Wampeters Foma & Granfalloons是一个难得的机会去体验库尔特·冯内古特在自己的声音对他自己的生活,他的观点,他的写作,和别人的写作。愤怒,令人发指、诙谐,深深觉得收集评论,文章和演讲,这是一个窗口不仅冯内古特的头脑,还到他心里去了。“一本书充满了疯狂和真理和谬论和自我启示。(冯内古特是一个伟大的宇宙喜剧演员和人类骨骼的有轨电车,一个理想主义者伪装成一个悲观主义者。”——圣。路易邮报包括以下论文,演讲,和工作原理:“科幻小说”“短暂的邂逅在内河”“你好,牛郎织女星”“不可教的教学”“是的,我们没有涅槃”“坚韧”“有一个疯子松”“精益求精!我们要去月球!精益求精的!”"Address to the American Physical Society" "Good Missiles, Good Manners, Good Night" "Why They Read Hesse" "Oversexed in Indianapolis" "The Mysterious Madame Blavatsky" "Biafra: A People Betrayed" "Address to Graduating Class at Bennington College, 1970" "Torture and Blubber" "Address to the National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1971" "Reflections on my Own Death" "In a Manner that Must Shame God Himself" "Thinking Unthinkable, Speaking Unspeakable" "Address at Rededication of Wheaton College Library, 1973" "Invite Rita Rait to America!" "Address to P.E.N. Conference in Stockholm, 1973" "A Political Disease" "Playboy Interview"
纽约时报畅销书*”为所有那些与冯内古特住在他们的想象力。这就是他喜欢的人。渗透“美国今天在一个卷,内省,门齿,mad magazine,最伟大的文人之一的年龄或任何age-holds生活,艺术,性别,政治,和国家的美国的灵魂。从他的成长在美国,他的战争经历,他的生活作为一个艺术家,这是冯内古特做他最擅长的:他自己。异想天开地说明了作者,一个男人没有一个国家是亲密的,温柔的,充满了库尔特·冯内古特的激情的范围。称赞一个男人没有一个国家“[这]可能是冯内古特是一本回忆录。”——洛杉矶时报像[的]他的文学祖先马克·吐温,库尔特·冯内古特的古怪脾气好的,机敏的。(读一本没有一个国家的人)就像坐在沙发上很长一段和一个老朋友聊天。”——纽约时报书评”充满了冯内古特的通常的矛盾的快乐和悲伤,希望与绝望,幽默和重力。《芝加哥论坛报”的粉丝们将会停留在每一个字。再一次(冯内古特)捕获人类状况的复杂性与惊人的书法简单。”——澳大利亚”感谢上帝,库尔特·冯内古特已经违背了自己的承诺,他不会写另一本书。 In this wondrous assemblage of mini-memoirs, we discover his family's legacy and his obstinate, unfashionable humanism."-Studs Terkel
前言由戴夫·艾格斯聪明,异想天开,经常严厉,库尔特·冯内古特的小说影响了一代美国作家戴夫•艾格斯——包括作者这本书的前言。在这些以前未发表的宝石,冯内古特的创意注入一个独特的景观的工厂,拖车,和酒吧,人物他们的梦想和恐惧对抗一个残忍,有时滑稽冷漠的世界。这里有故事的男人和机器,艺术和技巧,以及理想的财富,名声,和爱好奇的转折在普通的生活。雄心勃勃的builder的道路,指挥军队的推土机,年级,和沥青传播者,他的空闲时间浪费小火车,直到女人一生中崩溃他幻想的土地。被困在一个速记池,一个年轻的梦想者收到一个强盗在逃的电话,谁给她一个奇怪的命题。易怒的新闻记者是被迫圣诞委员会来判断显示,使他的工作一个可疑的骗子,然后一个奇迹。养猪的农民的遗孀收到神秘,不请自来的人在斯克内克塔迪的来信”精神的模糊不清的甜蜜的疼痛。But what will she find when she goes to meet him in the flesh? These beautifully rendered works are a testament to Vonnegut's unique blend of observation and imagination. Like a present left behind by a departed loved one, While Mortals Sleep bestows upon us a shimmering Kurt Vonnegut gift: a poignant reflection of our world as it is and as it could be.
