大的海通过兰斯顿·休斯;阿诺德Rampersad(介绍)由阿诺德Rampersad介绍。兰斯顿·休斯,生于1902年,在1920年代早期的年龄。在大海洋他讲述了那些难忘的年两大操场的十年——哈莱姆和巴黎。在巴黎,他是一个厨师和服务员在夜店。他知道音乐家和舞蹈家、醉汉和涂料恶魔。在哈莱姆,他是一个崭露头角的年轻诗人——的中心“哈莱姆文艺复兴”。Arnold Rampersad writes in his incisive new introduction toThe Big Sea, an American classic: "This is American writing at its best--simpler than Hemingway; as simple and direct as that of another Missouri-born writer...Mark Twain."
疲倦的蓝调通过蓝斯顿休斯近九十年首次出版后,这个庆祝版的《萎靡的布鲁斯》让我们想起兰斯顿·休斯的惊人成就,谁只是24在其第一次出现。从开幕式开始“绪言”(序言诗)——“我是一个黑人:/黑色的夜晚是黑色的,或黑色的深处我非洲”,休斯说话直接,紧密,有力的非裔美国人的经历时,他们的声音被新听到在我们的文学。作为传奇卡尔·范·Vechten简要介绍原来的1926年版中写道,“他的歌舞表演歌曲和真正的爵士乐的节奏颤动;他的sea-pieces疼痛平静,忧郁的抒情性;他哭心的激烈比赛。然而,总是他的节是主观的,个人的,”,他总结说,它们的表达”一个敏感和巧妙地虚幻的本质。”That illusive nature darts among these early lines and begins to reveal itself, with precocious confidence and clarity. In a new introduction to the work, the poet and editor Kevin Young suggests that Hughes from this very first moment is "celebrating, critiquing, and completing the American dream," and that he manages to take Walt Whitman's American "I" and write himself into it. We find here not only such classics as "The Negro Speaks of Rivers" and the great twentieth-century anthem that begins "I, too, sing America," but also the poet's shorter lyrics and fancies, which dream just as deeply. "Bring me all of your / Heart melodies," the young Hughes offers, "That I may wrap them / In a blue cloud-cloth / Away from the too-rough fingers / Of the world."
Steve Biko通过林迪舞威尔逊简短而生动的介绍了反种族隔离的维权人士Steve Biko这本传记认为Biko是最重要的政治人物之间出现在南非纳尔逊·曼德拉的被捕在1960年代早期,1990年他被释放。一些领先的专家写的在他们的领域,这个信息和访问卷展示了多么基本Biko是南非的变换在20世纪下半叶,他今天仍然是多么重要。这本书涵盖了他的生活和思想,他的影响力,他的遗产,以及Biko对黑人权力运动的影响。
我们是世界革命的继承人:布基纳法索的演讲通过托马斯商羯罗“我们的革命在布基纳法索利用人的整体的经验因为人类的第一次呼吸。我们希望全世界的革命的继承人,所有的第三世界人民的解放斗争。我们画美国革命的教训。法国大革命告诉我们人的权利。伟大的十月革命胜利了无产阶级,成为可能的实现正义的巴黎公社的梦想。”托马斯商羯罗,October 1984Thomas Sankara led the revolution of 1983 to 1987 in Burkina Faso. In the five speeches contained in this pamphlet, he explains how the peasants and workers of this West African country established a popular revolutionary government and began to fight the hunger, illiteracy and economic backwardness imposed by imperialist domination, and the oppression of women inherited from millennia of class society. In so doing, they have provided an example not only to the workers and small farmers of Africa, but to those of the entire world.
