



赫尔曼·B井的我最喜欢的一个区域图书馆收集地图是我们东欧的俄罗斯军事地形图的集合。集合包含超过4000个地图出版的东欧的俄罗斯,以及后来的苏联军队从1883年到1947年左右。在1970年代和80年代的苏联地形图是丰富的,我们的集合包含早些年和更详细的地图。在一些地图上,个体建筑清晰可见。地图是由军方内部使用,绝不是可以被外面的眼睛。很多床单带邮票宣称“秘密”或“不分配”,地图信息作为一个亲密的秘密举行的俄罗斯军队。然而,周围的世界大战的几年里,许多人在反对力量的领域,包括德国和美国军队。结果,无数来自机构通过的邮票,如柏林大学、美国陆军地图服务,和中央情报局地图图书馆,标志着地图和一个独特的和视觉的历史。地图被各种对立的力量,每个库上与他们的名字,他们的地图让我们跟踪这些地图的历史从俄罗斯和苏联军队在布卢明顿,印第安纳州。覆盖面积的收藏品包括东欧大部分地区将成为苏联的边境。 Changes in political boundaries, war, forced resettlement, and demographic shifts permanently changed Eastern Europe during this time. These maps provide scholars with a unique historical view of the pre-World War II landscape. Because the maps were captured in the field, this means that there are gaps in our collection. IU Libraries received these maps from a cataloging agreement with the Library of Congress. The Library of Congress may have a more complete collection, but their collection is unprocessed. Given that detailed maps of this part of the world are relatively rare for the pre-World War II period, our collection provides researchers with an important tool for studying change over time, as well as locating historical places whose names have changed or that may no longer exist. We were able to digitize this collection thanks to a grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources, or CLIR. The "Digitizing Hidden Special Collections and Archives: Enabling New Scholarship Through Increasing Access to Unique Materials" is a national grant competition for digitizing rare and unique content in collecting institutions. This program is supported by the Andrew W Mellon Foundation. We've scanned each of the maps at a high resolution, georeferenced each sheet for use in GIS, and created detailed metadata for each of the 4,000 maps. The maps are richly described as you can see from the numerous metadata fields. Our main goal was to increase discoverability by recording information as printed on the maps, usually in Russian, but also Ukrainian, Finnish, and other languages. We also provide translations in English and transliteration when appropriate. We pay special attention to provenance and location information. We record the information provided by the stamps to document provenance and the various changes in hand. And we also record historical names of city, region, and country of focus, as well as contemporary names. This way, a researcher can get to the maps of interest by searching historical as well as present forms of names. This project would not be possible without funding from the Council on Library and Information Resources, and our amazing team!



