残疾人在美国生活通过他玛海勒;卡罗尔·j·吉尔(编辑);莎拉•哈里斯帕克;罗伯特·古尔德残疾——与其他边缘话题在社会政策——从社会排斥的风险的争论。这个多卷的参考著作提供了挑战和机遇的概述为残疾人及其家庭在生命的各个阶段。一旦主要认为是一个医学问题,障碍是现在广泛被认为是一个关键问题的身份,人格和社会正义。通过讨论残疾人及其家庭所面临的挑战,通过收集大量的残疾经历,本卷坚定地处残疾在更广泛的社会运动,政策,和边缘化的领域,提供了一个重要的考试到残疾人的生活经验以及残疾如何影响身份。广大读者基本介绍残疾——从那些紧密联系的一个身有残疾的人残疾,这背后那些感兴趣的科学收集涵盖所有方面的障碍在美国了解残疾的关键。主题包括残疾的特点;残疾的概念、模型和理论;重要的历史发展为残疾人和里程碑;突出的个人,组织和机构;明显的政策和服务; and intersections of disability policy with other policy. Takes an interdisciplinary approach to studying disability in America Traces the evolution of U.S. attitudes and policies towards disability through primary documents featuring context-setting headnotes Provides easy reference via a glossary of terms related to disability studies, including those in the areas of law, health, arts, and culture Includes contributions from major scholars across disciplines involved in the study of disability
改革美国(2卷)通过杰弗里·a·约翰逊(编辑)提供一个详细的看个人,主题,以及塑造了这一重要的时刻进步时代在美国历史上,这个参考价值跨越25年的改革,提供了多学科的见解。在进步时代,有影响力的思想家和积极分子通过改革,努力改善美国社会立法和社会等问题的工作条件的劳动者,企业垄断,政治腐败,财富高度集中在少数人手中。许多进步人士希望,不知疲倦地工作一天所有的美国人都可以充分利用经济和社会承诺的美国社会的机会。这两卷的工作痕迹的问题、事件和个人的进步时代从大约1893年到1920年。这组的入口和主要来源分组主题和覆盖范围广泛的主题关于改革和创新在整个期间,特别关注比赛的重要议题,阶级和性别改革和改革者。卷是有益的五类:以下组织工作和经济生活;社会和政治生活;文化和宗教生活;科学、文学和艺术;和体育和流行文化。 Offers more than 200 entries on the most significant people, places, themes, and moments of the era in one collected two-volume work Presents authoritative information by scholars and specialists in the period Enables readers to gain a sense of the times through an understanding of the problems, viewpoints, and approaches that dominated the day
历史知识、历史错误通过艾伦·梅吉尔;史蒂文·谢泼德(贡献);菲利普Honenberger(贡献)在过去的三十年,历史学家扩大他们的纪律的范围包括许多以前被忽视的主题和观点。他们记录语言、疯狂、性别和性,尝试了新形式的演示。They have turned to the histories of non-Western peoples and to the troubled relations between “the West” and the rest. Allan Megill welcomes these developments, but he also suggests that there is now confusion among historians about what counts as a justified account of the past. In Historical Knowledge, Historical Error, Megill dispels some of the confusion. Here, he discusses issues of narrative, objectivity, and memory. He attacks what he sees as irresponsible uses of evidence while accepting the art of speculation, which incomplete evidence forces upon historians. Along the way, he offers succinct accounts of the epistemological road historians have traveled from Herodotus and Thucydides through Leopold von Ranke and Alexis de Tocqueville, and on to Hayden White, Natalie Zemon Davis, and Lynn Hunt.
电话号码:井图书馆-栈D16.9 .M299 2007
ISBN: 0226518302
声音和视觉通过Stephen j . PyneIt has become commonplace these days to speak of “unpacking” texts. Voice and Vision is a book about packing that prose in the first place. While history is scholarship, it is also art-that is, literature. And while it has no need to emulate fiction, slump into memoir, or become self-referential text, its composition does need to be conscious and informed. Voice and Vision is for those who wish to understand the ways in which literary considerations can enhance nonfiction writing. At issue is not whether writing is scholarly or popular, narrative or analytical, but whether it is good. Fiction has guidebooks galore; journalism has shelves stocked with manuals; certain hybrids such as creative nonfiction and the new journalism have evolved standards, esthetics, and justifications for how to transfer the dominant modes of fiction to topics in nonfiction. But history and other serious or scholarly nonfiction have nothing comparable. Now this curious omission is addressed by Stephen Pyne as he analyzes and teaches the craft that undergirds whole realms of nonfiction and book-based academic disciplines. With eminent good sense concerning the unique problems posed by research-based writing and with a wealth of examples from accomplished writers, Pyne, an experienced and skilled writer himself, explores the many ways to understand what makes good nonfiction, and explains how to achieve it. His counsel and guidance will be invaluable to experts as well as novices in the art of writing serious and scholarly nonfiction.