Njau,冈比亚,人们只是把行李,去的路上。一个塑料袋变成了两个。然后十。然后一百年。丑陋的袋累积堆和道路。水汇集,使蚊子和疾病。一些袋子被烧死,只留下一股难闻的气味。一些被埋,但它们扼杀花园。他们杀了试图吃他们的牲畜。必须改变的东西。 Isatou Ceesay was that change. She found a way to recycle the bags and transform her community. This inspirational true story shows how one person's actions really can make a difference in our world.
近五十年种族隔离的南非的年轻人被迫分居,黑人,白人,印第安人,“有色人种”。This unique and dramatic collection of stories -- by native South African and Carnegie Medalist Beverley Naidoo -- is about young people's choices in a beautiful country made ugly by injustice.
这是1913年,12岁的佩特拉露娜的妈妈去世而在墨西哥革命肆虐。在她爸爸被士兵拖走,佩特拉发誓要他,她会照顾家庭她已经离开,直到他们可以团聚。每天晚上当佩特拉闭上眼睛,她紧紧地抱住她的梦想,尤其是她长久以来的学习阅读的欲望。赤脚Abuelita调用这些梦想:“他们就像我们赤脚农民和殖民地土著,他们打算去不远。”But Petra refuses to listen. Through battlefields and deserts, hunger and fear, Petra will stop at nothing to keep her family safe and lead them to a better life across the U.S. border--a life where her barefoot dreams could finally become reality.
联合国dia米格尔se entera, el y sus教士se mudaran洛杉矶美国,胆固醇significa dejar atra的sus阿马多abuelos, Coqui hogar en波多黎各y也。La vida en La Nueva之城纽约es abrumadora y角色desconocidas con卢格,食品。罪禁运cuando el y妈妈se van explorar descubren进行卢格相似,les recuerdan casa y米格尔se哒东西,干草una posibilidad de mantener联合国略de波多黎各con el -包括苏埃莫抽烟穷quiera是vaya Coqui——(厕所在哪里。
完美的墨西哥女儿不离开大学。他们不搬出父母的房子在高中毕业之后。完美的墨西哥女儿从来没有放弃自己的家庭。但茱莉亚不是你完美的墨西哥的女儿。这是奥尔加的角色。接着一个悲剧性的事故在芝加哥最繁忙的街道上留下奥尔加死和茱莉亚留下的重组家庭的破碎的碎片。,似乎没有人承认,茱莉亚坏了,。相反,她的母亲似乎她悲痛为频道指出每一个可能的方式茱莉亚已经失败了。但这不是很久以前茱莉亚发现奥尔加可能没有像大家认为的那样完美。与她最好的朋友的帮助下,曾和她的初恋,第一次所有男朋友康纳,茱莉亚决心找出。 Was Olga really what she seemed? Or was there more to her sister's story? And either way, how can Julia even attempt to live up to a seemingly impossible ideal?
羊头按钮,火地岛,被带到英国1800年代中期的“教育和文明”。The book illustrates Jemmy's adventures in England, his extraordinary encounters, his homesickness and experiences as an outsider in a strange land, and his return home.
书relata尤其科莫se creo la isla de波多黎各basada en la leyenda indigena de los泰诺人。El cuento lleva讲师一个una epoca什么de la llegada de los西班牙语cuando洛泰诺人,薇薇安在风光秀丽的le llamaban tierra Boriquen。El cuento comienza反对拉蒙大拿地una gigantezca罪阿瓜倪足底。你,联合国尼诺descubre semillas flotando en el涂画或y de la蒙大拿拉足底en la基地。Y asi comienza el nacimiento de Pureto Rico。
基于一个实际的循环运动在危地马拉。Ixchel想跟随背带织机上织造的悠久传统,就像她的母亲,祖母,大多数玛雅妇女做了二千多年。但Ixchel母亲在忙着准备她的编织的市场。如果他们带来一个好的价格,他们将钱支付Ixchel的学校和书籍。此外,没有足够的额外线程Ixchel练习。失望,Ixchel首先尝试与叶片草编织,然后与比特的羊毛,但是没有人会想买结果。她的村庄,四处行走,Ixchel发现它充满了五颜六色的塑料袋。没有把所有的包,所以他们只是保持积累。突然,Ixchel有主意!她收集和洗塑料袋。 Then she cuts each bag into thin strips. Sitting at her loom, Ixchel weaves the plastic strips into a colorful fabric that looks like a beautiful rainbow--just like the weavings of Mayan women before her.
“不久前,不是那么远,枪支的人可能需要一个家庭,烧房子,消失,留下一个小孩独自在世界。”So begins the true story of Selavi, a small boy who finds himself on the streets of Haiti. Selavi finds other street children who share their food and a place to sleep with him. Together they proclaim a message of hope through murals and radio programs.
