



包括各种论文包括:浪漫。活着的目的,或者,爱没有未来/达蒙r .年轻,坏男孩需要爱,太:同性恋题材电影的消极的我爱你,莫里斯/肯尼斯·陈,爱情的叙述了:浪漫打断L字/凯瑟琳·a·布朗和布雷特韦斯特布鲁克,真爱得罪:性别、情节,和浪漫同志亦凡人/帕梅拉·h·DEMORY婚姻和家庭。捐赠的概念在同性恋和Non-Lesbian电影和电视的家庭/茱莉亚ERHART,“我可以得到一个‘阿门’吗?”:边缘化社区和自爱RuPaul拖种族/杰西卡·希克斯新反式反式爱情电影/妮可·里希特,玩自己:詹姆斯·弗朗哥,好莱坞酷儿/阿德里安•琼斯的伦理思考:适应酷儿在《断背山》/马修·博尔顿。



菲利斯·r·Klotman和珍妮特·k·卡特勒,eds。,Struggles for representation : African American documentary film and video

著名学者和制片人贡献文章通过菲利斯Klotman这种开创性的工作。主题包括:先锋的黑色纪录片/珍珠水槽,军事仪式和错误:非裔美国人在美国武装部队/菲利斯·r·Klotman,记录社会问题:黑杂志,1968 - 1970 /汤米·李·洛特,眼睛奖:回收黑色图像,文化,和历史/伊丽莎白·阿米莉亚哈德利启蒙的路径:英雄,叛军和思想家/克莱德泰勒,改写电影:记录艺术家/珍妮特•k•卡特勒住宅区在我们所属的地方:空间,囚禁,和黑人社区的纪录片/马克·弗雷德里克·贝克和休斯顿贝克Jr .)话语的家庭在黑色纪录片/瓦莱丽·史密斯,出现疲倦链:实验电影和视频/保罗•阿瑟黑高科技文档/ Erika穆罕默德,叙述者“我”黑海外纪录片/ Manthia Diawara。


这本书分析美国黑人小说代表作品,电影和音乐,跨种族的欲望的上下文中出现同性欲望。作者探索了方法与酷儿跨种族相交,黑暗,白度,类,和黑人民族身份。她跨种族的显示表示愿望不遵循的逻辑种族排斥。相反,他们是隐喻和anti-biological。而不是削弱种族、跨种族的欲望使得种族可见。通过调用跨种族,黑人同性恋艺术家可以重塑我们的黑暗的概念。作品被认为是包括马龙·里格斯的电影语言解开;詹姆斯·鲍德温的小说另一个国家;安肖克利的小说爱她;谢丽尔Dunye的“假纪录片”西瓜的女人; and Me'Shell NdegéOcello's album Plantation Lullabies.




以下资源需要IUB CAS认证。


黑色的是……黑色不是(87分钟。,1995) The final film by filmmaker Marlon Riggs, Black Is...Black Ain't, jumps into the middle of explosive debates over Black identity. Black Is...Black Ain't is a film every African American should see, ponder and discuss. White Americans have always stereotyped African Americans. But the rigid definitions of "Blackness" that African Americans impose on each other, Riggs claims, have also been devastating. Is there an essential Black identity? Is there a litmus test defining the real Black man and true Black woman?

哥哥局外人(85分钟,2002)11月20日,2013年,拜亚特死后获得了著名的美国总统巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统自由勋章。这个男人是谁?他在大多数的民权运动的重要事件,但总是在后台。哥哥局外人:拜亚特的生活问“为什么?”It presents a vivid drama, intermingling the personal and the political, about one of the most enigmatic figures in 20th-century American history.

绿皮书(130分钟。,2018) Peter Farrelly's Oscar winning film stars Viggo Mortenson and Mahershala Ali. During the 1960s, a bouncer, whose nightclub closes for renovations, finds a temporary employment as a driver for black pianist Don Shirley going on a tour into the Deep South states.

