传统建筑通过多拉p·克劳奇;6月g·约翰逊这本书介绍了学生、专业人士和公众建筑成就Euroamerican之外的多元文化传统。而不是专注于地理或按类别,然而,作者已安排他们的主题matterthematically为了专注于所有人类共有的基本需求的社区。这本书分为五个主要部分,其中每个处理方言以及不朽的结构。这五个话题讨论的特定架构解决方案,比较和对比在地理上分离的建筑和建筑的传统。例如,通过象征性的花园建筑意义研究的问题在中国,语言点缀在伊斯兰世界,和东南非洲的恩德贝勒人妇女的壁画。理论问题与特定的建筑传统被这些兼容并蓄。传统建筑begins with an investigation into the ways in which the continuity of traditional forms is maintained. Next, the authors explore practical issues such as housing and food structures, climate and ecology, building materials, and architectural forms and methods.Architectural goals and purposes, which determine what is built, vary from culture to culture and are given special attention. Planning and design -- ways in which space is used in patterns of organization -- constitute a discussion ranging from urban plans to landscaped settings. The text concludeswith an examination of cultural values, investigating the interaction between architecture and social relations, traditional theories, decision-making, and the economics of building.