当代非洲艺术通过西德尼Littlefield Kasfir二十世纪已经一段时间的主要破坏传统机构在非洲。但即使旧形式的艺术赞助被镇压,艺术表现开放的新途径。后殖民艺术在非洲建立了无缝地在现有结构的殖民地时期前的殖民非洲艺术的流派。在这个意义上,艺术家对艺术创作的习惯和态度,而不是在任何坚持一个特定的风格,媒介,技术,或主题范围,艺术是进化为“非洲”。西德尼Littlefield Kasfir,Associate Professor of Art History at Emory University, has taught, curated, and carried out extensive field research in Nigeria, Uganda, and Kenya, and has made briefer research trips to nine other African countries. Her critical history examines the major themes and accomplishments in African art from the past fifty years, achieving an impressive balance between the critical reexamination of frequently discussed artists, groups, and workshops and the introduction of less publicized or more recent material.
非洲城市和城镇在欧洲的征服通过理查德·w·赫尔折纸大师约翰Montroll介绍近50个数据,从简单到复杂。他们适合那些熟悉的基础但寻求更具挑战性的模型以及经验丰富的文件夹。模型包括一个杯子、帽子、帆船、起重机,青蛙,对初学者和鱼;野鸡,罗宾,猪,和八面体中间文件夹;and a deer, elephant, bee, and waterwheel for advanced origamists — plus many other imaginative figures. Clear instructions and crisp diagrams accompany each project.
一个架构的教育通过天使大卫Nieves本卷广泛关注的历史社会福利改革工作的19世纪美国黑人女性建立工业和师范学校在美国南部。通过他们的工作在建筑和教育,这些妇女帮助纪念美国黑人的创伤和斗争。天使大卫Nieves讲述了作者的女性如伊丽莎白·伊芙琳·赖特(1872 - 1906)的创始人vooorhees工业学校(现vooorhees学院)在丹麦,南卡罗来纳,1897年,世卫组织不仅提升项目的竞赛提升通过工业教育也与许多开拓非洲的美国建筑师设计一个学校和周围的社区。同样,简(珍妮)Serepta院长(1848 - 1913),前奴隶,与精英联网北白设计师发现马纳萨斯工业学校在马纳萨斯,弗吉尼亚州在1892年。架构的教育检查这些女性教育者和改革者的工作作为一种新生的国家建设,注意社会和政治意识形态的方式种族隆起和性别的机构,他们体现被刻在建筑环境通过这些模型的设计和建造学校。在发现这些女性角色塑造的那些南部的非洲裔美国人的公共领域,这本书提出了一个重要的历史贡献的非裔美国人的长在美国争取平等和民权。天使和数字人文历史教授David Nieves是圣地亚哥州立大学。气味国家建设,并指出社会和政治意识形态的种族隆起和性别的机构,他们体现被刻在建筑环境通过这些模型的设计和建造学校。在发现这些女性角色塑造的那些南部的非洲裔美国人的公共领域,这本书提出了一个重要的历史贡献的非裔美国人的长在美国争取平等和民权。天使和数字人文历史教授David Nieves是圣地亚哥州立大学。scent nation building, noting the ways in which the social and political ideology of race uplift and gendered agency that they embodied was inscribed on the built environment through the design and construction of these model schools. In uncovering these women's role in the shaping of African American public spheres in the post-Reconstruction South, the book makes an important contribution to the history of African Americans' long struggle for equality and civil rights in the United States. Angel David Nieves is Professor of History and Digital Humanities at San Diego State University.scent nation building, noting the ways in which the social and political ideology of race uplift and gendered agency that they embodied was inscribed on the built environment through the design and construction of these model schools. In uncovering these women's role in the shaping of African American public spheres in the post-Reconstruction South, the book makes an important contribution to the history of African Americans' long struggle for equality and civil rights in the United States. Angel David Nieves is Professor of History and Digital Humanities at San Diego State University.icans' long struggle for equality and civil rights in the United States. Angel David Nieves is Professor of History and Digital Humanities at San Diego State University.