我不是你的黑人(94分钟,2016)一个奥斯卡提名塞缪尔·杰克逊纪录片讲述了我不是你的黑人探索持续危险美国面临从制度化的种族主义。1979年,詹姆斯·鲍德温写了一封信给他的文学代理描述他的下一个项目,记得这所房子。这本书是一个革命性的,个人的生命和连续暗杀他的三个亲密的朋友——夫埃弗斯,马尔科姆·艾克斯和马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King, Jr .)在鲍德温1987年去世的时候,他留下的只有三十完成页面的手稿。

如果她长大后同性恋(22分钟。,1983) Presents an intimate portrait of a nineteen-year-old black mother, her gay lover, and her young daughter living in New York City. The mother documents her experiences as a teenage parent and her adjustment into a lesbian relationship and new parenting situation for her child.

月光(111分钟。,2016) This academy award winner for best motion picture of 2016 is the tender, heartbreaking story of a young black man's struggles to find his place in the world while growing up in a rough neighborhood of Miami.

直和狭窄(64分钟。,1998) How are we to make sense of the transformation in gay representation - from virtual invisibility before 1970 to the "gay chic" of today? OFF THE STRAIGHT & NARROW is the first in-depth documentary to cast a critical eye over the growth of gay images on TV. Leading media scholars provide the historical and cultural context for exploring the social implications of these new representations. OFF THE STRAIGHT & NARROW challenges viewers to consider the value and limits of available gay images: who is represented, what they get to say, and how people respond to them. The video is an invaluable tool for all educators interested in introducing students to issues of representation and diversity in the media.

巴黎是燃烧(78分钟。,1990) Where does voguing come from, and what, exactly, is throwing shade? This landmark documentary provides a vibrant snapshot of the 1980s through the eyes of New York City's African American and Latinx Harlem drag-ball scene. Made over seven years, PARIS IS BURNING offers an intimate portrait of rival fashion "houses," from fierce contests for trophies to house mothers offering sustenance in a world rampant with homophobia, transphobia, racism, AIDS, and poverty. Featuring legendary voguers, drag queens, and trans women--including Willi Ninja, Pepper LaBeija, Dorian Corey, and Venus Xtravaganza--PARIS IS BURNING brings it, celebrating the joy of movement, the force of eloquence, and the draw of community.

直在Downlow(25分钟。,2006) In a new book called 'Straight Up,' Michael Stevens, Sr., a Black preacher, takes a hard line stance on what has come to be known as the down-low phenomenon: Black men in a secret society who have sex with other men, but deny they are homosexual. Stevens feels that the leadership of the Black church and the Black family are now in danger because of homosexuality.


今年我们想爱(69分钟。,2014) What happens when LGBTQ youth decide to create a play about queer love to tour to area high schools? The Hollywood Reporter writes that the play "shocks, entertains, and awes!" Our award-winning film reveals how the "powers of art elicit the most interactive, educational, funny, vibrant, experiential illustrations of real life for queers, and queers growing up." (Afterellen.com) The theater troupe explores love - familial, romantic, and spiritual - with wit, candor, and a bit of attitude.



大学DVD /视频电影

Covid期间,只有IU教师、员工和学生可以从媒体服务与一个有效的国际单位借材料深红色卡片。口罩是必需的。一定要检查媒体服务几个小时。在阿尔夫VHS标题是住厂外,可以通过请求IUCAT。可能的关键字搜索:非洲裔美国同性恋者,非裔美国女同性恋,仇恨犯罪的受害者。限制电影和录像、dvd /光盘、布卢明顿校园。

一连串的生存罗尔蒂的生活和工作(53分钟。,2006) Audre Lorde, poet and lesbian-feminist talks about being lesbian and black in New York in the 1950s and her social/political activity. Includes conversations and readings by Lorde and comments by other writers and family members.

贝西(135分钟。,2015) Focuses on Bessie Smith's (Queen Latifah) transformation from a struggling young singer into 'The Empress of the Blues', who became one of the most successful recording artists of the 1920s and is an enduring icon today.

梦想:Sakia Gunn电影项目(54分钟。,2008) Sakia Gunn was a 15-year old African American lesbian who was murdered in a hate crime in Newark, New Jersey. On the night of May 11, 2003, Gunn was returning from a night out at the Christopher Street Piers in Greenwich Village, New York City with her friends. While waiting for the New Jersey Transit bus at the corner of Broad and Market Streets in downtown Newark, Gunn and her friend were propositioned by two men. The film includes the court hearing, arguments presented by both sides regarding the victim and the accused, and the sentencing.


