel林恩- 1989。
展示缜密心思,伊桑乔大卫- 1997。
希区柯克,r - 1970/71。
黄平君,le thuy Thi - 1997。
Hodson,乔尔·克拉克- 1992。
福尔摩斯,亨利b - 1936。
胡特,Syrine Chafic - 1994。
霍夫曼,亨利·罗素,Jr .) - 1973。
al-Humoud, Sana艾哈迈德- 1987。
侯赛因瓦利德·沙米尔- 1989。
侯赛因,Abdi艾哈迈德- 1992。
侯赛因,哈桑Soleiman - 1971。
侯赛因,r·h·- 1989。
易卜拉欣,美国f - 1974/75。
欧文·托马斯·百龄坛- 1940。
Isani,穆赫塔尔·阿里- 1962。
Ismael Abed Mahmmoud - 1995。
伊萨,W - 1986。
Isteero,阿尔伯特- 1991。
Jawad, a s - 1984。
Jayyusi,萨尔玛Khadra。- 1970。
Jouay,默罕默德- 1994。
Kadhim Sieglinde - 1974。
Kahf, Mohja - 1994。
卡迈勒,Hisham Safwat - 1991。
Kang美国Heui - 1986。
Kararah, a . m . a . h - 1955/56。
al-Kassim,蒂娜l - 1997。
Kassis, R。A - 1997。
考夫曼酯- 1947。
Khalifeh萨哈尔a - 1988。
同,易卜拉欣·伊斯梅尔- 1969。
同,伊萨姆- 1967。
Khayrallah,和谐e - 1972。
卡扎利,穆罕默德Mohmoud - 1983。
Khulusi, s - 1991。
Khuri, Munah阿卜杜拉- 1964。
Khuri,穆萨- 1961。
Kleitz, Dorsey罗德尼- 1988。
Kobrin南希- 1984。
拉萨特,爱丽丝伊丽莎白- 1971。
Lataiwish, m . s . - 1995。
Lavi,亚伯拉罕- 1979。
玛丽,Layoun尼古拉- 1985。
Lebdai Benaouda - 1987。
LeGassick,特雷弗·约翰- 1960。
莱文,塞缪尔·h·- 1953。
威廉卢,约瑟夫- 1990。
林赛,约翰r - 1936。
洛克伍德,安妮m - 1997。
Loftus,威廉·詹姆斯- 1973。
Lonnquist,芭芭拉基督教- 1995。
Lotfizadeh,邦妮黛安娜欧文- 1991。
劳,丽莎m - 1986。
el-Lozy,马哈茂德•艾哈迈德- 1986。
水汽,罗拉格雷厄姆- 1977。
al-Magaleh,阿卜杜拉阿里- 1988。
马尔科姆,罗伯特·克拉克- 1983。
马尔蒂莫西·沃辛顿- 1997。
马丁内斯,艾丽西亚- 1974。
Mazzeo Guido埃托雷- 1961。
去,Melani林恩- 1996。
麦考密克,a . m . - 1951/52。
McKeithen,詹姆斯e - 1979。
麦金尼马克·基斯- 1994。
·梅斯特,玛丽e - 1915。
Meisami,朱莉·斯科特- 1971。
Mekouar哈桑- 1977。
Melikian Anahid - 1954。
Melki,亨利h - 1972。
Meloccaro,林恩- 1992。
Menocal,玛丽亚罗莎- 1979。
Merghelani,阿卜杜拉·阿明- 1982。
Merini Rafika - 1992。
Metawie哈尼族a - 1985。
Metwalli艾哈迈德穆罕默德- 1971。
Mikhail-Ashrawi,哈难达乌德- 1982。
米哈伊尔·蒙娜Naguib - 1972。
Minkarah,埃莉诺Comeau - 1978。
el-Miskin Tijani - 1984。
米切尔,罗伯特•爱德华- 1961。
穆罕默德·m·麦加朝圣- 1992。
Mokhtari称纳吉- 1994。
琼,Monego菲利斯- 1975。
梦露,詹姆斯·托马斯- 1964。
二,Shmuel - 1965。
Morsy栓i - 1989。
莫蒂默,米尔德里德帕尔默- 1969。
el-Mowafy,麻省理工学院- 1961/62。
默罕默德(al-Jabir),是加西姆- 1978。
马林斯,格雷格·艾伦- 1997。
穆萨,穆罕默德·阿里- 1981。
Naddaff,桑德拉安- 1983。
最低点,卡迈勒•卡欣- 1958。
el-Nagar,哈桑·阿卜杜勒·Razig - 1992。
纳伊米(ali Naimi)穆罕默德努尔- 1991。
Naimy Nadeem n - 1963/64。
纳贾尔,裂缝Aref - 1977。
纳西尔,纱丽贾米尔- 1962。
纳赛尔整日醉醺醺的,他问:- 1989。
尼尔,雪莉威妮弗蕾德Zwoyer - 1973。
尼科尔斯,帕梅拉·凯瑟琳- 1994。
Obaid,托若亚艾哈迈德- 1974。
Obeidat, Marwan穆罕默德- 1985。
•托马斯·约瑟夫- 1992。
奥尔,布丽姬特艾丽卡- 1995。
Oueijan,纳吉·布洛斯- 1985。
潘迪特帕拉维·埃呀尔- 1990。
Pao,安吉拉Chia-Yi - 1989。
公园,Heong-Dug - 1988。
Paull,迈克尔·雷- 1969。
皮斯,雷蒙德Burnette - 1922。
贝利,Mattityahu - 1971。
Perfetti,丽莎蕾妮- 1996。
彼得斯,伊萨- 1974。
菲利普,托马斯- 1971。
