当搜索我们的收藏,发现艾滋病,重要的是要注意,我们的集合是由文件夹级别。这意味着不能在线搜索文件夹内的材料。例如:你在寻找“John Doe”在一个特定的集合;但是,你找不到他的名字在寻找援助。这并不一定意味着“John Doe”不是集合中。可能有一个文件夹集合中题为“函授D-F。”You would want to look in this folder to see if there is possibly any correspondence with "John Doe." Many of our correspondence files and subject files are organized either by date or alphabetically, which will help you determine if there is potentially something of interest in the folder. In the screenshot of the finding aid below, you will see that there is a "'A' General Correspondence, 1971-1982" folder. If the name of the individual you are searching is not listed, you would want to look in the "'A' General Correspondence" folder to make sure you are not missing anything.