大卫想去恐怖电影和他的朋友们,但他也承认的尴尬,“我妈妈不让我。”The boys go off to David's house to run his model racers, but the playroom is already occupied by his sister Sarah and a friend, who are practicing for a school play. The boys barge in and make fun of the girls. David and Sarah bait each other until their mother stops the quarreling by ordering the boys out. This angers David, who tells his friends that he will go to the horror movie anyway. Later that day Sarah asks David to help her hang a mobile in her room. As he grudgingly obliges, she asks whether he's coming to her play. He says that he has other plans, but that if she will stay out of the playroom for three weeks, he will come. Sarah agrees to accept the deal if he will tell her his plans. David makes her promise not to tell their mother and then reveals that he's going to the horror movie. When David leaves the movie the next afternoon, he suddenly realizes that he is late for Sarah's play. He rushes frantically to get to the school, only to catch sight of his mother standing outside with his sister. Because be hasn't made good on his part of the deal, he fears that Sarah will tell on him. At home Sarah expresses her hurt feelings by knocking around a doll that she pretends is her brother. Dav id shows up to ask anxiously whether she's told. "Maybe I did, and maybe I didn't," she answers. The two scuffle until their mother comes in to break up the fight, demanding that they explain their quarrel. Sarah now has her chance to tell . . . if she wants to take it.
阿德里安是一个新来的男孩在学校,一个优秀的学生。弗兰基,他在学校工作不好,越来越讨厌他,和艾德里安回到办公桌前主演一个数学测验后,弗兰基突然访问他。老师一惊一乍弗兰基问他一个问题,和他的迟钝反应带来了嘲弄的笑声从类。但这是艾德里安人弗兰基单身的人嘲笑他。在课间Adrian害羞地游荡在操场上,弗兰基从后面偷偷在他和固定针。任何事情都有可能发生之前,门铃响了,弗兰基,不得不让他走,咆哮着说,“就等到放学后。”Throughout the day Frankie continues to taunt him while Adrian tries to find an ally. At the end of the day as the students are being dismissed, Frankie plants himself beside the front door of the school to catch Adrian on his way out. But Adrian sees him there and dashes out a side door. The chase is now on, and Adrian heads for the downtown section, hoping to find someone to protect him, but instead loses his way. When Frankie catches up with him, Adrian tries to persuade him to talk out their differences, finally offering him a quarter if he will leave him alone. Frankie is in no mood to be reasonable and keeps after him, trying all the harder to pick a fight. Frankie pursues him to the edge of town, where Adrian spies an abandoned farm and runs for the barn to hide in the loft. As Frankie closes in on him, taunting him to come down and fight, Adrian looks around in panic and sees several old tools, which he imagines using as weapons. As Frankie starts up the ladder after him, Adrian jumps down and circles around below him. Impulsively, he knocks over the ladder with Frankie on it, and the boy falls hard to the ground. As be writhes in pain, pleading for mercy, Adrian gloats, "I could really hurt you now ... I could leave you here all alone." Adrian starts to speak again, but the words catch in his throat.
阿德里安是一个新来的男孩在学校,一个优秀的学生。弗兰基,他在学校工作不好,越来越讨厌他,和艾德里安回到办公桌前主演一个数学测验后,弗兰基突然访问他。老师一惊一乍弗兰基问他一个问题,和他的迟钝反应带来了嘲弄的笑声从类。但这是艾德里安人弗兰基单身的人嘲笑他。在课间Adrian害羞地游荡在操场上,弗兰基从后面偷偷在他和固定针。任何事情都有可能发生之前,门铃响了,弗兰基,不得不让他走,咆哮着说,“就等到放学后。”Throughout the day Frankie continues to taunt him while Adrian tries to find an ally. At the end of the day as the students are being dismissed, Frankie plants himself beside the front door of the school to catch Adrian on his way out. But Adrian sees him there and dashes out a side door. The chase is now on, and Adrian heads for the downtown section, hoping to find someone to protect him, but instead loses his way. When Frankie catches up with him, Adrian tries to persuade him to talk out their differences, finally offering him a quarter if he will leave him alone. Frankie is in no mood to be reasonable and keeps after him, trying all the harder to pick a fight. Frankie pursues him to the edge of town, where Adrian spies an abandoned farm and runs for the barn to hide in the loft. As Frankie closes in on him, taunting him to come down and fight, Adrian looks around in panic and sees several old tools, which he imagines using as weapons. As Frankie starts up the ladder after him, Adrian jumps down and circles around below him. Impulsively, he knocks over the ladder with Frankie on it, and the boy falls hard to the ground. As be writhes in pain, pleading for mercy, Adrian gloats, "I could really hurt you now ... I could leave you here all alone." Adrian starts to speak again, but the words catch in his throat.