皮诺,大卫- 1986。
Piselli Kathyanne - 1986。
鲍威尔,安娜美- 1982。
权力,拉扎里迪斯- 1988 h。
Pulcini,西奥多- 1994。
艾尔凯塞Fayez a - 1991。
卡齐,姆尼尔艾哈迈德- 1982。
Rahimieh,纳斯林- 1988。
Ramey,林恩美味- 1997。
拉施德,i - 1922。
Rashid - 1986。
大米、华纳法规Grenelle - 1927。
里,Nurshif ' abd Al-Rahim穆斯塔法- 1988。
Rishmawi乔治·哈利勒- 1983。
Rizk,哈利勒Shukrallah - 1981。
罗杰斯,威廉•诺里斯Ii - 1972。
罗珀,杰弗里·j . - 1988。
Rouhi,蕾拉- 1995。
罗兰,霍华德·道格拉斯- 1971。
飞边,詹姆斯·林恩- 1968。
(Rushdy Rushdi,拉施德,m R。]- 1950。
萨阿德,约瑟夫Sobhi - 1970。
Sabbagh,苏哈- 1982。
Sabry, b - 1965/66。
Safady,伊萨姆- 1968。
al-Safi, a b m m - 1979。
一任Safi-Eddine - 1993。
萨哈,丹尼尔·约翰- 1969。
说,Aleya阿卜杜勒萨拉姆- 1990。
Saigh e·j·s - 1946。
el-Sakkout h . s . a - 1965/66。
萨勒姆,马哈茂德·穆罕默德·艾哈迈迪- 1989。
萨勒姆,r m - 1988。
Saliba Therese - 1993。
萨卢姆,d . (Da 'ud Sallum城]- 1958。
谋求,m . (Mahmud谋求)- 1958。
al-Sawda Mahel - 1993。
•艾尔-赛义德Sahira哈米德- 1973。
重的,雅艾尔瑞秋- 1993。
Scholberg,肯尼斯·r - 1953。
斯科特,威廉·艾伦- 1984。
Seigneurie,肯尼斯•埃里克- 1995。
Sellon, Dulcy玛丽Schueler - 1979。
销售,迈克尔·安东尼- 1982。
Semah,大卫- 1969/70。
Seminario,李安妮达勒姆- 1974。
Serrano理查德·阿瑟- 1996。
沙'ban Fuad - 1965。
el-Shabrawy夏洛特·布洛德- 1974。
al-Shalabi, Nazmi Tawfiq - 1993。
沙拉比,Hisham - 1954。
Sharafuddin穆罕默德艾哈迈德- 1988。
肖,丹尼尔g - 1987。
肖,希拉g - 1959。
Shawabkeh,穆罕默德·阿里- 1987。
Sheltag,侯赛因Abdul-Azim - 1989。
al-Shetaiwi Mahmoud Flayeh阿里Gemei安- 1983。
Shirazi,柴那Abdel-Mohsen艾哈迈德- 1987。
Shoukany,穆罕默德纳赛尔- 1990。
斯基德莫尔,马克- 1935。
斯梅尔,Zahia - 1991。
史密斯,拜伦波特- 1939。
史密斯,帕特里夏·克拉克- 1970。
Somekh,沙逊- 1968/69。
Sperl,斯蒂芬- 1978。
Stamm,詹姆斯·拉塞尔- 1959。
斯托克,美国a - 1980。
Subhi h . a - 1968/69。
Sultana Fehmida - 1989。
甜,Nanora路易丝Ziebold - 1993。
Talhami, Soumaya尤瑟夫- 1982。
萨利赫al-Tami艾哈迈德- 1988。
el-Tayeb, Khadiga Karrar el-Shaikh - 1985。
el-Tayib,艾哈迈德- 1953/54。
泰勒,苏珊·贝丝- 1993。
查克,克里斯托弗·约翰查尔斯- 1963。
来同西,默罕默德·穆罕默德·a - 1989。
屈里曼路易并,Jr .) - 1980。
据Abdulhafeez q - 1995。
Tutungi,吉尔伯特维克多- 1966。
Twaij穆罕默德Baqir - 1973。
Van de印度,Eduardus Franciscus - 1985。
范代芬特尔,苏珊- 1997。
范盖拉,阿尔巴m . Calvosa - 1996。
Vervaet大卫罗伯特- 1995。
Vulor, Ena塞西莉亚- 1994。
沃勒,兰德尔·莱昂内尔- 1991。
沃尔什,约翰·凯文- 1967。
Wazzam a . m . a - 1981。
韦伯,迈克尔·切斯特- 1996。
Weitzman,亚瑟约书亚- 1964。
Westrem,斯科特·道格拉斯- 1985。
白色,黛博拉·伊莉斯- 1993。
威尔科克斯,朱迪斯·卡罗尔- 1985。
工人,南希维多利亚- 1989。
Yaziji,内志的特色- 1994。
Yegenoglu-Mutman Meyda - 1993。
Yousif, Abdul-Salaam Yacoob - 1988。
Zahlan,安妮Ricketson - 1983。
扎基,阿梅尔阿明- 1978。
赞恩,凯瑟琳·j . c - 1984。
他,伊芙Accad - 1974。
齐默尔曼,玛丽·爱丽丝- 1994。
齐默尔曼,塞缪尔·a - 1969。
Zoubir Abdelhamid - 1987。
答:al-M al-Zubaidi。k - 1966/67。
Zughoul,穆罕默德说- 1992。
Zuwiyya,扎卡里·大卫- 1996。


