这3卷了入口和主要来源,会给读者留下深刻印象,我们今天做(或不做)关于气候变化将显著影响这个星球上的生命会是什么样子的无数代。是如何行为的鸟类,蝴蝶,和其他迁徙动物与气候变化?“热惯性”这个词是什么意思,和这个地球物理效应对预测地球的未来将会是什么样子的?上下文是什么影响我们看到各种各样的动物的生活,从候鸟北极熊蚊子传播Zika病毒和其他疾病吗?气候变化:百科全书的科学,社会,和解决方案结合了条目描述地球的气候变量历史,科学文献的引用,天气记录数据,选择主文档给读者全面的全球变暖的影响。通过检查可核查的,定量的频率和强度信息,如飓风和水循环的变化,以及清晰的模式和趋势交替干旱和洪水和火灾,冰川融化,海平面上升,读者能够理解为什么科学家们非常关心的未来我们的气候。研究人员将受益于详细解释的科学主题如热惯性,反馈,和临界点;和接收的上下文在气候变化、能源使用的角色包括汽车和航空旅行。读者将学习中国在当前全球气候的作用和未来;气候变化对农业的广泛影响; and how indigenous peoples' lives are being impacted, from drought and the Navajos to hunters' lives in the Arctic. The work concludes with thought-provoking debates regarding potential solutions, from wind power and solar power to geo-engineering. Provides readers with a clearly written description of global-warming science and its role in shaping a body of knowledge regarding a worldwide issue that affects everyone Suggests remedies for this serious problem, most notably a rapid rise in the implementation of wind power generation and a coming revolution in solar energy Impresses on readers that what Americans and the citizens and governments of other nations around the globe do over the next decades will determine the future of this planet for many tens of thousands of years to come Includes primary documents sourced from major scientific journals and from the many reports on recent climate change from governmental organizations, including the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO), both part of the United Nations; and the U.S. government's National Climate Assessment
第一次世界气候大会,这是由世界气象组织1979年在日内瓦,引发了对全球变暖的国际对话。从1997年星期四在会议期间签署了《京都议定书》——通过,会议上的表现做辩解坎昆,德班,以及最近多哈(2012)和华沙(2013),全世界人们关注全球变暖的问题及其对世界经济的影响已迅速增加强度。这些辩论和讨论的共识,然而,小于清晰。乐观,许多地球科学研究人员和政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)支持的二氧化碳减排承诺,同时保持2及其它限制增加温度以2100年通过国际协调是可以实现的。其他观察员假定建立二氧化碳减排承诺,比如那些同意在哥本哈根联合国气候变化会议(2009)不足,不能使全球变暖增加低于2及其它。Asexperts推理恰恰影响全球变暖将有,已经成为发展中国家特别担心。发达国家会利用能源来缓解全球变暖的影响,但是发展中国家更暴露于地理和贫困的最危险的后果全球气温上升,缺乏适应的经济手段。复杂的动力学,结果从这个融合科学与地缘政治产生更加复杂的问题对经济学家来说,企业,和决策者。全球变暖的宏观经济学的牛津手册analyzes the economic impact of issues related to and resulting from global warming, specifically the implications of possible preventative measures, various policy changes, and adaptation efforts as well as the different consequencesclimate change will have on both developing and developed nations. This multi-disciplinary approach will elucidate for readers state-of-the-art research on the complex and far-reaching issue of global warming.