詹姆斯·鲍德温机票的价格(87分钟。,2004) Presents a look at the life and influence of author James Baldwin, at once a major twentieth century American author, a Civil Rights activist and, for two crucial decades, a prophetic voice calling Americans, Black and white, to confront their shared racial tragedy. Through interviews with writers and friends, this documentary captures the passionate intellect and courageous writing of a man who was born Black, impoverished, gifted and gay.

杰森的画像(106分钟。,1967) This portrait of Jason Holliday, a black gay prostitute who dreams of a career as a nightclub performer, is drawn from twelve consecutive hours of filming in a New York City apartment. As he reminisces about his life, Holliday discusses his homosexuality and the gay subcultures in San Francisco and New York. He jokes with the off-screen filmmaker and crew and maintains a sense of humor even as he recalls hustling, heroin addiction, and jail time. Holliday also performs for the camera, impersonating female entertainers and movie personalities such as Mae West, Butterfly McQueen, and Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the wind.

谢丽尔Dunye的早期作品(73分钟。,2008) Includes several experimental films and home movie clips to include: Janine: (Experimental documentary, 1990) The story of a black lesbian's relationship with a white, upper middle class high school girl, She don't fade: (Experimental narrative, 1991) A self-reflexive look at the sexuality of a young black lesbian, Vanilla sex: (Experimental documentary, 1992), Dunye's contribution to visual artist Shu Leah Cheng's video installation, and An untitled portrait: (Video montage, 1993) Dunye's relationship with her brother is examined in this mixture of appropriated film footage, super 8mm home movies & Dunye's special brand of humor.

新的黑人(74分钟。,2013) Documentary that examines how the African-American community is grappling with the gay rights issue in light of the recent gay marriage movement and the fight over civil rights. The film documents activists, families and clergy on both sides of the campaign to legalize gay marriage and examines homophobia in the black community's institutional pillar-the black church and reveals the Christian right wing's strategy of exploiting this phenomenon in order to pursue an anti-gay political agenda.

复苏:女人和这个词(82分钟。,2016) Chronicles the US tour of a group of Black lesbian poets and musicians, who become present-day stewards of a historical movement to build community among queer women of color. Their journey to strengthen their community is enriched by insightful interviews with leading Black feminist thinkers and historians, including Dr. Alexis Pauline Gumbs, Nikki Finney, and Alexis Deveaux. As the group tours the country, the film reveals their aspirations and triumphs, as well as the unique identity challenges they face encompassing gender, race, and sexuality. This is a rarely seen look into a special sisterhood - one where marginalized voices are both heard and respected.

西瓜的女人(90分钟。,1996) Set in Philadelphia, The Watermelon Woman is the story of Cheryl (Cheryl Dunye), a twenty-something black lesbian struggling to make a documentary about Fae Richards, a beautiful and elusive 1930s black film actress popularly known as "The Watermelon Woman." While uncovering the meaning of Fae Richards' life, Cheryl experiences a total upheaval in her personal life. Her love affair with Diana (Guinevere Turner, Go Fish), a beautiful white woman, and her interactions with the gay and black communities, are subject to the comic yet biting criticism of her best friend Tamara (Valerie Walker). Meanwhile, each answer Cheryl discovers about the Watermelon Woman evokes a flurry of new questions about herself and her future.

舌头的解开(55分钟。,1989 ) In an experimental amalgam of rap music, street poetry, documentary film, and dance, a gay African-American man expresses what it is like to be gay and black in the United States. Although he deals with social ostracism and fear of AIDS, he affirms the beauty and significance of the gay black man. Originally produced in 1989.




GLAAD LGBQT资源列表——GLAAD重写脚本”验收。作为一个动态的媒体力量,GLAAD解决棘手问题影响的叙述,并引发对话导致文化变革。GLAAD保护所有已经完成并创建一个世界,每个人都可以住他们喜欢的生活。



组织服务LGBQT +黑人社区——它变得更好好转——项目是一个非营利性组织使命隆起,授权,并连接女同性恋、男同性恋、双性恋,变性,酷儿全球青年。成长并不容易,特别是当你试图确认和维护你的性取向和性别身份。它可以是一个具有挑战性的和孤立的过程——但是,好消息是,没有人去做。