历史建筑在加勒比海岛屿通过爱德华·e·克雷恩“对于那些探险家,想知道更多关于加勒比文化,这本书是一个有用的指南的重要结构在每个岛上。”——托马斯·s .奇迹,建筑师,波多黎各“全面、全景视觉的建筑在这一重要地理区域。”Efrain e - P # 65533; rez-Chanis,建筑师和前院长,学校的建筑,这丰富的插图的书,波多黎各大学爱德华·克雷恩记录丰富的建筑遗产的十六个加勒比群岛。 Hundreds of black-and-white and color photographs, most taken by the author, show in detail structures with arresting visual appeal and lasting historic value. Crain explores the physical, cultural, and political factors that influenced design evolution in the region, including climate, geography, the cultures of early occupants, colonial exploration, military control, immigration, and slavery. He observes that colonial influence dominated architectural development and concludes that designs from the mother countries (Spain, England, France, Denmark, and the Netherlands), while often elegant or delightful, were just as often inappropriate for the tropics. The Schoelcher Museum in Guadeloupe, for example, embodies the values of French classicism; the Catholic church in Kingston, Jamaica, recalls the Byzantine revival sty≤ the Fox Delicias Theater in Ponce, Puerto Rico, is an example of Art Deco design. Urban design in the Spanish colonies reflects the dictates of the Law of the Indies, which mandated a grid pattern for all streets (even those through hilly terrain) and a central plaza in each town. With its gabled, red-tiled roofs, the capital of Curacao--named Willemstad for Dutch King Willem--is nicknamed "Amsterdam in Miniature." "Architecture succeeded when nostalgia was replaced by logic, when a recognition of tropical demands was reflected in the buildings," Crain writes. When designers realized that the basic function of a Caribbean structure was to offer protection from rain and sun, they introduced such elements as verandas, porches, fretwork, and louvered shutters. Following architectural development from the time of early Amerindian habitation of the islands up to World War II, Crain groups buildings by type: large and small residences, military facilities, public and institutional structures, and places of worship. Edward E. Crain works as an architectural educator. When he retired as professor of architecture at the University of Florida, he served as a U.S. Peace Corps volunteer in Jamaica, where he helped set up the Caribbean School of Architecture. He is a member of the American Institute of Architects.
来自非洲的住处通过让·保罗·Bourdier;陈t Minh-Ha(如要求). .”。一个优雅的和抒情....工作它打开了我们对空间的理解和构建环境新的和令人兴奋的方式。””——传统民居和结算审核”“这本书提供的图纸的复杂模式的结构、设计和对象,加上联系居民的日常生活。就其本身而言,这本书是一个重要的除了印第安纳大学出版社已恰当地描述为“乡土建筑的理解”。“雷竞技官方网站下载”——西非…””。一个辉煌的成就;(作者)设定一个目标和一个标准的方言没有并行体系结构的研究。文本是明确的和细心,敏感的文化还安静地严格。图纸很出色,已经非常好复制的一本书的质量生产相匹配的内容。””——保罗•奥利弗…””。一个持久的纪念碑非洲架构.... a fine creation, a collage of marvelous graphic images, earnest research, good writing, careful thinking."" -- Henry Glassie ""Scholars are realizing how important it is to provide a rich, thick cultural and social setting when they attempt to explore art.... This book does that for architecture."" -- Patrick R. McNaughton .."". will be regarded as an important contribution to the understanding of vernacular architecture."" -- Berkeley Tri-City Post .."". a stunning piece of work... An important contribution to architecture..."" -- FIST, Afrocentric On-line Magazine ""The photographs and drawings are fascinating. "" -- The New Brunswick Reader Architect Jean-Paul Bourdier and cultural critic and filmmaker Trinh T. Minh-ha take us into the traditionally built dwellings of African society in this richly illustrated book. Through this ""life-in-architecture"" we see material evidence of a culture, its socio-economic and cosmological organization, its way of living, and its world view.
荒漠草原通过艾丽莎LaGamma全面探索,跨越1300年,艺术和文化的非洲萨赫勒地区这个开创性的卷检查非凡的艺术和文化传统的非洲区域被称为“萨赫勒地区(“岸边”在阿拉伯语),一个巨大的地区南部撒哈拉沙漠的边缘,包括今天的塞内加尔、毛里塔尼亚、马里、尼日尔、尼日利亚、和乍得。This is the first book to present a comprehensive overview of the diverse cultural achievements and traditions of the region, spanning more than 1,300 years from the pre-Islamic period through the 19th century. It features some of the earliest extant art from Africa as well as such iconic works as sculptures by the Dogon and Bamana peoples of Mali. Essays by leading international scholars discuss the art, architecture, archaeology, literature, philosophy, religion, and history of the Sahel, exploring the unique cultural landscape in which these ancient communities flourished. Richly illustrated and brilliantly argued, Sahel brings to life the enduring creativity of the different peoples who lived, traded, and traveled through this crossroads of the world.