启雷蒙德聪明,博士学位。马里兰州的巴尔的摩,是c·德克斯特的儿子聪明jr .)和启茱莉亚维吉尼亚明智的。他在三岁时开始了他的音乐生涯和家人唱福音音乐歌唱组“聪明的歌手。”Rev. Wise was educated through the Baltimore City Public School System and graduated second out of a class of 500 from the Paul Laurence Dunbar Community High School in 1979.
启智慧开始了他的演艺生涯9岁当他扮演了本杰明的角色在一个地区剧院生产的我没人知道”。他唱的角色Amahl Menotti的“Amahl和游客过夜。”As a teen, he served as a chorus member and soloist for the Baltimore Opera Company's education outreach program and performed nationally and abroad with the Paul Laurence Dunbar Chamber Singers, under the direction of Hugh Carey. Wise has performed as a countertenor in such works as Handel's Messiah and in Leslie Burrs' work entitled "Declaration of Joy" written for gospel chorus, soloist, and orchestra. Wise performed the role of Marcus in the Opera Columbus premiere of Susan Kander's opera entitled "Somebody's Children" and performed the solo for several of Copland's Old American Songs with the Columbus Symphony Orchestra and served as a guest soloist, conductor, and/or composer with the Nashville, Littleton, Akron, Ithaca College, and Czech National Symphonies.
雷蒙德明智部长担任教会音乐超过40年。同时,他担任音乐总监超过30唱诗班和准备了唱诗班执行国家录音艺术家如肯尼·罗杰斯,戴安娜。罗斯,尤兰达·亚当斯,Tramaine霍金斯Wintley菲普斯,和其他人。睿智的担任合唱团大师的全球首映歌剧哥伦布生产Leslie毛边的“Vanqui”和助理合唱的歌剧大师哥伦布生产“Aida”。Wise served as chorus master for Leslie Burrs "Declaration of Joy" and the Columbus Symphony production of Hannibal Lokumbe's "African Portraits." Wise also served as the musical director for Carlyle Brown's production of "Yellow Moon." Wise served as the Co-Musical director for "Harlem Hallelujah," a live Sunday morning service at the Apollo Theater in Harlem, New York.