RANKIN,珍妮特,来自蒙大拿州的代表;出生在米苏拉,蒙大拿州米苏拉县。6月11日,1880;参加了公立学校和蒙大拿大学毕业1902年在米苏拉;学生在学校的慈善事业,纽约,1908年和1909年;社会工作者在西雅图,洗。,1909年;从事促进妇女投票权的原因在1910年华盛顿州,在加州,1911年和1912 - 1914年在蒙大拿;访问新西兰,1915年担任裁缝为了获得个人知识的社会条件;当选第六十五届国会的共和党(1917年3月4日- 3月4日,1919);是第一位被选为美国众议院;没有寻求在1918年提名,但是是一个成功的候选人参议员共和党提名;也是一个失败的候选人以独立候选人的身份竞选美国参议院; engaged in social work; elected to the Seventy-seventh Congress (January 3, 1941-January 3, 1943); was not a candidate for renomination in 1942 to the Seventy-eighth Congress; resumed lecturing and ranching; member, National Consumers League; field worker, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom; member, National Council for Prevention of War; remained leader and lobbyist for peace and women's rights until her death in Carmel-by-the-Sea, Calif., May 18, 1973; cremated; ashes scattered on ocean, Carmel-by-the-Sea, Calif.
马里兰展览标签多尔切斯特郡出生,出生在奴隶制作为亚诺米塔萝丝,哈丽雅特·塔布曼反抗奴役从她记事起,逃跑早在七岁。在十五,她不顾一个监工,差点当他给了她一个“惊人的打击。”Although the effects of the blow stayed with her throughout her life, Tubman marshaled her resolve and nurtured her anger. In 1844 she married a freedman, John Tubman, and in 1849 she escaped to Philadelphia, discarding her slave name for her mother’s name, Harriet. Tubman became an active "conductor" on the Underground Railroad, guiding escaping slaves to freedom. She made nineteen recorded trips out of the South and was reputed never to have lost a soul. Tubman was active throughout the abolitionist movement and conspired with John Brown about raiding the federal arsenal at Harpers Ferry, although she did not participate.