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苏珊一直画水彩的画像她的家人,她渴望给她父亲的那一刻他下班回家。当她赶到完成照片,她的父亲是战斗结束一天,一个又一个交通堵塞已经离开他了。只要他在家里,他躺在椅子上,疲惫,疲惫不堪。苏珊的收尾工作适用于图片,它“爱,苏珊,”迹象,冲进客厅,欢迎她的父亲。她兴奋地想让他出来到厨房看看她做给他。令她的恳求,他发生了爆炸,“我不想看到我不想看到你,滚出去!”Stunned by the outburst, Susan rushes upstairs to her room in tears and takes out her anger on her dog. Furious with her father, she screams, "I hate him! ... He doesn't love me, nobody loves me ... I'm going to run away!" Meanwhile, her mother is trying to soothe the father, listening to his troubles and explaining how much the picture means to Susan. Her father goes up to talk with Susan, but she slips a note under the door telling him to go away. Despite his apology she refuses to leave the room, but instead sends out her dog for him to walk. Afterwards, Susan wonders whether the conflict was really her fault, and hugging a stuffed animal her father has given her, she thinks tenderly of him. Later she leaves her room and steals downstairs to get some food, but overhears her parents talk over how badly the day has turned out. Now moved to understanding by what she has heard, she goes quietly into the living room to sit down by her father. Father and daughter smile at each other in silence, exchanging looks of sympathy and forgiveness. (With captions)
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其他:GR00250770;其他:vc - 704;MDPI条形码:40000001649963