作为一个年轻的孩子,Kodaim耳朵造成的痛苦红色高棉在柬埔寨幸存下来。他失去了他的父母和三个姐妹,拯救了他的狡猾和祖父决定启用其余家庭成员在农村生存强迫劳动的艰辛。现在三十,最近结婚,Kodaim解决重温童年的土地,re-trace他可怕的自由之旅。他需要“面对恶魔”通过将图像的恐怖休息和恢复的记忆他的父母。随着Kodaim年代个人故事,这个引人注目的纪录片的历史痕迹柬埔寨西哈努克国王的统治,推翻,在美国的支持下,由右翼朗Nol前警察局长。这个腐败的政权被推翻红色高棉叛乱和国家呈螺旋式下降到混乱和种族灭绝。我们听到第一手如何清空城市和专业类被迫农村土地的工作。人们挨饿,生病和死亡。越南和柬埔寨之间的战争爆发时,Kodaim和他的祖父在柬埔寨Vietnamese-controlled逃到安全的地方。但是他们的奥德赛还没有结束,我们了解他们小心翼翼地穿过雷区和长途跋涉,穿过山脉,没有食物或水。 The path of escape would lead to Thailand and finally to the safe haven of Canada. This vivid story of survival and human renewal is a memorable addition to audiovisual resources on southeast Asia.
在1970年代中期,柬埔寨是一个残酷的种族灭绝的受害者,当共产党波尔布特政权消灭每一个第五居住。在不到四年,成千上万的被杀害,超过一百万人死于饥饿和疾病。我们听到从那些失去他们的家人以及前卫兵谁犯下的罪行。一位警卫打犯人声称他被迫提交酷刑;另一种是自己的谋杀。他现在感到十分内疚,并承认他的家人。Sorya Sim的文档中心说”记录的目的是正义和记忆。”The Centre collects material to prosecute the Khmer Rouge and to educate the younger generation about the events. Recently, a peace treaty paved the way for the first real evaluation of the Pol Pot regime - and perhaps for reconciliation. This process is difficult in a country like Cambodia, where it is seen as "wrong" to talk negatively about the past. The Institute for Social Development organized several peace marches and four reconciliation meetings and at one of these, a number of Khmer Rouge leaders apologized. For many people, and for the media, saying "I am sorry" was not enough. Kassie Neou of Cambodia's Institute for Human Rights, believes the peace marches promote the possibility of "... living together in understanding, and that way people can focus on harmonious ways of living." But many carry mental and physical wounds, too fearful to speak out about the atrocities of that tragic time.