黑色文明的毁灭通过总理威廉姆斯A widely read classic exposition of the history of Africans on the continent--and the people of African descent in the United States and in the diaspora--this well researched analysis details the development of civiliza
黑人和一顶帽子通过科林•格兰特新的平装本,这个开创性的传记捕获的全部扫描和史诗维度马库斯加维的生命,耀眼的成就和沉闷的流亡。格兰特显示,加维是一个矛盾的人:自学、诗歌审美家和厚脸皮的宣传者,列宁的崇拜者,花花公子给复杂的公共场所。最重要的是,他是一位精明的赞助商使用华丽唤起了非洲文明和解雇他的追随者们的想象力。黑人和一顶帽子恢复Garvey他作为黑人民族主义的创始人之一,20世纪的一个关键人物。“搜索、生动和(正如书名所暗示的)复杂的账户加维的简短而重要的生活。”--Steve Hahn, The New Republic "The story of Marcus Garvey, the charismatic and tireless black leader who had a meteoric rise and fall in the late 1910s and early '20s, makes for enthralling reading, and Garvey has found an engaging and objective biographer in Colin Grant.... Grant's book is not all politics, ideology, money and lawsuits. It is also an engrossing social history.... Negro With a Hat is an achievement on a scale Garvey might have appreciated." --New York Times Book Review "Dazzling, definitive biography of the controversial activist who led the 1920s 'Back to Africa' movement.... Grant's learned passion for his subject shimmers on every page. A riveting and well-wrought volume that places Garvey solidly in the pantheon of important 20th-century black leaders." --Kirkus Reviews (Starred Review) "This splendid book is certain to become the definitive biography. Garvey was a dreamer and a doer; Grant captures the fascination of both." --Publishers Weekly (Starred Review) "Grant's strength lies in his ability to re-create political moods and offer compelling sketches of colorful individuals and their organizations.... An engaging and readable introduction to a complicated and contentious historical actor who, in his time, possessed a unique capacity to inspire devotion and hatred, adulation and fear." --Chicago Tribune "A monumental, nuanced and broadly sympathetic portrait." --Financial Times
埃塞俄比亚的段落通过伊丽莎白·哈尼在全球舞台上,非洲艺术家都极大地推动了当代艺术的创造力和创新活力的世界。的影响更加直接和明显西方观众在非洲艺术家进入增长和显著的移民在美国和欧洲。埃塞俄比亚段落讲述了非洲散居侨民的艺术的重要性,探讨了迁移的重要历史和无数的谈判艺术团体在非洲散居的艺术家。这本书讨论了埃塞俄比亚的历史:“埃塞俄比亚”这个词意味着“土地的喧嚣,或果皮的人”,代表了一种适合非洲人成为失地,重命名,并否认使用本国语言。它告诉统治的Menelik》标志着埃塞俄比亚的开始的现代马克思主义军事政权下生活的历史。本书描述了20世纪晚期的动荡的政治环境,并展示了如何将这些不稳定的时代塑造了今天的埃塞俄比亚。这本书还质疑刻板印象误解非洲人民和文化和解释了为什么“ethiopianism”的概念是与骄傲,独立,自我激励和依赖。彻底主管图自己的课程开发和管理自己的事务”。最重要的是,它彻底改革我们对文化的理解和认同的非洲人民。埃塞俄比亚的文章汇集了来自几代艺术家身份的解决问题,有经验的位移和创造了新的“祖国”。 The evidence of these encounters and personal experiences can be seen in the works of art that are included, which demonstrate the magnificence and arresting power of contemporary African art.
电话号码:N7386 .H37 2003
ISBN: 0856675628
看两方面通过Ghada Amer(艺术家);负责人肯德尔Geers(艺术家);Moshekwa兰加(艺术家);Wangechi穆图(艺术家)”两方面看:艺术的当代非洲散居侨民”认为艺术家的作品从北,南,东,西部和非洲人在西方国家生活和工作,包括比利时、法国、德国、荷兰、葡萄牙、英国、和美国。作为其标题表明,“双向”指的是艺术家的实践看非洲和西方国家之间的心理地形,地形变化的物理背景,审美的野心,和表达式。它探讨了物理环境之间的关系,情感区域,野心和言论自由而专注于非洲散居侨民的日益全球化。"Looking Both Ways" is not a survey, but rather an intimate consideration of the work of twelve artists: Fernando Alvim, Ghada Amer, Oladªlª Bamgboyª, Allan deSouza, Kendell Geers, Moshekwa Langa, Hassan Musa, N'Dilo Mutima, Wangechi Mutu, Ingrid Mwangi, Zineb Sedira, and Yinka Shonibare.
Afrofuturism 2。0通过Reynaldo安德森(编辑);布鲁克斯和Avi(贡献)相关的思想和实践afrofuturism已经存在了20世纪的大部分时间里,尤其是在北美非洲散居侨民社区。马克Dery后创造了“afrofuturism”一词在1993年,Alondra尼尔森作为一个在线论坛的一员,与其他参与者,开始探索的初始地形和知识基础概念指出“afrofuturism已成为一个方便的术语来描述分析、批评和文化生产地址种族和技术之间的十字路口。”Afrofuturism 2.0: The Rise of Astroblackness represents a transition from previous ideas related to afrofuturism that were formed in the late 20th century around issues of the digital divide, music and literature. Afrofuturism 2.0 expands and broadens the discussion around the concept to include religion, architecture, communications, visual art, philosophy and reflects its current growth as an emerging global Pan African creative phenomenon.