称为“我们的最好的black-humorist”在《大西洋月刊》,库尔特·冯内古特是20世纪最具影响力的作家之一。现在他的第一个和最后一个作品一起第一次印刷,在他著名的短语后恰当的主题集合,我们是假装。作笔名写销售的“马克•哈维”基本训练从未发表在冯内古特的一生。它似乎是在1940年代末,因此冯内古特的第一个中篇小说。苦,深刻感到幻灭的故事讽刺军队,独裁主义、性别关系、亲子关系和家庭的大部分认为中世纪神话。青少年主人公哈利布兰登,他相对的农场,旧的疯狂的坚持被称为一般,学习astraight-shooting美国。哈利只是生存的手段将他不屈不挠的反抗一般疯狂的(但是哦,所以美国,哦,所以军事)值。这个故事和它的三十岁左右的作者没有朋友的浮油的环境杂志的广告推销他们的产品。冯内古特在2007年去世时,他离开了他的最后一部小说未完成。EntitledIf上帝今天还活着,最后一个工作是一个残酷的讽刺社会的无知和无忧无虑的否认世界的主要问题。 Protagonist Gil Berman is a middle-aged college lecturer and self-declared stand-up comedian who enjoys cracking jokes in front of a college audience while societal dependence on fossil fuels has led to the apocalypse. Described by Vonnegut as, "the stand-up comedian on Doomsday," Gil is a character formed from Vonnegut's own rich experiences living in areality Vonnegut himself considered inevitable. Along with the two works of fiction, Vonnegut's daughter, Nanette shares reminiscences about her father and commentary on these two works--both exclusive to this edition. In this fiction collection, published in print for the first time, exist Vonnegut's grand themes: trust no one, trust nothing; and the only constants are absurdity and resignation, which themselves cannot protect us from the void but might divert.
名叫今年最好的书之一《新闻周刊》/《每日野兽》-《赫芬顿邮报》”——堪萨斯城星报》——时间纽约这个评论“这平凡的个人通信的所有特征库尔特·冯内古特的小说。书面以南一段,这些信件,其中绝大多数从未出版,很有趣,移动,完全相同的不可思议的智慧全球读者喜爱他的工作。包含在这个综合卷:一个22岁冯内古特写的那封信回家后立即被释放从德国战俘营,讲述了可怕的德累斯顿轰炸的这将是他的杰作“第五屠宰场;“讽刺的主题将从冯内古特的年苦苦挣扎的作家慢慢找到一个观众,然后在中年处理突如其来的国际声誉;公正地愤怒的信的抗议当地学校董事会,试图禁止他的工作;亲密的往事写高中同学,老战友,朋友,和家人;和信件的怜悯和鼓励等同时代的盖尔·古德温,君特•格拉斯,伯纳德。马拉默德。冯内古特的无中介的观察在科学、艺术和商业是一样的任何发现在他的小说中,从疯子方案制造“原子”领结半开玩笑的提议,出版商允许贸易作者像棒球运动员。(例如,克诺夫出版社可能给西蒙和舒斯特尔约翰·厄普代克的合同,和接收Joan Didion的合同。”)综上所述,这些信件添加相当深度对我们理解这个独一无二的文学偶像,他的公共和私人生活。每个字母与辛辣的幽默和边不客气的人文主义,他建立了自己的传奇。和几乎所有页面包含一个可引用的金块,这将使其进入永久的冯内古特的词典。 - On a job he had as a young man: "Hell is running an elevator throughout eternity in a building with only six floors." - To a relative who calls him a "great literary figure" "I am an American fad--of a slightly higher order than the hula hoop." - To his daughter Nanny: "Most letters from a parent contain a parent's own lost dreams disguised as good advice." - To Norman Mailer: "I am cuter than you are." Sometimes biting and ironical, sometimes achingly sweet, and always alive with the unique point of view that made him the true cultural heir to Mark Twain, these letters comprise the autobiography Kurt Vonnegut never wrote. Praise for "Kurt Vonnegut: Letters" "Splendidly assembled . . . familiar, funny, cranky . . . chronicling Vonnegut's] life in real time."--Kurt Andersen, "The New York Times Book Review" " " " This collection is] by turns hilarious, heartbreaking and mundane. . . . Vonnegut himself is a near-perfect example of the same flawed, wonderful humanity that he loved and despaired over his entire life."--"NPR" "Congenial, whimsical and often insightful missives . . . one of Vonnegut's] very best."--"Newsday" "These letters display all the hallmarks of Vonnegut's fiction--smart, hilarious and heartbreaking."--"The New York Times Book Review"
前所未见的深入骨髓的情书从库尔特·冯内古特到他的第一任妻子,简,编译和编辑他们的女儿,在华丽的彩色复制。“如果我写任何东西的长度——好或坏——这将是和你写。”库尔特·冯内古特's oldest daughter, Edith, was cleaning out her mother's attic when she stumbled upon a dusty box. Inside were more than two-hundred love letters written by Kurt to Jane, spanning the early years of their relationship- from 1941, when nineteen-year-old Kurt heads off to college, to his deployment to Europe in 1944 and the couple's marriage in 1945. The letters are full of the humor and wit that we have come to associate with Kurt Vonnegut. But they also show more private corners of his mind- Passionate and tender, the letters form an illuminating portrait of a young soldier's life in World War II as he attempts to come to grips with love and mortality. And they expose the origins of Vonnegut the writer, when Jane was the only person who believed in and supported him, and they had no idea how celebrated he would become. A beautiful full-color collection of handwritten letters, notes, sketches, and comics, interspersed with Edith's insights and family memories, Love, Kurt is an intimate record of a young man growing into himself, a fascinating account of a writer finding his voice, and a moving testament to the life-altering experience of falling in love.