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- 总结
阿德里安是一个新来的男孩在学校,一个优秀的学生。弗兰基,他在学校工作不好,越来越讨厌他,和艾德里安回到办公桌前主演一个数学测验后,弗兰基突然访问他。老师一惊一乍弗兰基问他一个问题,和他的迟钝反应带来了嘲弄的笑声从类。但这是艾德里安人弗兰基单身的人嘲笑他。在课间Adrian害羞地游荡在操场上,弗兰基从后面偷偷在他和固定针。任何事情都有可能发生之前,门铃响了,弗兰基,不得不让他走,咆哮着说,“就等到放学后。”Throughout the day Frankie continues to taunt him while Adrian tries to find an ally. At the end of the day as the students are being dismissed, Frankie plants himself beside the front door of the school to catch Adrian on his way out. But Adrian sees him there and dashes out a side door. The chase is now on, and Adrian heads for the downtown section, hoping to find someone to protect him, but instead loses his way. When Frankie catches up with him, Adrian tries to persuade him to talk out their differences, finally offering him a quarter if he will leave him alone. Frankie is in no mood to be reasonable and keeps after him, trying all the harder to pick a fight. Frankie pursues him to the edge of town, where Adrian spies an abandoned farm and runs for the barn to hide in the loft. As Frankie closes in on him, taunting him to come down and fight, Adrian looks around in panic and sees several old tools, which he imagines using as weapons. As Frankie starts up the ladder after him, Adrian jumps down and circles around below him. Impulsively, he knocks over the ladder with Frankie on it, and the boy falls hard to the ground. As be writhes in pain, pleading for mercy, Adrian gloats, "I could really hurt you now ... I could leave you here all alone." Adrian starts to speak again, but the words catch in his throat.
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