非洲的身份通过Kadiatu Kanneh这个迷人的调查深入,研究探讨了意义生成的“非洲”和“黑暗”在整个世纪。使用文学文本、自传、人类学和历史文献,非洲Identitiesdiscusses作为起源非洲的想法如何,作为一个文化整体,或作为一个复杂的政治问题,成为现代性的可能性进行分析,民族和种族差异。Kanneh提供一系列文学文本的详细数据,包括小说:*托妮·莫里森* Alice Walker *格洛丽亚奈勒*恩赛* Chinua Achebe *和奈保尔。对任何感兴趣的文学、历史、人类学、政治写作,女权主义或文化分析,这本书跨学科的思想开辟了新的领域。
ISBN: 0415164443
骗子是西方通过Babacar M 'Baye在过去,学者们看着故事的非洲散居侨民才发现这些回忆录,诗歌,小说与西方有关。骗子是西方:月初泛非影响黑Diasporan叙述探索之间的关系非裔美国人,加勒比黑人,Afro-British叙述的奴隶制和新的世界和英国压迫和非洲影响这些diasporic表达式。使用一个跨学科的方法,结合历史、文学理论、文化研究、人类学、民俗学、和哲学,这本书探讨了泛非骗子的图标,如Leuk(兔),Golo(猴子),Bouki(鬣狗),(乌龟),Mbe和Anancy(蜘蛛),早期的抵抗策略黑人作家揭露罪恶的奴隶制,种族歧视、性别歧视、经济剥削、和其他形式的压迫。作品中讨论这本书包括菲丽丝·惠特蕾的各种主题的诗歌,宗教和道德(1773),Quobna Ottobah Cugoano邪恶的思想和情绪的奴隶(1787),Olaudah爱克伊诺的生活的有趣的故事Olaudah爱克伊诺(1795),伊丽莎白·哈特思伟茨的“墨守成规的历史”(1804),安妮·哈特吉尔伯特的“墨守成规的历史”(1804),和玛丽王子的玛丽的历史王子:西印度奴隶,相关的自己(1831)。分析这些作品在黑色的背景下西洋争取自由,骗子是西凡泛非主义的开端,并建议中国政府强大的影响力,它的理论共同抵抗,种族团结和经济发展在开创性的黑色故事。
ISBN: 9781604732337
泛非洲的美国文学通过斯蒂芬妮·李2019选择优秀的职称,二十一世纪是一个动态的见证黑暗的扩大意味着在美国和海外。文学作家的新非洲散居侨民的前沿探索这些激动人心的方法主观性黑人意味着什么。泛非美国文学是文学致力于绘制的轮廓在非洲出生或确定作者围绕着美国的生活。文本检查这里故意表示非裔美国文学经典,包括移民的新经验,同化和识别这一挑战黑暗是如何构思。Though race often alienates and frustrates immigrants who are accustomed to living in all-black environments, Stephanie Li holds that it can also be a powerful form of community and political mobilization.
Afrofuturism上升通过伊塞亚薰衣草三世Growing out of the music scene, afrofuturism has emerged as an important aesthetic through films such as Black Panther and Get Out. While the significance of these sonic and visual avenues for afrofuturism cannot be underestimated, literature remains fundamental to understanding its full dimensions. Isiah Lavender's Afrofuturism Rising explores afrofuturism as a narrative practice that enables users to articulate the interconnection between science, technology, and race across centuries. By engaging with authors as diverse as Phillis Wheatley, David Walker, Frederick Douglass, Harriet Ann Jacobs, Samuel R. Delany Jr., Pauline Hopkins, Zora Neale Hurston, and Richard Wright, Afrofuturism Rising extends existing scholarly conversations about who creates and what is created via science fiction. Through a trans-historical rereading of texts by these authors as science fiction, Lavender highlights the ways black experience in America has always been an experience of spatial and temporal dislocation akin to science fiction. Compelling and ambitious in scope, Afrofuturism Rising redefines both science fiction and literature as a whole.
非洲立体声通过Tsitsi埃拉一家养鸡场非洲音响检查,非裔美国人音乐所起的作用在19世纪末以来的泛非主义的想象力。,一家养鸡场执法官一系列广泛的关键,档案、文学、视觉和声音来源的工艺论证集中在thestereophonic回声之间的三个站点在非洲大陆的象征泛非主义(加纳、塞内加尔和南非)和黑人音乐文化在美国(以及其他一些地方diasporic景观)。而不是一个纯粹的音乐道路,追溯了美国黑人音乐对音乐体验的影响从加纳、塞内加尔和南非,非洲立体漂亮显示了美国黑人流行音乐流派灵感的作家和制片人达博Sembene等JohnAkomfrah, Sol Plaatje,利奥波德Senghor, k . Anyidoho夏洛特Maxeke, Ken Bugul以及光滑的视觉语言杂志宾果(塞内加尔)和早期发现不省人事!(南非)。