社会学的布莱克威尔的百科全书,11卷集通过乔治·里兹(编辑)命名的最佳参考图书馆期刊工作2009年,布莱克威尔Sociology 百科全书;在印刷版和网络版发表。安排在十一卷无所不包的格式,这是明确的参考来源学生、研究人员和学者在这个领域。雷竞技官方入口这个突破性的项目汇集了专门委托撰写、编辑的条目的一个国际研究小组是世界上最好的学者和教师。它提供了:“这是一个参考的书变成一个产品智能和超越了打印的方式。”- Library Journal An essential reference for expert and newcomer alike, with entries ranging from short definitions of key terms to extended explorations of major topics Provides clear, concise, expert definitions and explanations of the key concepts Presents materials that have historically defined the discipline, but also more recent developments, significantly updating the store of sociological knowledge Introduces sociological theories and research that have developed outside of the United States and Western Europe Offers sophisticated cross-referencing and search facilities Features a timeline, lexicon by subject area, bibliography, and index 11 Volumes www.sociologyencyclopedia.com Updating
ISBN: 9781405124331
比较社会学简明百科全书通过斯蒂芬·k·桑德森(卷主编);佐佐木山正(卷主编);杰克•戈德斯通(卷主编);Ekkart齐默尔曼(体积编辑)比较社会学的简明百科全书介绍了知识的当前状态比较社会学对学生、学者和教育公众。比较社会学研究的主要目的是确定之间的相似之处与不同社会,研究跨地理区域和历史时期的变化。这本书分为六个大类:理论和方法论的问题比较社会,比较历史社会学、比较制度和社会结构,社会比较过程,比较国家和世界地区,和传记比较社会学家的模范。近60所写的文章都由著名专家在他们的领域集中在前五个类别,而传记部分包含40的传记古典和当代社会学家都比较社会学做出了重大贡献。Contributors include: David Baker, Wenda Bauchspies, Hans-Peter Blossfield, Harriet Bradley, Sandra Buchholz, Miguel Centeno, Karen Cerulo, Brett Clark, Amy Corming, William D'Antonio, Mario Diani, Mattei Dogan, Riley Dunlap, Shmuel Eisenstadt, Mike Featherstone, Claude Fischer, Joshua Fishman, William Gamson, Julian Go, Jack Goldstone, Ralph Grillo, John Hall, Steve Hall, Robert Heiner, Joseph Hermanowicz, Margret Hornsteiner, David Johnson, Andrew Jorgenson, Jack Levy, Robert Marsh, Bill McCarthy, David Johnson, James Midgley, Peter Mohler, Linda Molm, Benjamin Moodie, Victor Nee, Anthony Orum, William Outhwaite, Anthony Pogorelc, Harland Prechel, Danielle Resnick, Glenn Robinson, Luis Roniger, Thomas Saalfeld, Stephen Sanderson, Michelle Sandhoff, Masamichi Sasaki, Saskia Sassen, Andrew Savchenko, Harald Schoen, Howard Schuman, David Segal, Michael Siemon, Tom Smith, Joonmo Son, Hendrik Spruyt, Robert Stebbins, George Steinmetz, Piotr Sztompka, Henry Teune, Arland Thornton, Kathleen Tierney, Jonathan Turner, Nicholas van de Walle, Henk Vinken, Veljko Vujačic, Erich Weede, Michel Wieviorka, Ekkart Zimmermann.