1915年,为了应对公众对黑人成就的了解不足,历史学家卡特·g·伍德森(Carter G. Woodson)联合创办了黑人生活和历史研究协会。从这些根源,黑人历史月已经成为一个全国性的月,庆祝和纪念美国黑人社区的重要人物和事件。最初选择亚伯拉罕·林肯的生日是2月12日,弗雷德里克·道格拉斯的生日是2月18日,自1926年以来,黑人历史每年正式庆祝一周,直到1970年才扩大到整个2月。这不仅是一个纪念黑人历史上伟大人物的机会,也是一个将目光投向未来和世界各地非洲侨民更美好明天的机会。
以下资源需要IUB CAS认证。
自马丁·路德·金以来的美国黑人。第一部分。走出阴影(55分钟。,2016) The series begins at a crucial turning point in American history: the Selma marches that led to the signing of the 1965 Voting Rights Act, and the urban rebellion that broke out in Watts just a few days later. Watts marked a new phase in the black struggle, revealing that our nation's racial issues were not confined to the Jim Crow South - and that true equality would not come through laws alone. African Americans wanted access to better jobs, housing and education, and an end to police brutality, and they felt emboldened to try new strategies for achieving those goals. Gates travels from Watts to rural Alabama, where he learns how Stokely Carmichael helped African Americans form their own political party - the Lowndes County Freedom Organization, which ran an all-black ticket and sought political power in the face of white terror. In Chicago, activist Prexy Nesbitt tells Gates how Martin Luther King, Jr., inspired by the changing times, waged war on housing segregation and economic injustice in the urban north, meeting fierce resistance.
民权:要求平等(27分钟。,2003) This program looks at the nature of the guarantees of political and social equality, and the roles that individuals and government have played in expanding these guarantees to less-protected segments of society, such as African Americans, women, and the disabled.
尘土的女儿(113分钟。,1999) Tells the story of a large African-American family as they prepare to move North at the dawn of the 20th century. Explores the unique culture of the Gullah people, descendants of slaves who lived in relative isolation on the Sea Islands off the Georgia coast. As the generations struggle with the decision to leave, their rich Gullah heritage and African roots rise to the surface. Originally produced as a motion picture in 1991.
来自黑人历史图书馆:黑人好莱坞(29分钟。,1989) Between 1910 and 1950, over 150 independent film companies were organized for the specific purpose of producing all-black cast films. Of the 400 black-produced films that were made, Oscar Micheaux produced 10 percent of them. This program from Tony Brown's Journal examines them.
哈丽特(125分钟。,2019) The incredible true story of Harriet Tubman, and her quest to lead hundreds of slaves to freedom on the Underground Railroad.
黑人音乐的历史。第1部分(25分钟。,2003) Historically Black colleges create a unique music history lesson in this special vocal extravaganza. Choirs, groups and soloists from the nation's Black colleges showcase their talents in riveting stage performances.
黑人音乐的历史。第2部分(26分钟。,2003) The vocal extravaganza continues in part two of this unique music history lesson. Choirs, groups and soloists from the nation's Black colleges showcase their talents in riveting stage performances.
《黑色恐怖:黑色恐怖的历史》(83分钟。,2019) Starting with一个国家的诞生这部电影追溯了非裔美国人在恐怖中的历史,从被动的受害者,到可怕的怪物,再到成熟的主角。这部电影充满了片段,有时还与民权游行、罗德尼·金(Rodney King)、黑人的命也是命(Black Lives Matter)抗议等有力的画面并放在一起,展示了每个时代流行的恐怖电影是如何反映不断变化的社会规范的。
休斯的哈莱姆梦(60分钟。,2002) Known as "Harlem's poet laureate," Langston Hughes was one of the most prominent figures of the Harlem Renaissance. This lyrical program celebrates Hughes' life and work, offering a vision of the esteemed poet in present-day Harlem and making a case for his impact on hip-hop music and the contemporary spoken-word community. Narrated by Ossie Davis and Ruby Dee, the multilayered presentation includes roundtable discussions of Hughes' contributions with poet Sonia Sanchez, music producer Damon Dash, and others, and a tour of his New York City haunts.
杰基·罗宾逊的故事(76分钟。,1950) The Jackie Robinson Story stars the baseball legend himself in a biographical drama about the player and man who integrated major league ball. The story begins with Jackie's early years, profiling the successful young athlete who excelled in a variety of collegiate sports. It follows him to his momentous meeting with Branch Rickey of the no-less-legendary Brooklyn Dodgers who brought Robinson in as a professional player to the previously all-white sport.
黑人在体育界的生存之谜(25分钟。,2005) In this program from Tony Brown's Journal, educators Dana Brooks and Ron Althouse, editors of Racism in College Sports, provide a scholarly approach to the issue of racism in college athletics.
幻觉的力量:我们之间的区别(56分钟。,2003) It's not uncommon to attribute differential group outcomes for SAT scores, musical ability, or athletic performance to innate racial traits-yet there are no characteristics, not even one gene, that distinguish all members of one "race" from another, as this program explains. The video follows a dozen students, including African-American athletes and Asian-American violin players, who sequence and compare their own DNA, only to discover their closest genetic matches are as likely to be with people from other "races" as their own. While it's true that certain gene forms are more common in some populations than others, the students learn that these reflect ancestry, not "race.
竞赛幻觉的力量:我们居住的房子(56分钟。,2013) Virginia law once defined a black person as someone with 1/16th African ancestry; in Florida, it was 1/8th African ancestry. If you can cross a state line and literally, legally change race, what does race really mean? This program argues that the idea of race was developed and reinforced through politics, economics, and culture. Real estate practices as well as federal regulations kept new neighborhoods segregated after World War II, and it was the white families awarded mortgages whose assets accumulated, creating a legacy of opportunity for their children and grandchildren. With the starting line for the next generation drawn at different points on the field, the racial divide could only grow larger.