想家和孤儿16岁Seol住古老的诅咒:“愿你生活在有趣的时代。”Indentured to the police bureau, she's been tasked with assisting a well-respected young inspector with the investigation into the politically charged murder of a noblewoman. As they delve deeper into the dead woman's secrets, Seol forms an unlikely bond of friendship with the inspector. But her loyalty is tested when he becomes the prime suspect, and Seol may be the only one capable of discovering what truly happened on the night of the murder. But in a land where silence and obedience are valued above all else, curiosity can be deadly.
《侘寂》,一只小猫在日本京都,从未想过要对她的名字,直到朋友访问另一个土地问她的主人意味着什么。最后,大师说,“这很难解释”。That is all she says. This unsatisfying answer sets Wabi Sabi on a journey to uncover the meaning of her name, and on the way discovers what wabi sabi is: a Japanese philosophy of seeing beauty in simplicity, the ordinary, and the imperfect.
Razia很兴奋当她的祖父告诉她有一个学校的女孩正在建造在阿富汗村庄。最后,女孩跟男孩一样的受教育的机会。“每天晚上我睡着了梦见去学校就像我的兄弟,”她说。她的祖父希望Razia参加学校。他记得,在战争和塔利班,受过教育的女性在阿富汗成为医生、政府工作人员和记者,这使得家庭和国家的强大。Razia知道,她需要得到她的父亲和她的大哥,阿齐兹,为了被允许参加学校。她恳求她的祖父,“请,巴巴gi,问爸爸和阿齐兹如果我可以走了。我必须走了。”But will her grandfather's words be enough to convince the younger men of the value of an education for Razia?
每个孩子都感觉在某些方面不同,但飞机感觉“双不同。”She is Vietnamese American and she has two moms. Thuy walks home one winter afternoon, angry and lonely after a bully's taunts. Then a bird catches her attention and sets Thuy on an imaginary exploration. What if she could fly away like a bird? What if she could sprint like a deer, or roar like a bear? Mimicking the footprints of each creature in the snow, she makes her way home to the arms of her moms. Together, the three of them imagine beautiful and powerful creatures who always have courage - just like Thuy.
村民们害怕的“食尸鬼”。For years, they've tiptoed around the village for fear of disturbing it. The monster doesn't look like them, and it is believed to eat humans. One day, the brave Hassan embarks on a dangerous mission to face the long-feared Ghoul. When Hassan finally meets the Ghoul living on top of the mountain, he discovers that the Ghoul is just as terrified of people as they are of him. Hassan and the Ghoul realize that they can still be friends, despite their differences.
芬恩迈克尔是所有爱尔兰最大的巨头。他是一个凶猛的战士,甚至击败巨人Culcullan拯救爱尔兰的苏格兰人。乐于助人和善良,他帮助农民把干草。和Drumnahoon村里每个人都钦佩他。“他是有史以来best-hearted人走在爱尔兰的绿草。”But for all his strength, courage, and goodness, there's one thing that Finn lacks.
离弃的树林深处,一个野人一直看守金春天。”铁汉斯is nine feet tall and as brown as rust, with hair to his knees. He is cursed, a terror to all, until a young prince finds the courage to befriend him. But when the boy betrays Iron Hans’s trust, he must make his way in the world alone, penniless and unknown — save for a little help from a certain forgiving wild man.
“陛下!公主吉尔仍然从未坐!”The castle has become very lively as of late. Little Princess Jill is like a hurricane, she comes and goes and suddenly everything is out of place or in shambles. The cook, the gardener, the nanny, and most of all, the Queen and King don't know what to do about it...
“是皮波·傻瓜真的Pippo天才?佛罗伦萨圣母百花大教堂的大教堂是一个奇迹的艺术、建筑和工程。但是它缺乏一个完成装饰,皇冠——一个圆顶!这座城市父亲一个解决方案——邀请最好的主人争夺设计一个圆顶的机会。这个比赛的谣言达到菲利普·布鲁内莱斯基监督完成的耳朵,在佛罗伦萨,Pippo傻瓜。就听说过比赛,Pippo知道这是他一直等待的机会。“如果我能赢得比赛,我最终将失去这昵称一劳永逸!”This book tells the story of the construction of an architectural masterpiece--Brunelleschi's Dome.
Irena Sendler的插图的传记,一个波兰社会工作者从贫民窟谁救了近2500名犹太儿童。她开始通过走私食品、衣服和药品进贫民窟,然后转向走私儿童的贫民窟。使用假证件和创造性的逃生途径,Irena冒着自己的生命来拯救犹太儿童安全地隐藏在孤儿院,修道院和寄养家庭。希望家庭团聚战后,Irena保密列表的孩子的身份,被埋在罐子在一棵苹果树下。