ATMuse >多元文化的美国的音乐
从“文化交流在新墨西哥州如洛杉矶Danza de圣克鲁兹。”布伦达·m·罗梅罗,pg。205 - 238
编辑Kip Lornell和安妮·k·拉斯穆森
1993年1月1日,普韦布洛条穿越赫梅兹,新墨西哥。Gabriel Casiquito和丹尼尔Culacke。
音乐家的线索给出Mongala,一条穿越赫梅兹的祖母或祖母性格,和线索是西班牙语,“Orale,重逢!”This cue is barely audible at the beginning of this rendition of the Malinche's dance song. This version is played by Gabriel Casiquito, a member of the Pumpkin kiva of the Pueblo of Jemez, who aspired at one time to play the Matachina repertoire. Notice the Pueblo cultural influence on this version, an example of how the Pueblos in general adapted foreign styles to more familiar ones. Recorded by Brenda M. Romero.