在美国街头犯罪的百科全书通过杰弗里•伊恩•罗斯(编辑)任何人生活或工作在一个城市担心或经历过在一个时间或另一个街头犯罪;无论是抢劫,钱包抢,或者更多的暴力犯罪。在美国,street crime has recently hovered near historic lows; hence, the declaration of certain analysts that street life in America has never been safer. But is it really? Street crime has changed over past decades, especially with the advent of surveillance cameras in public places--the territory of the street criminal--but at the same time, criminals have found ways to adapt. This encyclopedic reference focuses primarily on urban lifestyle and its associated crimes, ranging from burglary to drug peddling to murder to new, more sophisticated forms of street crime and scams. This traditional A-to-Z reference has significant coverage of police and courts and other criminal justice sub-disciplines while also featuring thematic articles on the sociology of street crime. Features & Benefits: 175 signed entries within a single volume in print and electronic formats provide in-depth coverage to the topic of street crime in America. Cross-References and Suggestions for Further Readings guide readers to additional resources. Entries are supported by vivid photos and illustrations to better bring the material alive. A thematic Reader's Guide groups related entries by broad topic areas and, within the electronic version, combines with Cross-References and a detailed Index for convenient search-and-browse capabilities. A Chronology provides readers with a historical perspective of street crime in America. Appendices provide sources of data and statistics, annotated to highlight their relevance.
ISBN: 9781412999571
在美国犯罪和惩罚通过菲利斯·b·Gerstenfeld(编辑)这本书提供了一个清晰的检测困难的主题有关的犯罪类型和类型的惩罚。这个集合提供了清晰的、可理解的和权威的治疗的核心方面的刑事司法证明可访问的和引人入胜的非专业人士的读者。论文集中类型的犯罪,逮捕违法者,刑事审判,和类型的惩罚。像的刑事司法”“设置”“提取,这个新马的选择设置的目的是满足把读者的需要和学生从中学水平。266年的按字母顺序排列的文章地址类型,读者最有可能带来的问题。它保留了许多媒体说明栏的主题,加强刑事司法。这些栏解释刑事司法的现实之间的关系和描绘的主题在电影、电视、小说、新闻媒体。一组给予特别关注罪犯:他们是谁,他们提交什么类型的犯罪,他们的动机是什么,他们的犯罪活动对社会的影响,他们的犯罪活动的成本。包括40集核心文章特定类别的犯罪——从虐待动物和纵火破坏和白领犯罪。这些文章包括概要犯下这些罪行的作恶者,总结了一般。近100篇文章属于问题刑事被告和大约45文章律师,法官,审判程序。 A third thrust of the set is on corrections - sentencing, punishment, prison systems, prison conditions, and parole and pardons - subjects to which it devotes about 47 essays.Finally, the set contains 20 articles on municipal, state, and federal law-enforcement agencies, including specific agencies such as the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the U.S. Coast Guard.The essays in this three volume set range from 300 to 3,000 words, and are arranged alphabetically to enable readers to go directly to the topics in which they are most interested. Each article begins with ready reference top matter that highlights the most important aspects of the topic. Descriptive subheads break up the text in longer articles, and all the articles have Further Reading notes.Volume 3 contains a detailed general subject index and a list of topics by subject categories. Lists of cross-references to other articles follow every essay to guide readers to the most closely related articles. An extensive Glossary complements the essays.