文摘:“这项研究实践的论文全文提出了使用一个游戏设计干预的结果,鼓励多样性在计算机科学的年轻人来说,探索职业的刻板印象,提高他们的意识。干预是基于一个集成的教学框架适合使用主要年龄学生(7 - 11岁)。尽管技术使用的不断增加,年轻人的比例占用计算机科学教育事业的道路仍然顽固地低在英国和其他一些国家,尤其是女性和那些来自较低的社会经济背景。先前的研究表明,游戏可以用于生成计算机科学兴趣和年轻人参与。其他研究倡导针对年轻人第一次性经验的年龄比较早(7年或以下)和持续参与在他们教育扩大参与一个特定的领域。在这种干预,年轻人设计和开发个人游戏通过三个阶段的过程:设计和故事发展;游戏建筑;测试和评估。本研究采用元素从两个教学认知建构主义学习理论直接指令和创建一个集成的教学框架,支持游戏创建过程,使有效的学习。这提供了一个方法,可以满足一系列沿着novice-expert谱和参与者的能力提供了一个迷人的和年龄适当的教育经历。干预完成后在两个周期:周期1由一系列研讨会与20岁的年轻人9至10年5周的时间; and cycle 2 was a single session with 19 young people aged 7-11 years. A quasi-experimental approach was adopted for evaluating the intervention using the following instruments; pre and post questionnaires, planning sheets, the games created by the participants and a set of already developed engagement factors. Results show an increase from 5% to 25% in participants' aspiration towards a computer science career. 45% of the young people also knew more careers in the game industry post-intervention. Girls chose a variety of diversity in their lead characters while boys chose mainly male human lead characters in the games that they designed. Participants' evaluation of each other's games using the engagement factors showed girls were more interested in receiving feedback than boys. This paper highlights the effectiveness of combining different learning approaches to provide an age appropriate intervention. It also presents evidence on the positive effect of using games in the classroom to explore stereotypes, and learn about, and encourage career choices in computer science."