这不是另一个多样性或反种族主义的声明,这是一个收费。我们中的许多人已经泛滥的语句从大学、企业、机构、组织、协会、体育联盟和政府单位。我们明白一些声明作者可能具有良好的意图。其他作者可能使用突然安慰说这样的词“白人至上”、“种族主义”,“种族暴力,”“anti-Blackness”,甚至“种族灭绝”。Still others may settle on words such as "privilege," "equality," etc. Very few of these authoring entities, however, have histories of grappling with these words and the real realities that they reflect. Within the multidisciplinary and transdisciplinary project of American Studies, as a field, this has been and will remain our scholarly, pedagogical, and social responsibility. We must think and consider: Who is the audience for these statements? The families of the deceased of state sanctioned killings, border crossings, and institutional violence? The abandoned and exploited communities in which those people lived? The organizations actively working for justice in their names and memories? Or is their audience the institutions of the state responsible in many ways for their deaths? The individual state actors who engaged in the act that resulted in the loss of life or loss of dignity? None of these are readers of these statements. And no statement can bring about justice. Where is the action?