贝琪和劳拉在课堂上窃窃私语的滑冰课那天下午晚些时候,但对话被打断了贝基叫做董事会拼写一个单词。当她让几个错误的开始,其他孩子嘲笑她的错误,她沮丧地放弃了。虽然劳拉提供鼓励,贝基抱怨任何人嘲笑她时,她什么也做不了。在溜冰场贝基努力保持平衡,但需要一个又一个的暴跌。当她的同学嘲笑她,她辞了职,离开到一边,她的老师,约翰逊太太,敦促她不断尝试。孩子们问他们的老师在冰上加入他们的行列,但她恳求,承诺第二天一起滑冰。第二天早上在去学校的路上,贝基,知道她将不得不再次尝试溜冰,下午,绷带她假装受伤的膝盖和腿部类迟了。约翰逊太太宣布,她无法去滑冰,因为她不得不参加一个重要会议。放学后她试图离开而不被任何的孩子,但遇到贝基,他现在没有麻烦。约翰逊太太承认,她欺骗了孩子们有去开会和承认,她不想去滑冰,因为她怕跌倒,让自己像个傻子。 When Becky discovers that her teacher is also afraid of being laughed at, she and Mrs. Johnson decide to go together to the skating rink. Moving uncertainly, the teacher edges along the ice while Becky watches anxiously from the side. Mrs. Johnson loses her balance and takes a tumble, but her students encourage her to try again. Becky nervously twists the laces of her skates, unable to decide what she should do now.
匹配在曲棍球,马克和jean - pierre碰撞在冰上和马克指控突然愤怒,jean - pierre故意绊倒他,是一个“脏法国青蛙。”The ugly incident breaks up the game as Jean-Pierre, deeply offended, goes home to Hull, the French-Canadian city that borders Ottawa, the English-Canadian city where Mark lives. Upset by his own outburst, Mark later discusses what happened with his mother, who explains to him what discrimination has done to many peoples. Afterwards, when Mark goes to Hull to apologize, he encounters an unforgiving Jean-Pierre. Through the experience of the two boys, the stage is set for classroom discussion of how prejudice separates one person from another and affects the feelings of everyone involved.
多点的贝蒂和她的朋友正在实践痉挛,但贝蒂不能完全掌握它。多点的姐姐,伯尼,加入他们的女孩应该如何做的噱头。多点的厌恶表现,抱怨她的妹妹老爱炫耀。”Betty hears Dotty's brother Morrie practicing piano and admires his skill, and Morrie responds by helping her learn to play "Chopsticks." This upsets Dotty all the more. Later at dinner her baby sister Pauline has everyone's attention while Dotty is reproved for her table manners, which only makes her more sullen. At bedtime she thinks back over the day's events, wishing that she could be her brother and sisters because of what they each can do. Her wishes are fulfilled when her inner-self "Me" appears in her dreams to grant what she longs for. Dotty imagines herself to be Pauline, Bernie, and Morrie, but quickly learns that each of their lives has its drawbacks. The next morning she and Betty are racing each other in the snow, and Betty, who can't keep up, wishes that she were Dotty. But Dotty, who now knows a little something about wishing to be someone else, asks, "Are you sure?"
丽莎的类是在内战的一个堡垒。孩子们检查堡公园围绕,森林管理员鲍勃Kempf描述战争的策略曾评论,“很多人不必要的死亡,因为没有人来帮助他们。”This moves Lisa, who says earnestly to her friend Julie, "If I had been there, I would have helped them." A classmate of theirs, Jamie, overhears her and scoffs, "There's a lot of difference between really helping and pretending." The children are given a forty-five minute break, and Jamie rushes off to hunt for artifacts. He scrambles along the edge of a steep cliff to reach for an old watch, but stretches too far and falls over the side, dropping to a ledge and injuring his leg. He calls desperately for help, and Lisa, who is the only person close enough to hear him, first tries to get to him by herself, but then realizing that she herself might fall, runs off to search for someone to help her, although Jamie pleads with her to stay with him. Unable to spot her teacher or the ranger, she runs to a group of houses. She finds no one at the first house; and at the second an angry woman who suspects a prank tells her to go away. Finally, she sees a man at work in his yard and frantically begs him to come with her. They arrive just as Jamie is being brought up from the ledge on a litter. While Lisa has been out looking for help, her friend Julie has alerted the forest ranger that she and Jamie have strayed off from the rest of the class, and it is he who has discovered Jamie and worked out a rescue. As Jamie is carried up past Lisa, he asks her, "Why did you run away? Why didn't you help me?" She answers plaintively, "But I did help you ... I did everything I could to help you."