ATMuse >多元文化的美国的音乐
从“以Waila:社会Tohono O ' odham的舞曲。”吉姆·格里菲斯,pg。186 - 204
编辑Kip Lornell和安妮·k·拉斯穆森
这是第一个商业录音的旧风格的“鸡。”The O'odham fiddle sound is a unique one, with a full band consisting of two violins, a guitar, a snare drum and a bass drum playing polkas, two-steps, and mazurkas (all European dance forms that were brought to America and adopted by a number of American communities including Mexican Americans, and Scandinavian and European Americans). The Gu Achi Fiddlers is a family enterprise; all of the musicians are either related or learned music from older family members.