近100名来自许多国家的专家写的,这个获奖文本是第一个引用工作表的这个可怕的话题与客观性和权威性。种族灭绝的百科全书是第一个引用工作表的这个可怕的话题与客观性和权威性。纳粹大屠杀;亚美尼亚种族屠杀,柬埔寨、卢旺达和前南斯拉夫;和世界各地的根除原住民都覆盖着所有条目,近100名来自许多国家的专家写的。其他主题包括治疗幸存者;眼花缭乱的种族灭绝的定义;发现,调查和预防;心理和意识形态;经常有争议的有关这一课题的文献; scholars and organizations; and the important and controversial topic of genocide denial. Among the wide range of contributors are Peter Balakian, Yehuda Bauer, M. Cherif Bassiouni, Michael Berenbaum, Ward Churchill, Vahakn Dadrian, Helen Fein, Ted Robert Gurr, Ian Hancock, Barbara Harff, Irving Louis Horowitz, Kurt Jonassohn, Ben Kiernan, David Krieger, René Lemarchand, Deborah Lipstadt, Franklin Littell, Robert Jay Lifton, Jack Porter, R.J. Rummel, Roger Smith, Colin Tatz, Elie Wiesel, and Simon Wiesenthal. * Over 200 A-Z entries covering all known genocides, each with leads to further information * Sidebars that place a human face on genocide's destruction and pain
种族屠杀已经伤痕累累人类社会自古以来。在现代时代,种族灭绝是一个全球性的现象:从大屠杀在殖民时期的美国,非洲,澳大利亚,欧洲犹太人的大屠杀和大规模死亡在中国毛派。近年来,“种族灭绝研究”学科多年来提供分析和理解。种族灭绝研究的牛津手册is the first book to subject both genocide and the young discipline it has spawned to systematic, in-depth investigation. Thirty-four renowned experts study genocide through the ages by taking regional, thematic, and disciplinary-specific approaches. Chaptersexamine secessionist and political genocides in modern Asia. Others treat the violent dynamics of European colonialism in Africa, the complex ethnic geography of the Great Lakes region, and the structural instability of the continent's northern horn. South and North America receive detailedcoverage, as do the Ottoman Empire, Nazi-occupied Europe, and post-communist Eastern Europe. Sustained attention is paid to themes like gender, memory, the state, culture, ethnic cleansing, military intervention, the United Nations, and prosecutions.The work is multi-disciplinary, featuring the work of historians, anthropologists, lawyers, political scientists, sociologists, and philosophers.Uniquely combining empirical reconstruction and conceptual analysis, this Handbook presents and analyses regions of genocide and the entire field of 'genocide studies' in one substantial volume.