1980年。Georgoudaki Ekaterini。







1996年。阿尔巴m . Calvosa范盖拉。

1984年。Jawad, a S。

1984年。赞恩,凯瑟琳·j . C。

1961年。Mazzeo Guido埃托雷。
1975年。法拉克,Nadia Raouf。
1994年。胡特,Syrine Chafic。

1985年。Van de印度,Eduardus Franciscus。
1994年。Vulor, Ena塞西莉亚。

1978年。阿里,Muhsin贾西姆[Musawi, Muhsin加西姆]。
1991年。Ben Aziza Lahsen。


1965年。沙'ban Fuad。



1988年。Bakhsh, Jalaluddien Khuda。

1991年。卡迈勒,Hisham Safwat。


1986年。Frangieh Bassam Khalil。



1964年。Khuri Munah阿卜杜拉。

1991年。阿布Libdeh,和谐Jabr [Libdeh抗干扰a]。

1978年。Balarabe Abubakar。
1982年。al-Hassan, nas尤瑟夫。
1983年。Dawood,易卜拉欣Abdallah S。
1984年。el-Miskin Tijani。
1987年。阿布Shamsieh Eisa穆罕默德。
1988年。Ashshareef Teirab。
1991年。Dunnavent Walter爱德华三世。

1993年。al-Shalabi, Nazmi Tawfiq。


1995年。据Abdulhafeez Q。



1996年。Hasanali Parveen。






1995年。Ismael Abed Mahmmoud。


1992年。Galin Muge N。

1994年。Elghandor Abdelhak。




1983年。al-Bazei Saad阿。


1994年。Kahf, Mohja。




1992年。Merini Rafika。



1961/62。el-Mowafy, m . I。

1985年。el-Tayeb, Khadiga Karrar el-Shaikh。



1989年。Sultana Fehmida。


大学医疗Instelling Antwerpen(比利时)
1994年。Benrahhal-Serghini el-Habib。


1976年。阿克曼,Jan Condra科比。
1995年。Elyazghi Ezzaher Lahcen。




1987年。阿布巴克尔Omaima Mostafa。



1974年。Kadhim Sieglinde。


1993年。Yegenoglu-Mutman Meyda。

1955/56。Kararah, a . m . a . H。
1962/63。阿卜杜拉,a . M。
1963/64。Naimy Nadeem N。
1965/66。el-Sakkout, h·s·A。
1970/71。阿卜杜勒•阿齐兹•艾哈迈德l . N。