幻觉的力量:我们讲述的故事(56分钟。,2003) Ironically, it was the notion of political liberty and the natural rights of man that led to the ideology of white supremacy. Ancient peoples stigmatized others on the basis of language, class, and religion, but they did not sort people into races. As the Founding Fathers grappled with the hypocrisy of slavery in the new democracy, Thomas Jefferson was among the first to discuss "the natural inferiority of Africans"- a convenient justification for social inequality, and the same type of thinking that rationalized the seizing of Native American lands. In this program the history of the concept of "race" is explored, along with the 19th-century science that legitimized racism.
塞尔玛(128分钟。,2014) African American filmmaker Ava DuVernay depicts the civil-rights activists march from Selma, Ala., to Montgomery to secure voting rights for black Americans in this docudrama, which focuses on the actions of Martin Luther King Jr. (license being renewed)
语言解开(55分钟。,1989) Pioneer African American filmmaker Marlon Riggs' experimental/essay film gives voice to communities of black gay men, presenting their cultures and perspectives on the world as they confront racism, homophobia, and marginalization.
不自然的原因……不平等让我们生病了吗?(240分钟。,2008) The documentary sounds the alarm about the extent of our glaring socio-economic and racial inequities in health and searches for their root causes. But those causes are not what we might expect. While we pour more and more money into drugs, dietary supplements and new medical technologies,不自然的原因在全国各地进行调查,这些发现正在动摇人们对真正导致我们健康或生病的原因的传统理解。
阿基拉和蜜蜂(112分钟。,2006) Eleven year-old Akeelah Anderson's life is not easy: her father is dead, her mom ignores her, her brother runs with the local gangbangers. She is a smart girl, but her environment threatens to strangle her aspirations. Responding to a threat by her school's principal, Akeelah decides to participate in a spelling bee to avoid detention for her many absences. Much to her surprise and embarrassment, she wins. Her principal asks her to seek coaching from Dr. Larabee, an English professor, for the more prestigious regional bee.
美国红与黑:非洲土著身份的故事(38分钟。,2006) This intimate film follows six Afro-native Americans from around the U.S. as they reflect upon the personal and complex issues of Native and African heritage, ethnic identity and racism within communities of color.
黑人权力混音带1967-1975:9章纪录片(96分钟。,2011) The film mobilizes a treasure trove of 16mm material shot by Swedish journalists who came to the US drawn by stories of urban unrest and revolution. Gaining access to many of the leaders of the Black Power Movement -- Stokely Carmichael, Bobby Seale, Angela Davis and Eldridge Cleaver among them -- the filmmakers captured them in intimate moments and remarkably unguarded interviews. Thirty years later, this lush collection was found languishing in the basement of Swedish Television.
紫色(154分钟。,1985) The story of a young black girl in the early 20th century who is forced into a brutal marriage and separated from her sister. Based on the novel by Alice Walker.
夏娃的河口(108分钟。,1997) Roz Batiste is a beautiful and dedicated mother of three, who is forced to admit that her family is falling apart due to her philandering husband Louis. Her younger daughter, Eve, witnesses one of her father's infidelities. Struggling to make sense of what she has seen, Eve turns to her older sister Cisely, who dismisses her in fear of the truth, and then to her Aunt Mozelle, a known psychic and rumored black widow. Unable to find the understanding she is looking for Eve decides to take matters into her own hands.
伟大的辩手(124分钟。,2007) Melvin B. Tolson is a professor at Wiley College in Texas. Wiley is a small African-American college. In 1935, Tolson inspired students to form the school's first debate team. Tolson turns a group of underdog students into a historically elite debate team which goes on to challenge Harvard in the national championship.
马尔科姆·艾克斯(201分钟。,2010) Born Malcolm Little, his minister father was killed by the Ku Klux Klan. He became a gangster, and while in jail discovered the Nation of Islam writings of Elijah Muhammad. After getting out of jail, he preaches the teachings, but later on goes on a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca. There he converts to the original Islamic religion and becomes a Sunni Muslim. He changes his name to El-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz and stops his anti-white teachings, having discovered the error of his mistakes. He is later assasinated and dies a Muslim martyr.
反思:黑人妇女的民权(81分钟。,2013) Archival footage and in-depth interviews with former members of organizations including Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the Black Panther Party reveal how black women mobilized, fought for recognition, and raised awareness of how sexism and class issues affected women of color within and outside The Black Power Movement and mainstream feminism.
革命原声:民权时代的自由之歌(83分钟。,2011) On picket lines, in organizational meetings, even in police wagons and jail cells, songs of protest and inspiration helped drive the civil rights movement. Showcasing many of those songs, this stirring documentary explores the history of the era through archival footage, interviews with key civil rights activists, and performances by contemporary artists assembled specifically for the film. Includes footage from Congressman John Lewis (D-GA), former Atlanta mayor Andrew Young, former NAACP chairman Julian Bond, freedom rider Hank Thomas, and more.
很抱歉打扰你(105分钟。,2018) When telemarketer Cassius Green discovers the key to professional success, he finds his life at work becoming more and more bizarre.
精神在动:黑人交谊舞电影史,1900-1986[非裔美国爵士传统](3张,118分钟。,2008) A survey of 100 years of social dance created by Black Americans to include ragtime, jazz, Cakewalk, Charleston, Black Bottom, Suzie Q and so much more.
西瓜女人(90分钟。,1996) Set in Philadelphia, The Watermelon Woman is the story of Cheryl (Cheryl Dunye), a twenty-something black lesbian struggling to make a documentary about Fae Richards, a beautiful and elusive 1930s black film actress popularly known as "The Watermelon Woman.