“绝望,痛苦地诚实试图面对二十世纪的巨大的罪行。”——时间的选择,现代图书馆的100最佳小说第五屠宰场,美国的经典,是世界上最伟大的反战的书籍之一。围绕臭名昭著的二战轰炸德累斯顿,冯内古特的小说是描述为23努力写一本关于他自己作为一名美国战俘。它结合了科幻小说,自传,幽默,历史小说,生活的描写和讽刺的比利朝圣者,理发师的儿子将被征召入伍者把验光师外星球。比利,像冯内古特,德累斯顿的破坏作为一个战俘的经历,与冯内古特,这是他人生的决定性时刻。与作者不同的是,他还经历时间旅行,或“失败。”Billy Pilgrim's odyssey reflects the mythic journey of our own fractured lives as we search for meaning in what we fear most. Praise for Slaughterhouse-Five "Poignant and hilarious, threaded with compassion and, behind everything, the cataract of a thundering moral statement."--The Boston Globe "Very tough and very funny . . . sad and delightful . . . very Vonnegut."--New York Times "Splendid art . . . a funny book at which you are not permitted to laugh, a sad book without tears."--Life
“主在他的古怪,挑衅最好。”——世界性的神射手的迪克库尔特·冯内古特的有趣,冷淡地讽刺看着无辜的死亡。在恐怖的真实Vonnegutian主机——双重谋杀,一个致命剂量的辐射,斩首,一个城市的毁灭一个中子炸弹——鲁迪·华尔兹,又名神射手的迪克,让我们一起在一个滑稽的寻找宽恕和幸福。这是一个关于犯罪和惩罚的故事让我们思考我们相信。和我们说我们是谁。表扬神射手的迪克”一个移动的寓言。。。冯内古特、甜愤世嫉俗者和丑小鸭,继续写温柔天鹅歌曲为我们不文明的社会。”——《花花公子》“非传统的小说。。。必须对所有冯内古特的粉丝。”——伍斯特周日电报”击中靶心。悲哀地庆祝生命的随机性,将私人和公共灾害与一种不计后果的怪念头。 You don't read Kurt Vonnegut for meaning exactly. You read him for the sad-funny attitude of mind, the kind of weirdness that can interpret the world's weirdness."--USA Today "Vonnegut is beguiling as ever . . . Incredible plot constructions and inventive language continue to leap from his typewriter . . . the humor is natural and inborn; the insight usually purchased by his characters at painfully high cost. Funny how life turns out. Even funnier how Mr. Vonnegut turns life's insanities into funny, profound sense. That takes a master's touch. Mr. Vonnegut still has it."--Kansas City Star "Playful and imaginative . . . On finishing the novel, the kitchen of your mind is a cleaner and more well-lighted place than it was before."--Houston Chronicle "Endearing and enchanting . . . a wise and charming book . . . very full of life."--Glamour
“狂妄的系谱冒险。冯内古特是一个后现代的马克吐温。”——《纽约时报》的书评Galápagos takes the reader back one million years, to A.D. 1986. A simple vacation cruise suddenly becomes an evolutionary journey. Thanks to an apocalypse, a small group of survivors stranded on the Galápagos Islands are about to become the progenitors of a brave, new, and totally different human race. In this inimitable novel, America' s master satirist looks at our world and shows us all that is sadly, madly awry-and all that is worth saving. Praise for Galápagos "The best Vonnegut novel yet!"--John Irving "Beautiful . . . provocative, arresting reading."--USA Today "A satire in the classic tradition . . . a dark vision, a heartfelt warning."--The Detroit Free Press "Interesting, engaging, sad and yet very funny . . . Vonnegut is still in top form. If he has no prescription for alleviating the pain of the human condition, at least he is a first-rate diagnostician."--Susan Isaacs, Newsday "Dark . . . original and funny."--People "A triumph of style, originality and warped yet consistent logic . . . a condensation, an evolution of Vonnegut's entire career, including all the issues and questions he has pursued relentlessly for four decades."--The Philadelphia Inquirer "Wild details, wry humor, outrageous characters . . . Galápagos is a comic lament, a sadly ironic vison."--St. Louis Post-Dispatch "A work of high comedy, sadness and imagination."--The Denver Post "Wacky wit and irreverent imagination . . . and the full range of technical innovations have made [Vonnegut] America's preeminent experimental novelist."--The Minneapolis Star and Tribune