电话号码:DT555.83。S26 C47 2018
ISBN: 0873489462
托马斯商羯罗说通过米歇尔草原(介绍,编辑和翻译的);玛丽·爱丽丝水域(前言);托马斯商羯罗在商羯罗的领导下,布基纳法索在西非的革命政府动员农民、工人、妇女和青年开展扫盲和免疫驱动;水槽井,植树,建造水坝,建造房屋;打击剥削压迫的女性和变换关系的土地;摆脱了帝国主义的枷锁并与他人团结一致对抗国际参与。商羯罗说,一个杰出的革命领袖的劳动人民和世界各地的青年。第二版包括一个新的介绍编辑米歇尔草原,前言,地图、年代学和术语表,以及一个索引。32页的照片部分功能的许多未公开照片布基纳法索革命。探路者发布的第一版,1988年,维多利亚Brittain写在伦敦《卫报》,让他和布基纳法索的勇气和创意的灵感,他们收集的很多非洲人闪耀出他最重要的演讲。“创意商羯罗的想法?与他的意识的社会和经济现实他的国家,他的理解国际关系的力量?让这个集合一个非常有用的工具。 Expressed with passion and clarity, his views on the necessity of a new balance between the city and the countryside, on the crucial importance of the emancipation of women ? are in perfect keeping with the demands of the peoples of Africa today.'?Le Monde diplomatique
与Wole Soyinka对话通过Biodun Jeyifo(编辑)诺贝尔奖得主Wole Soyinka从非洲大陆最著名的作家和一个伟大的剧作家生活在英语语言。他的戏剧产生的主要专业和剧目公司和阶段在英语国家包括英国国家剧院和在纽约林肯中心。同时,雷一直是最一致的对公民和人权活动家和滥用,有时用他的戏剧、诗歌和散文说话有力,雄辩地保护普通公民的自由和良心和自治的非洲大陆的作家和知识分子。亨利·路易斯·盖茨的采访,Jr .)安东尼·阿皮亚和编辑器,其中,与雷Wole Soyinka是第一集的采访。体积有助于澄清的地方如佳能的现代非洲文学和世界文学的国际潮流英语的过去的半个世纪。在采访中,雷是直率的,清晰,有说服力的。他具体地址很多方面他的写作和愚昧的紧迫问题的文化,社会,和社区在当下日益全球化的时期。与面试官在非洲,美国,和英国他讨论了极端民族主义的崛起和原教旨主义运动和意识形态在他的家乡。尤其欢迎体积解释了为什么许多的困难和隐晦的形式和“消息”,学术和非学术读者找到最雄心勃勃的雷。雷说,“我从来没有模糊。 But complex subjects sometimes elicit from the writer complex treatments." Biodun Jeyifo is a professor of English at Cornell University, in Ithaca, NY. His previous books include The Popular Traveling Theatre of Nigeria (1984) and The Truthful Lie (1985). He has been published in such periodicals as Stanford Literature Review, Research in African Literatures, and Callaloo.
种族接触和不同种族之间的关系通过阿兰·l·洛克;杰弗里·斯图尔特(编辑)“种族接触和不同种族之间的关系由五个讲座,阿兰•洛克,霍华德大学哲学教授和评论家的哈莱姆文艺复兴,在霍华德大学1916年交付。洛克了种族和种族主义在二十世纪社会关系,提供了一种方法分析种族和民族冲突与社会经济和政治的变革。他认为理解种族冲突的方法是观察社会和种族分歧在种族成为这些问题和冲突的象征。”"Locke's early recognition and articulation of Franz Boas's theory of race in these lectures and his contention that racism is socially generated were intellectual departures at the time. While rejecting the biological basis of race, Locke proposes that the social concept of race could be employed by a minority as a cultural strategy for self-help and self-definition. Thus the lectures show that Locke's work in African American art and culture grew out of a considered analysis of race and modern society." "In the introduction to this carefully edited volume, Jeffrey Stewart provides background on Alain Locke and other theorists on race whom Locke discusses, situates Locke's ideas on race within the context of his time, and relates Locke's lectures to his thought on art and culture and to contemporary arguments on race."--BOOK JACKET.Title Summary field provided by Blackwell North America, Inc. All Rights Reserved
阿兰•洛克的作品通过查尔斯Molesworth(编辑);亨利·路易斯·盖茨(前言)出版的新黑人在1925年,阿兰•洛克读者介绍世界各地的美国充满活力的非裔美国人的想法。作为一个作者、编辑、读者,洛克理所当然地赢得了称谓“哈莱姆文艺复兴的教父。”Yet, his intellectual contributionsextend far beyond that single period of cultural history. Throughout his life he penned essays, on topics ranging from John Keats to Sigmund Freud, in addition to his trenchant social commentary on race and society.The Works of Alain Locke provides the largest collection available of his brilliant essays, gathered from a career that spanned forty years. They cover an impressively broad field of subjects: philosophy, literature, the visual arts, music, the theory of value, race, politics, and multiculturalism.Alongside seminal works such as "The New Negro" the volume features essays like "The Ethics of Culture," "Apropos of Africa," and "Pluralism and Intellectual Democracy." Together, these writings demonstrate Locke's standing as the leading African American thinker between W. E. B. Du Bois and MartinLuther King, Jr.The foreword is by Henry Louis Gates Jr.