1985年。Faizo, Lutfi阿卜杜拉·。
1996年。Carjuzaa Gilles。



1987年。al-Humoud, Sana艾哈迈德。


1966/67。答:al-M al-Zubaidi。K。
1968/69。Subhi, h·A。
1981年。Wazzam, A . m .。

1987年。Lebdai Benaouda。
1987年。Zoubir Abdelhamid。
1990年。Bahous, abb。
1991年。纳伊米(ali Naimi)穆罕默德努尔。
1993年。al-Sawda Mahel。

1965/66。Sabry B。
1988年。里,Nurshif ' abd Al-Rahim穆斯塔法。
1990年。Awwad, Abd al-Hussein M。
1991年。Khulusi, S。
1992年。Hanlon, k·D。



1989年。abdul razak, h . M。
1995年。Lataiwish, m . S。


1971年。Hellal Farida。


1982年。Talhami, Soumaya优素福。
1983年。Ahmed Saad诺亚。
1983年。al-Shetaiwi Mahmoud Flayeh阿里Gemei国安。
1987年。阿布Swailem abd Rahim Elayan卫生部。
1988年。联合国人口基金执行主任Thoraya Abdulwahab al-Abbasi,。

1988年。Yousif, Abdul-Salaam Yacoob。



1968年。Bagby Albertian, Jr .)

1979年。al-Safi, a . b . M . M。

1950年。Rushdi,拉施德[Rushdy m r]。

1971/72。Aljubouri, d . a . H。

1930/31。哈桑,A . n·m·A。
1946年。Saigh e·j·S。
1951/52。麦考密克,a . M。
1958年。谋求,m . (Mahmud谋求)。
1980年。Collingwood-Whittick, S。

1958年。萨卢姆,d . (Da 'ud Sallum城)。
1970/71。Bamieh, A。
1971/72。Ogunbiyi, i。
1979年。abdel dayem, s . h . M。
1987年。Dajani, Zahia拉吉卜。
1988年。萨勒姆,r . M。

1953/54。Abdelmeguid, A。
1974/75。易卜拉欣,s F。



1979年。Hakamy Abdulwahab阿里。
1979年。Sellon, Dulcy玛丽Schueler。
1986年。Piselli Kathyanne。


1985年。Abinader Elmaz。




1989年。Ferjani, Fauzia B。

1989年。Agzenay Asma。
1997年。Kassis, r。


1970年。Bar-Nissim Nahman。




1989年。侯赛因,r . H。










1983年。Abdulmatlub, Abdulmatlub Abdulhamid。
1992年。Hanania, Aniseh V。


1985年。哈桑,h . M。


1993年。Saliba Therese。

1954年。Melikian Anahid。

1983年。al-Farsy,蕾拉Abed al-Salam。



1997年。黄平君,le thuy Thi。



2。Aslib ed。索引论文接受高等大学的学位英国爱尔兰。卷,1卷。伦敦:Aslib 1950/51-1966/67。

3所示。布卢姆菲尔德,巴里Cambray,排版。论文在亚洲大学接受更高的学位联合王国爱尔兰,1877 - 1964。伦敦:卡斯商学院,1967年。


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7所示。美国现代语言协会。MLA国际参考书目。WebSpirs版本。3.1。在线计算机文件。诺伍德,MA: SilverPlatter信息,Inc ., 1963 -。


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10。推荐- - - - - -。索引论文接受高等大学的学位英国爱尔兰。35卷,第1部分(1986年11月)。伦敦:Aslib, 1986年。

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这本书是一个更新和非洲扩张美国的博士论文,1886 - 1972年安妮Schneller和迈克尔·布拉顿。


15。推荐- - - - - -。论文在非洲,Universtities接受的美国爱尔兰。j·h·圣·j·McIlwaine编制。伦敦:曼塞尔,1978。

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19所示。推荐- - - - - -。图书馆目录:第二个补充。波士顿:G.K.大厅,1973。

20.推荐- - - - - -。图书馆目录,第四补充1978 - 1984。瑞士缩微平片。火车:IDC, 1985。
在缩微胶片头连接条目复杂性注意:标题:soa目录,4日增刊。1978 - 1984。
在书的形式公布的原始目录和补充1 - 3 G.K.大厅,1963 - 1979。

21。推荐- - - - - -。图书馆目录:第三个补充。波士顿:G.K.大厅,1973。
