我的第一本书,建立自由:黑人妇女在战前查尔斯顿和追求自由(UNC出版社,2011年)检查自由黑人女性的生活,法律和事实上的在查尔斯顿,南卡罗来纳,从1790 - 1860。其核心,项目分析黑人女性Charlestonians利用收购的策略,定义和自由的捍卫自己的视力,方法包括收购财富,网络与人们的权力,并利用国家的司法机构。研究生命,自由和公民权利观念的角度来看这些投资最少的正式权力在旧南方,这项研究的结论是,战前黑人女性使用手头的所有资源去享受自己的自由设计而不是一个被南方白人为他们塑造。利用家庭报纸,立法文件,遗嘱检验记录,教区寄存器,人口普查数据,税城市列表和目录,这个项目恢复黑人女性应有的社会地位时,经济和政治演员在美国内战以前的南方。
我的第二本书,于2019年将publishd,目前名为,“记住朱莉娅:故事的性别、种族、力量,和地点。”This project examines the decades-long relationship of Julia Chinn, a woman of color, and U.S. congressman, senator, and one-term Vice President Richard Mentor Johnson, a white man. The couple openly lived together in rural Kentucky during the 1810s, 20s and 30s, despite public disapproval of interracial sex, and Julia and her daughters acquired a fair amount of social and financial power due to their connection to Richard, who never married a white woman and who referred to Julia as his wife. The limits of Julia's power was clearly marked, however, and the privileges of white kinship declined for black women the further they moved from the source of their power, which radiated out from their homes and local communities. Black women also discovered that any attempt to acquire many of the social niceties and respect extended to white women would often bring swift and unpleasant retribution.