反犹主义的字典是第一个也是唯一一个词典出版专项这个主题。跨越3000年的对抗,犹太人,字典细节不仅”最长的仇恨,“但也最广泛,涵盖了五个主要大洲。全面介绍学术讨论了定义、原因和种类的反犹主义在字典进入细节。字典部分本身包含2500个条目,从“林肯的亚伦”到“环酮”。Entries can be found on all forms of antisemitism, such as ancient, medieval, and modern antisemitism; pagan, Christian, and Muslim antisemitism; and religious, economic, psychosocial, racial, cultural, and political antisemitism. This essential dictionary provides comprehensive coverage on this compelling subject, and as such, it will remain important for years to come.